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Everything posted by adreal

  1. Ignore my painting for a moment, see how the glade guard model doesn't fit with any of the new plastics
  2. It's taken abit of a backseat so I can finish my Lord discordant, but my next aos project for my spiderfangs. After this, it's a waiting game for cities of sigmar and see what comes with the kurnothi from underworlds
  3. Glade guard are very patchwork with little to no metal and everything being all layers on layers. The newer eternal guard have armour and clothes that are one piece, same with the wild riders/sisters of the thorn. Those kits fit better with sisters of the watch/shadow warriors then with glade guard
  4. Wow, that's a lot of salt in the last couple of posts. We knew we would loose stuff when the cull happened, it sucks sure, but we didn't loose everything. Glade guard and the metal heros don't match well with the nomad prince, the wild riders/sisters of the thorn, eternal guard/wildwood rangers and sisters of the watch. They just dont, now we will be in cities so we can still be played until whatever happens with the kurnothi happens
  5. Either these are their own thing, or they are going to roll with wanderers, and we have a full awesome battletome with lots of cool options Either way I'm all in for the kurnothi
  6. I think those type of aelf armies will be made from cities of sigmar, where the newer aelf armies will be all the stuff coming out
  7. Really like the beast elves, hopefully they expand them into a full faction release
  8. My current plan is to hold off until I get the book, then I might make a aelven city with wanderers as my core and have beasts to support them. Right now I'm thinking a core of sisters of the watch and a couple of waywatchers then some sky cutters and a warden to lead them tied around a nomad prince with some eternal guard (and maybe some gryph hounds)
  9. That would be really cool, and easy to swap for more dwarven/elven gods as needed
  10. Something easy for terrain for cities of sigmar would be a fantasy aegis defence line Cites units manning th ed wall are immune to battleshock
  11. ^this That's pretty much what I am going to be doing
  12. The older glade guard have clothes made out of leaves, which worked with the other wood elf models released at the same time. The newer plastics however don't, and the sisters fit in better with the newer aethesetic
  13. Imho they suit better then glade guard, just comparing to the newer plastics (eternal guard, wild wood rangers, wild riders, sisters of the thorn, nomad prince) they mix pretty well
  14. I plan to run (when I get games in) Scuttleboss -masterful spider rider -totem Shaman on arok -headdress of many eyes -scuttling terrors Shaman on foot -Nibblas itty ring -gift of the spider God Shaman on foot -webstrung cloak -venomous spiderlings 10 spider riders 10 spider riders 10 spider riders Arok with warparty Arok with warparty Skitterswarm Spider cluster Stalktribe Scuttletide Aracnarcauldron
  15. You can still get the resin Scuttleboss for gloomspite gitz, so maybe
  16. Archaon is, he got a new model and a book release with that. What can slaves to darkness add to chaos that the God specific chaos doesn't already offer?
  17. Could it be that slaves to darkness are not the primary bad guys? Think about it. Aos was first released and khorne was the major focus, Archaon got some love with the realm gate wars. Tzeentch got some love with warhammer quest, then it was the season of war stuff with nurgle. Beasts, Skaven and now slaanesh have gotten their times in the sun, with games workshop actively removing chaos undivided in 40k, why have a undivided focus chaos army in aos as a primary narrative force? All four gods have battletomes, archeaon can plug into any army, expand out the dark oath stuff in a couple of months and let the midget chaos warrior models fade away being replaced by, blood reavers, blood warriors, mighty skull crushers, kiaroc accolites, tzaangors, hellstriders, blightkings and pusgoyal blightlords
  18. I'm really happy we will be in the cities of sigmar book, opens up alot of options for our shooty boys (hmm hurricanium, yes please) Lots of conversion potential, really keen for the book
  19. Well, I guess I'll be getting that book then
  20. Being the lazy guy I am, what is warcry like, is it like necromunda, or is it like kill team?
  21. Scuttleboss with masterful spider rider and totem Shaman on Arachnarok with headdress and scuttling terrors Shaman with nibbles itty ring and gift of the spider God 10 spiders 10 spiders 10 spiders 5 spiders Arachnarok with warparty Arachnarok with warparty Skitterswarm Spider cluster Stalltribe Scuttletide
  22. Pretty much what I'm going to run going forward, though I'm not taking the arachnacauldron and only 1 shaman on foot, but 3 units of 10 spiders
  23. While I wouldn't complain about point changes, being that this is a new battletome, be tempered with expectations, some units (overall) may see some increases but I highly doubt there will be decreases
  24. Well, my 2k list gets 30 glade guard instead of 20, so that's nice
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