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Everything posted by Harpo2

  1. I remember that a while back that one of the Forge World designers was regretful that they did not put any female Goliaths into base Goliath gang due to design decision they made were all the Goliath models in the starter box were to be male to contrast the all female Escher gang (I am going to note that female Goliaths do exist in the lore while male Escher do not). Later the Goliath Forgeborn included female Goliath models. I thought I'll mention that since it does show that the lore and the models are in the end a two way street, its just models are the first to cross it so to speak.
  2. I've wonder how much oversight there is at GW design studios, management seems to be at least in more recent times taking a more hands off approach to the design teams work (though I know that was not always the case). I know the design team for the models appear to be the ones who get first say on what gets made (from interviews on GW podcast) , since lore writers and rules writers both say that they work from the models first. Though I don't know how management and marketing (and the other departments I am not thinking of) fit in. Might be too off topic but there are people behind the scenes making decisions in every company, including what gets made and for what reasons.
  3. Liberators to me represented what 100 points in AoS could get you but now they no longer 100 points and it feels wrong to me.
  4. Astreia Solbright despite a being female character is still called a Lord-Arcanum, though I can see that being more about faction cohesiveness of everyone of the same rank being named the same rank. Should also be noticed however that Lord in UK has been in recent times been used to refer to female holders of certain titles like the Lord of Mann (held by the Queen) or Lord Mayor which has had female occupants who were styled as Lord (not Lady). So maybe as time moves on Lord will become are more gender neutral term. The female equivalent for the title of Knight is a Dame, but time has made Knight become more gender neutral term at least in pop culture for instance.
  5. Do we count Slyvaneth as Aelf? If not there are 3 Stormcasts hero units, Knight Incantor from the starter set, Astreia Solbright, Neave Blacktalon, Knight-Zephyros there is also an event exclusive models that I can't remember was a fancy Liberator Prime or a Knight Questor who was female. 5 Sylvaneth heroes, Drycha Hamadreth, Branchwych, Branchwraith, Arch-Revenant and Alarielle the Everqueen however you can make it 6 by adding in Ylthari from Ylthari's Guardians from Underworlds (also as side note there are only 3 male heroes in the Slyvaneth line all coming from the Treelord kit). Not going to count Seraphon because I think all there models could be gender neutral. Then the only other armies who are not aelves in AoS are the 2 dwarfs Fyreslayers and Kharadron, (though Kharadron could also be a gender neutral army). Which leaves Cities of Sigmar which have 0 non aelven female heroes, but that is more of how Fantasy characterized the Dwarfs (very traditional in everything they do) and Empire (based on historical all male armies but with a fantasy flair) than a AoS thing. Fyreslayers could be easily expanded to include female hero units since the faction already has Runefathers and Runesons. Runemothers and Runedaughters would not be much of stretch and could keep to the family feel of Fyreslayers. Cities of Sigmar are poster child of imagine the possibles of new AoS style sculpts.
  6. From the Warhammer Community page on Broken Realms: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/08/22/warhammer-preview-online-shadow-iron-broken-realms/
  7. I wonder since GW have mentioned the Lore of Ice magic, if there has been a reference in AoS to a Realm of Ice? It would be an interesting idea to introduce a new realm to AoS.
  8. If this is set during the War of the Three Emperor then that would be around the point of the Kislev founding as a kingdom. In fact judging by the map Kislev might not even exist yet since none of its cities and towns are on the map (though that might just be work in progress).
  9. The Ice Guard remind me of the a lot of Sisters of Avelorn.
  10. I wonder if Old World is going to follow the recent trend of certain models being produced in plastic, like in Necromunda, Adeptus Titanicus and Blood Bowl despite them being mainly handled by Forge World. For the Empire line at least, a good chunk of the kits are still being sold thanks to Cities of Sigmar. Maybe if the first book is War of the Three Emperors, to start an army from scratch you buy a Freeguild kit and a Forge World upgrade sprue to make them more inline with what Emperor your army is supporting. Sprinkle in some Forge World resin models for heroes and Fantasy units that did not survive the culling. Of course it becomes more difficult when Forge World starts covering armies that are no longer with us, but maybe the core units will get plastic release like Orc Boys and Boar Boys while Wyverns and Gorband Ironclaw stay resin for instance. Just a thought I had when looking at what Forge World had being doing lately.
  11. Could make a new season of Warcry, like how Underwords has gone from Shyish to Ghur with Beastgrave. I think it is too soon for that though, but I don't think Warcry sets in stone that chaos has to hold the Allpoints.
  12. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/01/29/why-you-need-to-read-wrath-of-the-everchosengw-homepage-post-1/ We now know what Archaon been up to, looking for Slaanesh (maybe he wants to complete Droghar). I wonder if him getting close is what brought the Lumineth out hiding.
  13. Bonereapers and Orgors might be a double book drop since there was the theory of the 2 coming in a box set, due to the Orgor video for the new tyrant mentioning the Pack of Bones being broken (so Orgors have a lore link to Bonereapers). Its possible since Skaven and Flesh-eaters Courts got released in a box set for their battletome launch. We know the Bonereapers are launching in October and the Sisters of Battle box for 40k is for November, dunno if that means Sisters are getting a full release in November though if they do then they will be the last army release of the year (unless Orgors get unlucky).
  14. Probably the polearm he has in this picture, not sure if its been named yet. https://warhammerart.com/shop/age-of-sigmar/sigmar-the-god-king/
  15. I wonder what Gordrakk is planning to test it on then if he is not going straight for Azyr.
  16. From the end of the lore write up on Orruks that is on the community site. Gordrakk's planing something big and needs a God tier battering ram. Maybe he is planing an invasion of Azyr?
  17. I am going to point out that Warhammer Underworlds has moved from the Realm of Death to the Realm of Beasts. Maybe GW has future plans in sight and is going to start hinting at Destruction making moves to set up Gorkamork doing something.
  18. Yesterday it was Anvilguard, now its Tempest's Eye. Looks to be good for alpha strike lists. Shadow Warriors would work well in a Tempest's Eye army due to their new ambush rule.
  19. Battleline looks to more about your General than City though I think City might lock what Battalion you can use, in order to incentivise what units work well (and are fluffy) in a city.
  20. I think the keyword is like that so that the Sorceress and Dreadlord are both be covered under it. Drakeblood Curse table might be like the Stormcast mount traits where mounted characters can get an additional trait for their mounts.
  21. Grots and Orgors were popular combination in early AoS, maybe GW wants make it into a more formal army.
  22. Oh I was thinking Chaos Dwarfs, the Mongolian theme of wolf riders and the fact that Ogers had Gnoblars got me confused.
  23. Goblins riding wolves... Wait a minute weren't they part of the Ogres Kingdoms army in Fantasy? Ogres are getting a new book soon so maybe...
  24. Interesting that they are releasing the how to play video before the pre-order is up for Beastgrave. Maybe (hopefully) Orruks Warclan and Cities of Sigmar are taking so much of next weeks articles on the Community site that they are fitting some Beastgrave in right now.
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