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Everything posted by SwampHeart

  1. Hysh for me - I like the idea of a realm who's natural laws are that of geometry and logic. Even more so I like the idea of how Chaos would interact with that realm and how it would disrupt it.
  2. Effectively this every time - I always build the maximum allowable command per unit. So if I can have 3 banners and 3 musicians in a 30 man unit I do. It is actually a major aggravation for me in AoS - I hate the way it looks but you're hamstringing yourself by not doing so. Having redundant command means you don't have to worry about losing an important banner bonus because you positioned the banner poorly. And when I summon I always have my summons organized in the same way - I have 30 Daemonettes to summon so regardless of if I summon 10, 20, or 30 they'll always have max command options.
  3. So with the changes to Territory in GHB2019 I'm not sure Desolating is the way to go anymore. I've been playing/practicing with my HoS for upcoming events, has anyone tried out the new scenarios with Desolating at this point?
  4. For each 6 you rolled with the Sword of Judgement against a monster or hero (just used here as an example) the following would happen: -You would deal D6 MWs -You would roll 1 dice to wound In effect both 6s proc - you get the SoJ proc and the Euphoric Killers proc. They're both separate - so if you say had 4 3+ attacks with the results of 2, 4, 4, 6 you'd do D6 MWs and roll to wound 3 times. This is per the core rules FAQ.
  5. Its how it works, many behemoths are capable of decimating whole units on their own. If players overlook the rule they are cheating, intentionally or not, its cheating.
  6. Unsurprisingly I like the list but you've way over invested in Endless Spells. Kairos is a good caster for sure but he's still on a two a turn caster. You're better off picking up a 5th drop or bulking out an Ungor unit and cutting out Pallisade, Maelstrom, and maybe Spell Portal. Kairos' best use of a cast is actually using Slothful Stupor off your Keeper.
  7. Doesn't solve issues like Morathi or GKoTG.
  8. Its literally just the first attack the general makes - its not very good.
  9. So you thought it was great fun to play with an actually unkillable model? Morathi can deploy in the first deployment and transform - there is no other first deployment that stands a chance against her. And she is capable of clearing deployments on her own. I'm going to be very honest here, I highly doubt you actually played Morathi - if you had there is 0 chance you'd think ME was balanced. The only way you may have played her is if your opponent was brain dead enough to not send her in the first wave (which is entirely legal and one of the best possible strategies to use in ME). I also played HoS in ME this weekend and overwhelmed my opponent with summoning - at 1,000 points, especially with staggered deployment I was able to generate DP so quickly and summon in new heroes to generate more DP that the game was basically over once I'd summoned twice. ME is incredibly unbalanced if your goal is to game it - it an be a lot of fun but its by no means a good vessel for competitive play.
  10. I assume you didn't play anyone using Gristlegore or Morathi?
  11. You've got it correct - add in a 4" pile in as well for the Bestigor banner. Hand Weapons for sure - I wish mine were armed with Hand Weapons instead of spears but I bought them all 2nd hand.
  12. When I play BoC usually 1 or 2 drops, when I play HoS usually 4-6.
  13. Played a few games this weekend - while fun Meeting Engagement is absolutely busted if people want to abuse it. Won't be using it for anything other than week day game nights for new players.
  14. Yeah the Shaman is definitely a hunkered down summoning unit. Additionally I rarely find myself summoning in a TON of stuff - I usually bring an Enrapturess, 30 Daemonettes, and 1 Bladebringer on Exalted Chariot. Given that two of those 3 are also heroes I don't normally have an issue with summoning what I need when I need it. I've stepped back from the threshold of 'this is a summoning army, summon everything' and started viewing it the same way I view BoC summoning which is 'I summon in key pieces when needed to win games but I don't over invest in the capacity'.
  15. Wildfire Taurus is realistically a must for competitive BoC and with 80 points that's what you take. You need to have some kind of tool to threaten in the activation wars.
  16. My current list (that I've been having a pretty good run of success with) is: Pretenders - Ulgu -Keeper of Secrets - General, Sinistrous Hand, Strongest Alone, Strength of Godhood, Slothful Stupor, Sliverslash (Claws) -The Contorted Epitome - Hysterical Frenzy, Sword of Judgement -Great Bray Shaman -Kairos -30x Bestigors -10x Ungors -10x Ungors -10x Ungors -10x Seekers Depraved Drove -Chronomantic Cogs I've taken some inspiration from @CB42's lists for sure. I was using a pretty similar shell but I like what the Seekers bring to the table and the SoJ Epitome is a really solid option. I've taken 2 of the most recent FLGS tournaments with the list and I'm hoping to take it to some bigger events towards the end of this year as well.
  17. We'll see what it looks like in July when it comes out. My prediction is you won't be posting much afterwards because it'll be fixed in a way that makes faction specific terrain function as intended.
  18. Why? If they're going to fix it for free I don't see the issue. Obviously the book was being written before Skaven so there is a discrepancy in the rules, they're not leaving it to fester for months - they're fixing it.
  19. I think allies have legs in a HoS army. I routinely run Kairos in my lists to make Slothful Stupor a real threat and to add magical threat to the list, the Corruptor is a solid hitter with a good spell and can lay down WLC to set up the trap. I'd love to be able to slot in the Warpseer but unfortunately the Corruptor is the only one you can get an ally in HoS.
  20. No, the Command Trait only applies to the character, its not a transferable ability.
  21. I wouldn't count on this as anything other than an oversight that will be fixed.
  22. This is BoC in a nutshell. As an army we effectively lack any real punch (outside Enlightened Builds) - you have to win the game by controlling the board and dieing to win objectives. Its I think the hardest learning point for BoC players because it seems like a 'punch people in the face army' and people want it play that way. They see combat units with volume attacks and think 'this army will win by outfighting my opponent'.
  23. Played a few test games this weekend with the Marauder based mercenary company - I took Sayl and 40 Marauders in a few builds and used Sayl's teleport to setup the unit in opportune locations which then allowed them (per RAW) to move their D6". That paired with cogs and their own innate +1 to charge rolls made for a pretty effective unit. I'm not sure I'd re-write my whole HoS strategy for it but I think its got some legs as an option for breaking open screens.
  24. I'm quite fond of seekers and then the BoC options. Bestigors are an amazing hammer in a HoS army and Ungors make for great battle line slots - either as dirt cheap minimums or in a large unit to give you a double duty screen/chaff clearing unit.
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