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Everything posted by azdimy

  1. How do you roll your saves if you take enough wounds that your save could have different values as a result of an attack? Do you roll all your saves at once and are considered to be at the save you have at the beginning of the attack. So if the monster take 10 wounds. Roll 10 dice and save at you top braket save value if your monster had no wound on it? Or do you roll dice separately as in the same attack sequence the armor save changes? Roll 1 dice at a time or roll x dice where x is the potential of ubsaved wounds that could change your save and then roll the next batch and so forth to save with the new save value
  2. Gloomspite gitz, slaves to darkness, all 4 of the chaos gods got all new units
  3. Beautiful model but don t really see a place for him in HoS lists for now
  4. Looks great, I d recommend you put him on the proper kos base size (100mm round) before painting, I need to rebase my forgeworld keeper to play him as a regular keeper because the forgeworld warscroll is not worth it and rebasing those big painted center piece suck
  5. I think the daemonettes are in the list solely for the extra D3 command points in that host. No reason to pay for them otherwise
  6. I am hopeful other armies won t reach prices of SoB or lrl. GW has always had some armies that were a much higher $$ investment that others and I see these last two as such. It s a shame that they released these two consecutively in a global pandemic where many people struggle financially. This may unfortunately have been a factor in gw pricing decision. Considering less people will buy their new releases this year, they are trying to recoup their cost and meet their numbers with less buyers. It may have been the wrong decision I have no idea but I feel for our sob and lrl players
  7. Cameo of the Dark prince is a godseeker artefact where your list would probably fare better imo. Sliverslash is very strong but that keeper will be the first to die unless your opponent doesn t know what it does and that s only what you re getting from your host selection. With 40pts left, I would trade shalaxi for a 3rd regular keeper of secret since you have the points. I ve had good success with the daemon prince but I would trade one for a contorded epitome who provides a reliable magic source and fares well with all the ranged mortal wounds attacks in the game I d also suggest swapping the warrior paired weapons for hand weapon and shield to make them a bit more survivable
  8. Now all we need is the ability to mark one of those upcoming gargant!
  9. The auxilliary chamber adds one shooting attack to all your non hero units. The other battallions are required to take this. This is a force multiplier on your Vanguard Raptors w Longstrike as it doubles their shooting capability. Combined with the anvil of Heldenhammer subfaction that lets you shoot or fight in the hero phase you re now multipling the raptors output by 4 From 1 shot ea in the shooting phase bormally to 2 shots in hero phase and 2 shots in the shooting phase. The list is also very mobile with teleport abilities for most of your units from the lord aquilor command ability to move out of the way and/or steal an objective. It has no melee nor magic threat nor defenses but excel in the movement and the shooting phases
  10. They can pile in and attack a second time if they had already attacked before they are slained but it does not do much. The unit really needs help to be more on par with the newer warscrolls. Chaos warriors are superior and cheaper. The double goraxes option is the worst right now for comparison: It gives reroll 1s to hit for blood warrior on 3/4 but the double hand weapons on warriors gives them reroll all hits with 3/3 The only time I see Blood warriors in lists currently is as a tax to take certain battallions
  11. All the mortal slaanesh have the slaves to darkness keyword with the exception of the hellstriders and can get buffed that way. I am unsure on what that new slaanesh mortal hero could bring as a buff piece for mortals that we don t already have access to from the s2d battletome
  12. Lurid haze let s you redeploy D3 units and place them in Ambush so it cannot be dispelled unlike the slave to darkness teleport spell which you do not have access in a Hedonites allegiance btw
  13. Pretty much. It s still good against melee armies despite all the nerfs we got but it will be an uphill battle against shooting heavy armies. Lurid Haze from the Wrath of the everchosen extension to alpha Marauders into key enemy units seem to be the most effective Slaanesh list in the current meta
  14. I m just glad we do not have a 25% min battleline requirement like the last iteration of wfb had
  15. Even at 120, I m not sure I ll pay for an Enrapturess in my list, they are so fragile with 5 wounds and 5+ save. I like to chain summon one to summon another unit of 10 deamonettes 24+ inches from my initial hero however
  16. Do people email the gwapps mailbox? Are they responding to your email? I think in the past they did respond pretty fast but It s now been two weeks with no response on how to fix the app on my android that keeps crashing since the last update was pushed
  17. Brass stampede is probably the most competitive pure cav army. What are you looking for in terms of mechanics that you feel brass stampede lacks?
  18. You just would no longer go 20 sequitors instead of the 10 evocators now that we lost our horde discount
  19. I ll echo the battleround roll in warcry dictating at the same time priority but also generating command points for the battleround. It is simple yet clever and means it is not just about winning a priority roll as you may prefer an extra command point instead
  20. I am convinced gw had dice for the Khorne and Slaanesh releases but they didn t pass the final QA
  21. So my android app updated over the we and I am now unable to open the app because of it. I was fine without the update since I only use to access warscroll and build lists with warscrollbuilder that generates text format that I can save in any text editor. I feel this update was rushed
  22. I'd like to see a rewrite of how the activations in the combat phase sequence work specifically in regards to things that fight at the beginning of the combat phase and at the end. I d like to see those subphase activations alternate between units from both sides that can activate in the subphase just like they do in the combat phase and abilities that happen at the beginning of the combat phase should be able to happen before any unit can pile in and attack. Of course this doesn t need a new edition for gw to fix it. just rewrite the faqs that made it so .But in reality gw won t touch it until they release a new edition of aos
  23. I think you are correct, Forbidden Power was released prior to ghb2019 and the ghb took precedence for the mercenary rules at the time. They now stated that the mercenary rules from ghb 2019 are no longer valid as the ghb 2019 is an older publication. Does it mean the mercenary rules from forbidden power are now legal? Who the hell knows! They sure made a mess with those non detailed designer commentaries
  24. The locus rule specifically states that in that case the effects cancel each other
  25. I wouldn t expect this list to generate much summoning. Might as well leave it in allegiance Slaanesh to go if you aim for 3-2 tbh
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