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The Merchant Prince

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Everything posted by The Merchant Prince

  1. No? It seems to still do 2 damage according to the warscroll
  2. Yeah I'd imagine that to be a typo. I doubt there'd be a substantial experience difference between them. Between say crossbows and bows, sure, but not handguns and crossbows.
  3. It'd be a human / hammerhal box since aelves and duardin got SC! boxes in some form
  4. I could see a Battleforce but not a vs box - the vs boxes have always come out prior to the book release.
  5. There may simply be a points cap for the amount of SC that can be taken. One of the FB posts stated clearly that the majority of the army (presumably pts-wise since it was min freeguild battleline and mostly SC) couldn't be SC.
  6. With the Cities of Sigmar only days away from pre-order, I figured I'd make blog of my army and the free city from which they hail. The lore is as follows: Aurumburg is a coastal city located in the realm of metal, Chamon. It was build to capitalise on a large realmgate that extends out of the sea and leads to Azyr, dubbed the 'Seaspire' by the city's Azyrite founders. Naturally, the Seaspire has made Aurumburg a centre of trade and commerce. Each member of the ruling council of Merchant Lords takes their wealth through a variety of tariffs on different categories of goods shipped back and forth by the large numbers of trade ships, as well as through the riches brought back from surrounding lands by their own expeditionary forces. In addition to the Seaspire (and unknown to most of its inhabitants) is the fact that the tunnels under the city also lead to a realmgate to Shyish. After this discovery by the city's founder, the local cult of Morrda was charged with the task of guarding this hidden gate and has prevented several necromantic incursions since. Another controversy that surrounds the city includes a great forced exile of aelves from the city after the sole Aelven member of the Merchant Council was discovered by chance to be a Tzeentch worshipper. To this day, many of Aurumburg's inhabitants (and especially its duardin) hold a deep distrust of aelves. As the saying goes in the city, "Better to trust an ogor than an aelf, at least hunger is predictable". This army represents an expeditionary force into the surrounding lands along the coast to secure any valuable sources of wealth (think colonialism but substantially more justifiable what with the natives being orruks / ogors / moonclan / chaos worshippers etc.). The two biggest themes I'm trying to incorporate into the army visually is the nautical nature of its city and its location, being situated in the realm of metal. Aurumburg's military forces wear black and purple in quartered or halves schemes, accented by teal. Given its prevalence in Chamon, gold trim is commonly incorporated into uniforms as well. Aurumburg's symbol is the chamon magic symbol with a trident in place of the arrow. Model pics will come soon.
  7. To be fair it'd be very easy (and reasonably thematic) to put MSU of flagellants in a list to be killed off to buff up the killier units. They have no save after all.
  8. Well you can categorise it like that if you want but regardless it's a precedent for the idea that there will be unit limits for different cities.
  9. I think that's a bit of a stretch - we know that certain cities will get access to units from previous battletome arnies such as sylvaneth and kharadron in a limited way so I doubt they'd have gone with such a blanket approach.
  10. I didn't see that mentioned in the article - though it did mention that at least the units in the new SC! boxes were useable in all 7 allegiances.
  11. Freeguild crossbowmen/handgunners are battleline by default, so the guard are a bit superfluous. I would replace em with a 10 man unit of handgunners for the long rifle.
  12. I see low fantasy as less about the amount of magic and other fantastical elements but rather the ease with which they can be related to by reference to real world natural laws and so forth - do the dragons fly by their wings alone and are they comparable to a wild beast or are they intelligent and perhaps fly with the aid of magic? This also applies to magic itself - is magic bound by laws in terms of source and function or wild and crazy and appear randomly? Ultimately, those are machines and so can be understood without too much struggle. They're powered by a mcguffin sure (warpstone), but it's not a mcguffin we can't related to - it's similar in nature to a radioisotope, being an energy-emitting power source and mutagen.
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