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Everything posted by azdimy

  1. I am glad I didn t buy the new warscroll cards. At $25 in USD and being incomplete within months of release is very disappointing
  2. I d say, Khorne number is 8, not 7 so get to 8000pts and you ll be rewarded 😀 Seriously, I shelved my Khorne army after I read our latest tome 2 years ago. It came around the same time as FEC and Skaven that were way better than what we got at a time where we were already struggling. Today, my friends who kept on playing Khorne have some success with 80%+ of the army being Slaves to Darkness marked Khorne
  3. I ll echo the feeling and wished they had slowed down the release schedule sooner. The back to back releases have just been too much with broken realms books, 2 lrl battletomes just 6 months apart, plenty of issues with gw unable to deliver new releases to the stores for release day where I live and stores unable to restock their shelves with gw products, cursed city expunged from gw website after 1 week without explanation, some release unavailable in certain regions for like a month. This has been more than a difficult time. It has been a disaster. I hope they take advantage of this pause to get their ducks in a row soon
  4. Too soon? Dok was close to 3 years old. Seraphon is just a year old
  5. I guess the Belakor warscroll will tell us the direction theiy are going with these. I suspect both Belakor and Kroak warscrolls were very strong in order to sell as much as possible their old sculpts soon to be retired and the new warscrolls won t be as good in relation to their point cost
  6. You are not alone. The global pandemic situation may have a big positive impact in gw sales but for me and a few friends, the powecreep and the rules bloat have effected our gw purchases in a negative way for games workshop and I don t see the game expanding its player pool with the current trend of battletomes that are being released
  7. Since you are interested in Soulblight, I d recommend FEC. Also if you can get that broken realm box for them, get it now as it won t last In the start collecting, you d have bits for a vampire on zombie dragon with the terrorgheist if you want to do that soulblight army later. Also considering an oversea move. That army is not as bad as say lrl to transport. You may put some thought into it while assembling. Magnetize where you can, use ca glue over plastic glue for parts you may have to unglue for your move. I moved many fantasy battle armies from europe to the united states and it was a pain yet models were not nearly as fragile as they are today!
  8. Warhammer community can t keep up with the lrl. Too fast for them https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/04/09/the-lumineth-realm-lords-harness-the-wind-to-become-the-fastest-army-in-the-game/
  9. As someone who used to play elves in fantasy battle . I have to wholeheartedly disagree to this statement
  10. Maybe it s Forgeworld way of making an april s fool joke 😜
  11. Well, that s a shame! I guess it was eventually gonna happen. When our first book came out they made this model warscroll a worse version of the regular keeper, and now it s gone?
  12. Will we ever see a point update for the forgeworld keeper? Now that the regular keeper CA can no longer be used on itself , the alternate could be worth bringing or summoning with updated points and summoning points
  13. Slim to none until this winter at least. All we have now is the Slaanesh deamon start collecting
  14. I think the new lumineth points reveal this week end is going to be rough for us in comparison to the points we got
  15. Not sure how you read it that way. All it says is when you receive depravity points you get 1 more if sylleske is alive and within 6in of at least 1 other deamon unit and 1 mortal unit. So the max you get is 1 dp in your turns for losing artifacts, command traits and other factions abilities which generate more dps. This is the death of the sylleskhan host with this rewritten allegiance ability
  16. From their interpretation of count as slain. Now that our local TOs have ruled it that way, this is not going to change unless an faq explicitly states otherwise
  17. I would keep asking the gw rules team for a clarification. My local group plays it that they split when fleeing and English is the only language they know
  18. They've released a few articles in white dwarf on this subject. They use their own point calculator. It takes into account the characteristic values in the warscroll, the abilities in it but also the allegiance abilities available to this warscroll within its battletome. And then sometime ajust the points based on customer feedback after its released
  19. I would not put to much thought into this, many tournament organizers have not allowed our new tome until the faq drops
  20. You can only attempt to locus a unit once so the locus does not get more reliable with two heroes, just like in our previous book
  21. So in Syar the stupid cow can get to a 1+ save right? Pretty sure Vince made that charge knowing very well what would happen
  22. I don t think the army would be game breaking if they went back to the original points the daemons had in the previous tome and all the mortal except glutos and slickblade could drop 15-20%. Slaangor are a lost cause to fix with point changes but the faq could make the claws attack double if the model has two of them Speaking of the faq, keep in mind it took 10 weeks for gw to release the faq for broken realm Morathi
  23. The state of the game feels quite unbalance for over a year now in my opinion. While Slaanesh was corrected within 6 months of its original release in 2019, Seraphon and Tzeentch are still untouched from a year of dominating the tournament scene. Providing no point update as part of the winter faq was a poor decision from gw even if we re about to jump into a 3rd edition. It gives the impression gw does not care about the current of the game at all. Then the latest dual release of Dok and the new Hedonites battletome shows huge disparities in power level between the 2 tomes which just shows again gw non intention or inability to make the game more balance. Now as others, I am more concerned about NPE than game balance and NPE is quite high at the moment which sort of has put me on hold with gaming in AOS and looked at other games until those issues are addressed. Lumineth abilities as mentionned in previous posts while not necessarily game winning abilities create quite a bit of NPE to the level of the original Slaanesh release in a meta that had no shooting to deal with it
  24. Yet the new Slaanesh battletome did not include any of the Slaanesh content that was in the Wrath of the everchosen expansion
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