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Everything posted by Gecktron

  1. Yeah, I think this artifact refers to the standard CA plus feeding frenzy.
  2. There are a few cities already. I feared for a certain city in Spear of Shadows, plus the seeds of hope.
  3. Thankfully our command abilities dont stack anyways, so you dont have to worry about that at least.
  4. Start Collecting boxes are either 70€ or 80€ (atleast for AoS). I dont think they will Go above this for now.
  5. A new slann would be the perfect fit for a carrion empire style box for the Seraphon.
  6. Great work as always, the automatons are fittingly gangly. Will the cog striders get extra "arms" connected to the big gears at the side or will they stay armless?
  7. So, short re-cap of a 1250 points game I just had. My list looked like this: My opponent played FEC as well. He didn't took a grand court, instead he took the Crusader Delusion and buffed his casting via warlord trait/artefacts. He took the first turn, summoned a chronomantic cog, summoned 2x20 ghouls via his 2 Archregents, 3x Flayers via his AGK on Terrorgheist. He used ferocious hunger on the terrorgheist and the one spell that allows flying units to run and charge. He managed to charge across the whole table and smash my Crypt Flayers and Ghouls in one fighting phase thanks to feeding frenzy. He completely crippled my army turn 1 thanks to his high movement and charge boni. His magical power was very oppressive. He got all his spells, all while preventing me from getting my buffs off, two Archregents are especially powerful in that situation. I managed to damage his force thanks to feeding frenzy but his ghoul mobs prevented me from playing the objective.
  8. Hi and welcome to Age of Sigmar. There are two sides to your question, first the background, or does Bretonnia fit into the Realms? To make it short, yes. Bretonnia fits into the realms. The mortal realms are huge and diverse. Some regions are high-fantasy with flying islands and rivers made of liquid metal, while others are more grounded and not much different from the world that was. Its definitely in the realm of possibility that some Bretonnians survived the End Times and brought their culture and traditions into this new world. In fact, there are a few examples of bretonnian culture in the realms. For example, there are a few knightly orders from the Jade Kingdoms in Ghyran that serve Alarielle (who is the closest thing to the original Lady of the Lake in this world), they kept the old bretonnian traditions of honor and chivalry. Main difference is their equipment. They don't use steel weapons or armor, instead all their equipment is made of a special kind of wood that has similar characteristics as steel (for more, read the Novel "Spear of Shadows" or the short story "Tainted Axe" both featuring Ser Roggen). Another example is the Order of the Fly. A Nurgle corrupted version of the Bretonnian Knights. They still follow a (twisted) code of honor and serve a lady carrying a special grail (the Lady of Cankerwall). You can read about them in "Nagash Undying King" and again "Tainted Axe". And lastly, Flesh-Eater courts. These twisted ghouls and vampires are the closest thing reflecting the serfs/nobility contrast in the mortal realms. The Ghoul Kings are completely delusion, seeing themselves as wise kings ruling over proud kingdoms. Knights in shining armor fighting side by side with brave peasants. To be fair, this is all in their mind but this faction comes close to the darker aspects of the bretonnian society. Also, you can find fleur-de-lis all over their models. Now the second part, how they play on the table. The Warhammer Legends rules allows you to keep playing with all your old models. But these rules haven't really been touched since the launch of the first Generals Handbook. The games has evolved massively since then and more and more things have been added to newer factions. Bretonnians lack allegiance abilities, warlord traits, artefacts, endless spells and army specific terrain. Now, this doesnt mean that you will always lose against newer armies, its just that you will have less things to play around with.
  9. I really like your designs! Have you seen some of these in real life or have they all been digital-only so far?
  10. I played a small test game against the new skaven and I found the Crypt Flayer to be fragile but quite useful. 14" movement in a Blisterskin army is good and their screams gives us at least some form of shooting (of course, this only really works against low-bravery armies). The ability to generate MWs shouldn't be overlooked. Add ferocious hunger or feeding frenzy and you have a heavy hitter.
  11. Thanks @Ben2 for the insight! This sounds like a lot! I guess the new AoS battletomes you mentioned will be in a similar in scale to the new Flesh-Eater Courts and Skaventide (read Endless Spells, Terrain piece and one new unit max.)?
  12. From the new Skaventide Battletome. Looks like our Duardin are the main Antagonist/Victims in this book. Well, better than being ignored 😅
  13. I think our Ironclad/frigats are a pretty good analogy to Space Marine Land Raider and Rhinos. The Ironclad is better armored, has stronger weapons and a higher load capacity compared to a frigate, just like the Land Raider to the Rhino.
  14. Im thinking about adding a Corpse Cart to my army for that sweet sweet +1 for casting roll.
  15. Yeah, the Battletome says explicit Royal Zombie Dragons and Royal Terrorgheists for Gristlegore.
  16. Since there is no rule of one for command abilities you can use multiple in one turn but only once per Archregent.
  17. Yes. On another note, Im torn between paying points for a Ghoul Courtier or just taking the chalice. Only 4 wounds means even a average roll on a D6 can take him out.
  18. You can either make them Battleline by having the corresponding Courtier or by taking the one great court (Hollow Mourn).
  19. I like this bit especially! A clockwork version of the 40K power armor works great for the Ironweld and helps separating them from the other High-Tech factions.
  20. Im taking the Flesh-Eaters for a spin next saturday. A small 1000 points game against another FEC player. Im currently thinking about: My plan is to start summon two units of KNIGHTS from the Abhorrents (the Archregent for free thanks to the Throne) turn one and move forward, turn two I summon the chalice where the main fight is going to be and try to throw the pony spell into my enemies line. Im not sure about which Grand Court to take. Or if I should take any at all and rather go for the artefacts and warlord traits.
  21. Champion of Chaos? A freudian slip I suppose? 😄
  22. The Warhammer App has the most reccent Warscrolls. There is a date at the bottom of each scroll, if yours doesnt show february try updating the app manually.
  23. Just watched the GMG review. The different courts look good, each one gives a ability, a command trait, a command ability and a artefact. There is one that works good with big units of ghouls and has the Hammers of Sigmar command ability only better (bringing back a slain units of ghouls on the 4+). Blisterskin looks really strong +2 movement, redeploying of flying units, royal dragons/Terrorgheist as Battleline. Good stuff.
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