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Everything posted by Popisdead

  1. What I have seen over time is things used to become available in other manners. Granted today's GW is a little less forgiving. However sometimes models become birthday or some sort of celebration releases. That's a handy FB group. I want the re-release of Lost and the Damned but no means to travel to the UK nor Warhammerworld. I would love for someone to be able to ship one along.
  2. I still have quite a few and no plan to upgrade to new ones. I plan to just use them as a 1 set of woods. It's just a game and it would surprise me to see people have real issues, and if so just avoid those players. there is always some bent-out-of-shape player who needs to oppress someone's fun. One of the main reasons I quit tournaments.
  3. Who is Cleona? She's Cursed City only? I'm thinking about converting her form a battle sister. neat find thanks.
  4. Gyrocopters are much better due to chaffing and the smaller board size especially in an MSU meta. How are WRs worse? they are an overlooked unit that has great punch.
  5. talking about touching fire,... sigh... huzzah! I'm wondering more if that was an issue because the Warsong Rev does and it allows her to be a more useful caster. The lore isn't that good even. I would suspect this more the case. So much for clearest set of rules naah they are pretty good.
  6. I'm very excited. I think Wanderers got a bit of a leg up here. Rangers will have some reliability over a tournament likely early on at least seeing lots of Behemoths. Also you can easily get up to 30 Rangers and Eternal Guard as well as ambushing SotW dropping within the battalion if you wanted a one-drop. I still think Warlord is a better battalion than Battle Regiment. Plus those unit's reach with 25 mm are good. 3x7 they get a boost for coherency. I'm also keen to see some abilities triggered of Unit champions. Plus stacked up bonuses on a dragon isn't bad. Alarielle's new warscroll has some legs still.
  7. Also unless I'm mistaken the bravery stacking for +10 guys is gone. Not that you would see any unit larger than 30. Bravery shenanigans could have some more legs now.
  8. So far I'm excited about the Battalion changes for Wanderers. With a Nomad Prince as general (not an impressive choice) we can unlock having Rangers, EG up to 30 as Reinforced. Also taking a few smaller SotW to ambush and the Rangers and EG to deploy should give us some deployment shenanigans with Battle Regiment. Man did this thread just die? No LC players out there?
  9. I would say it was terrible reach rules on Bullgors. There is no logic Bullgors and possibly Bestigors only have 1" reach. The Unit Coherency have been in 40k for a year and complaining about the change is needless and ignorant to knowing it was coming. I don't think it's unreasonable for people to not complain about them. Unless they wanted to go back to 30 Dryads in a conga line and auto-winning turn 1. The Battle Regiment allows for 1 drop, at smaller game sizes. Keep in mind I think moving to 40k and counter deploying to your opponent will be more useful as will stacking a couple freebies from other Battalions. Warlord looks good. 2 freebies is kinda handy. If you sign up for the newsletter they are free. As of yesterday. I'm surprised you feel this is the case... have you played with them a lot since yesterday morning and tested a wide variety of changes? The best thing about new edition changes is the fresh start for a while trying out new things. As a book with more playable races "Brayherd, Warherd, DrOgurs" we have a lot to explore and try before making sweeping comments of doom with no actual proof behind them.
  10. Can you still use Anvilguard? Wasn't it all dragons?
  11. What I feel the Cities is, is a method to keep some older armies alive in AoS and give a blend in mechanic for newer models (hey you have wanderers? buy the new Warsong Rev, then more Sylvaneth!) and also give a sense of grounding. People really struggled with the realms and AoS 2 did a lot to help concrete, as did some novels like City of Secrets. Gotta remember this game is 6 year old. Fantasy Edition 1 was maybe lived for about that time or less? But not a lot changed other than making it less D&D ish. Even at my old age I am happy GW has given this exciting ride for us to go along with. So I expect more Cities to come and the next three years to have a lot more interest.
  12. if only online gentlemen's bets for a soda pop or beer were possible Oh i'm with you both,... I just worry it may happen. I mean,.. it's one unit lost in one army that's mostly neglected. And GW has done an amazing job building up new armies. Because to be honest I"m very confused why it's Destruction,... doesn't fit the bill at all,..
  13. I came to this thread hoping to see some rumours,... boy howdy,..
  14. Shrugs, not all armies have priests, I see no reason to get this upset about things at this moment. Since those are battle tome units the only nerf would be points that aren't helpful in building a list. Keep in mind if Predatory Endless Spells are every hero phase and potentially do double damage a points hike isn't unreasonable or unexpected. They'll win the chaff vs chaff war, might see a return of them. It is an exciting time, lots of change and experimentation to find what works. People should look forward with anticipation to a solid 6 months of new discoveries not be negative about sweeping comments of doom they make up.
  15. You may want to hold off for a month. I've always seen projects leading up to an edition change become significant sources of frustration months later. Just a thought.
  16. haha funny. I'm worried Centigors will end up in Destruction as some re-imagined different army. Or that Kragnos is a salvaged CAD of the 8th ed version of Centigors that never materialized.
  17. I was listening to the people on the Honest Wargamer talk about ranks vs reach. I quite like Reach but I am aware it brings about problems. Base-size which shouldn't be an issue by now, though we are seeing the odd person still trickle back from 8th debating rebasing their army. Another being inconsistency. A bullgor axe is physically 2" long, noticeably longer than the length of a Wildwood Ranger axe and half the range. <shakes head>. I worry they will change to ranks again as a fight against FW doing Old World (absolutely no good comes from that announcement). I remembered Combat Resolution yesterday and just shook my head to what a bad mechanic it was. "congratulations your 20 goblins always beat your elite elf because of dice spiking,... oh also they cost 1/5 what the elf is." 4 attacks that hits on 3s... GJ GW,.. gj... sigh...
  18. So imagine 10 Centigors. The bases aren't more than 1" at least in the narrow points. So 5 are width wide (75mm?) and the others are perpendicular (or well forward facing to the enemy) and because of reach they also get to attack and be in unit coherency. I agree. I'm seeing lots of snotty reactions to the Coherency rules online and I'm hoping to come across some people doing it and swallow that middle guy whole What about an unholy cow? 😉 It would be good to see the return of Razorgor and BoC chariots of larger capacity and better designed units for sure. I saw a commision army and the Doombull had a pet Razorgor. Just fluff-wise but it was neat. Having a rabit beast dog/wolf-like accompaniment would be neat. If only we could get a Bullgor in a Chariot piloted by a Razorgor.
  19. Sure hurts them yeah. We all remember the Krusty the Clown "STOP HE'S ALREADY DEAD" line. But the one thing I would say is when taking Bestigors anything past 10 was ablative wounds usually Cause rarely did I get all in B2B mostly things were in the way and I found 10 on their own charging effective. We are chaff slowly dying not holding the line as a huge horde. Also we should play with the new rules for 6 months before we say "this is dead". But.. yeah,. oof,.. sure doesn't help eh? GW sure can't get this army right... I would say unless they fix the lack of reach on them yeah. You can charge in a doombull, ghorogn, 2x 3 Bullgors and have the same effect as 6 bullgors only better cause you can get more in. Until AoS 2 BoC I tended to run MSU Bullgors anyway. You can alternate horizontal and vertical cavalry. I do this with my Wild Riders.
  20. Saw some guy posting an effective t-shape repeating pattern with cavalry regarding new Unit Coherancy rules. As a wanderer player this was a tactic I used on them to benefit the reach alternating side to side of horizontal and vertical for Wild Riders. I think also Rangers and EG get a boost (honestly no clue what other units have outside Wanderers) with 2" reach. Having a tight smallish (20-man) unit gets full attacks. With the Warsong Revenant, Alarielle scroll change, predatory spells being more viable, I'm fairly excited for LC in AoS 3.
  21. I only bought 3 Slaangors. The models are too nice not to paint. If you want a hobby project they are worth the value especially if you like painting up a variation of bestial fur and purple claws with some chances for nice shiny metals.
  22. Wild Riders. Nothing but Wild Riders.
  23. 4 Ghorgons, 6 Doombulls. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO DISAGREE.
  24. avoiding the stupidity on social media that is repeating from when Unit Coherency changed in 40k. Painting a Warsong Revenant. spending time with my family (GASP) doing my job. exercising playing a musican instrument. Trying to be positive and not get annoyed with stupid sweeping comments of doom .... and waiting with anticipation and hoping I get my second covid shot real soon (I think still 5 weeks out) cause man I want to play so bad.
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