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Everything posted by Melcavuk

  1. Ending the night with a little bit of painting on my Chaos Sorcerer for my new Slaves to Darkness, hopefully the colour scheme moves the mount away from Stormcast more into Shyishian Chaos
  2. Like so many people I've been wowed by the new Slaves to darkness models, so i'm working on a test model as a Sorceror on Manticore conversion. Early stage WIP:
  3. A bit of colour for context, and how she shows up a model I painted less than a month ago
  4. Introducing the first of the newly named Vendati Order, clockwork Witchunters forms of those scarred physically or mentally by the abuse of the arcane.
  5. What happens when an ancient trickster Goddess, possessed of uncanny intelligence and a knack for survival is locked into a Penumberal Engine? She turns it to her own ends, the Midnight Queen ascends borne aloft in a Reclaimed Enlightenment engine channelled inwards
  6. Inspired by some of the amazing Halfling conversions doing the rounds, not my idea but atleast these are my execution of it. 5 Halfling Shadow Warriors so far
  7. Most of the bigger guys are base coated by airbrush with zenitial highlighting and then revisited by brush. Of late I have been building my Iron Patriarch with a reverse engineered lightning cannon and "purified" warpstone as a luminark, which in itself can lure the flitterlights from the depth to the energies leaching off its warpstone reactor Also the first of my halfling shadow warriors
  8. You have speed but you're looking at an immensely low model and wound count even for this points value. Shooting or magic lists will dismantle you long before you reach the enemy lines and you may find endless spells play havoc with your army due to a lack of dispell or the ability to shoot out the wizard. That said if you do reach the enemy you'll begin to really take them apart.
  9. With some minor cleaning up on the edge of bases to do, and grass tufts due Monday this marks the 3 Midnight City Gyrocopters and this halfling pilots ready to hit the table
  10. Two more gyrocopters bought, halfling pilots and as they're Ironweld additional bombs strapped beneath the wings just incase something needs levelling on the way back!
  11. No thats mostly just me being me, my models were designed without looking at those sort of rules, I've got extra crew so the area around my artillery really does look like a mini workforce of labourers.
  12. The Crew are all on the same base because thats mine. I also have seperately based crew. My militia unit has transitioned into the spare crew members for my artillery units.
  13. Thanks guys, and yes the City of Midnight is mine! So much potential in the Cities of Sigmar.
  14. When I first built my Handgunners they were for a custom scroll that didnt take banners. Now rather than lopping off arms I went for a more Industrial approach to Banners with Signal Lanterns mounted on the rear. Feedback welcome! #Ageofsigmar #Citiesofsigmar
  15. The warscrolls I had done are currently there, its largely only a starting point but its what I'd gotten done. https://artisansofsigmar.home.blog/2019/09/30/the-aeloran-nomads/
  16. I have warscroll saves to my laptop which I’ll put in my blog when it’s back. Feel free to expand upon them as I’m currently caught up on making my Ironweld tome
  17. More work done and a base added to my Freeguild General, one of the Daughters of Midnight. Also a look of how her colour scheme compares to some of the Infantry (repurposing my militia as cannon crews) Feedback always welcome!
  18. Started work on painting my converted Freeguild General, the First Daughter of Midnight #Ageofsigmar #Citiesofsigmar
  19. I have one on horse you can borrow either for you to grab tonight or I can drop over to Warhammer world tomorrow
  20. Prepping for Cities of Sigmar, the City of Midnight Steamdrake to run as a Stardrake
  21. Never doubt what you can make, I'm upto 2 full custom tome rules and a third started in AoS, it tends to snowball once you get inspired. Rules feedback can be challenging to get, people are more inclined to comment upon the models or official rules and tend to steer clear. Still if you do work on any rules tag me into it and I'll give it a look over for what its worth. For bodies the Idoneth are the best bet for what you described for a starting point, definitively more muscular that your standard aelf and decent poses too.
  22. It would ultimately come down to what you mean by race. Are these Aelven? I mean slaanesh probably ate a whole load of stuff toward then end and whilst alot were aelves likely countless other species got swept up. Are you looking to convert to fit an existing army? Create a unique battletome army? Fit within a grand alliance army instead? If you spell out your "look" for them we can suggest base models, conversion concepts etc but when you decide the scope of the project it'll define where you go from there.
  23. The full 10 of my Argent Order Justicars (Sisters of the Watch) now painted, based and moving trayed ready for Cities of Sigmar. And a snapshot of the current Witchhunting elements of the city for context #Ageofsigmar #PaintingWarhammer
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