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Everything posted by GuitaRasmus

  1. Ship Ahoy! I'm taking babysteps (pun intended) with the progress, thanks to "The Squig". However, I've been intrigued by the idea of using Gutrot Spume as a way to deepstrike a unit of Blight Kings, and reading Plague Garden by Josh Reynolds, I've become intrigued by the character Spume as well. However, I've already used the (admittedly, quite cool) model for my Blight Kings as a unit leader, so I went on an inspiration search on the internet, to find out what people had done for conversions of him. Sadly, there wasn't too much, but I found this guy: (Sadly, I don't know who's done it, so I can't give him credit - If you recognise it, please let me know) While there are definitely things I'd do differently, the basic idea of using the Gellerpox mutant tentacles and Typhus legs I really liked - so I set about making my own version: I spent a lot of time scraping and cutting away any 40k-ish parts on the legs, and used gut-maw belly from the Pusgoyle Blightlord kit (mostly because I love the old-school gut-maws), made a huge axe from a combination of a 40k Death Shroud scythe and a minotaur axe, gave him a chain loin cloth, and used the "crab-hand" from the Khorne AoS starter set lord, to continue the nautical mutation theme - and finished it off with a back banner from the 40k Lord of Contagion kit. Obviously still needs a lot of sculpting, but I really like the basic idea - plus, he is HUGE: I've also gotten a bit further on my Glottkin conversion; I've made a gladiator style shoulder pad (still needs distressing, though) for two reasons - both for having a place to put the dark green I used for the army, to tie him together with the rest of them, and besides; shoulder pads are awesome. I've also started the wizard on his shoulder - I'm a bit on the fence about him. While I have the Ethrac Glott model, I kinda wanted something thinner, more wasted and weedier - we'll see. Lastly, I got inspired to start a Daemon Prince conversion - this is extremely rough, sketch stage-ish, and he needs some fly wings, but I think this could work. As always, comments are much appreciated.
  2. Hi guys - reading Plague Garden and being in the middle of a Gutrot Spume conversion, I’ve gotten this urge to convert a floating Plague Landship from the Gloomtide Shipwreck - what rules should I use to represent it? Is the war mammoth too far fetched? (Massive footprint, crew, impact attacks) Any other ideas?
  3. Thanks a lot! Steal Away. The icon bit is from the 40k Death Guard, either the Plague Marines or the Death Shroud kit, can't quite remember. The first photos got lost in the dropbox-gate - They have been reposted on page two, from another server.
  4. As always, I apologise for the long time since my last update, but this time I actually have a valid excuse! My wife gave birth to a little baby boy two weeks ago (affectionately known as "The Squig"), and believe me, when they say that babies eat up all your free time, it's true! It's wonderful and magical and the craziest thing ever and really tough getting next to no sleep - but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Anyway - I've managed to get some work done (most of it before "The Age of Squig"), so I wanted to share them - they still need to get details, varnish, and blood and rust effects, so WIP. First up, my Great Unclean One - I really like the way the shoulder pad turned out, it's nice to get some of the green of the Blight Kings onto this guy: Lord of Afflictions: Also, said Blight Kings: My Maggoth Lord conversion (probably gonna count as a Verminlord Corruptor, once the wizard rider gets done) And the project I'm mostly excited about; I bought a Glottkin a loooooong time ago, and made a new head for it, since I wasn't really a fan of the original one. However, I wasn't really happy with the model overall either - It's always struck me as a great concept, with a somewhat lacklustre execution. I took a deep breath, dunked him in rubbing alcohol, and stripped the old paintjob. I ripped my original converted head off him, and made a new one from the "arm-face" of Rotigus, combined with the horns from one of the GUO heads, and the lower jaw of Ghurk - now THATS more like it! Much more tormented and evil looking. The other change was his right arm - I love the lamprey maw, but the arm just seemed weirdly short and out of place on such a big model. I cut it of and reposed it, and added the censer from the Skaven Plague Furnace, as a giant wrecking ball - YEAH! Now we're getting somewhere! Lastly I added some claws from some sort of Tyranid monster to the tentacle, since I thought it was a bit weedy looking - more spikes are always more gooder! Obviously he still needs quite a bit of sculpting, blending and detailing, and a rider added (I'm contemplating a guy with a cannon, actually), and I'm thinking about magnetising him to his base, so I can have two bases and use him as either The Glottkin or a Soul Grinder. Still, I'm really excited about him, and I really like where it's going: As always, comments and critique is much appreciated.
  5. Is it just me, or is it really quiet here? WIP Wednesday. Apparently, it's a thing. At least it is now. Since I have a WIP and it's wednesday. This guy (the Maggoth Beast, that is) is OLD. I'm not sure if I made it back when the Maggoths first came out, during the end times in 2014, or if he's a little younger, perhaps when I started messing with AoS at first, shortly after it's release. Anyway, I kinda like the Maggoths at first, but they suffer from a bit of the same malady as the Mutalith - it has a tendency to look a little flat from certain angles. I wanted to make it wilder and more chaosy, and since it came with two extra arms, and extra heads, I thought "why not?" and decided to make this crazy beast. And then, it sat in my cabinet of stranded projects for some years. Until now. The rider, I made yesterday. I wanted him to be less fighter-y and more sorcerer-y, and I think he conveys a quiet malediction, that somehow gives a cool contrast to the wild beast. I'm not sure what he's going to be played as; perhaps a Verminlord corruptor? (Tongue = tail attacks, lots of melee attacks = four arms, wizard = the rider on top), or maybe even a Mutalith vortex beast - I don't know yet, but suggestions are welcomed. I just think it's a cool model and it needs to get on the tabletop. (PS: The real Maggoth lord warscrolls are pretty boring to me, so I'd rather not use those).
  6. A bit of progress on the Nurgle guys - after having played practically every game with a Harbinger of Decay as a general, I wanted to try something different, so I've put together a Lord of Afflictions, which I think came out pretty cool: I think the standard one is very bland, while this one is quite a bit more menacing. Also, a bit of colour on the tree - much more to come, but hey, it's something. Also, I'm working on Gnarlmaw #2, which is more of less scratchbuilt.
  7. Thanks a lot. I've tried to do an explanation on how I do shoulderpads for larger miniatures. 1) I basically start by cutting out and bending a thin piece of plasticard, glueing it in with the help of a couple of blobs of greenstuff. The greenstuff is enough to hold it for now. 2) I then mix up my favourite 2:1 mix of milliput and green stuff (seriously - try it - your sculpting will improve SO much. ) and slobbered it all over the plasticard. I got the basic shape done by using my fingers and clay shapers, but don't worry about it - it will get better in the next step. 3) Once this is completely dry, I remove the shoulder pad from the miniature (easily done by carefully prying the green stuff off) and start shaping and refining it by filing, scraping and sanding with sand paper. I left this one a little rough on purpose, but it's pretty easy to get it completely smooth, with 400 grit sand paper. 4) Once it is smooth, and I am happy with the shape, I start destroying it, as described on this picture: Lastly I glue it back on; by doing it as a separate piece, it looks like an actual piece of armour, and not a cartoon. Still needs the leather strap thats holding it done.
  8. Well, this has been a while; I've been busy with my Squig army for the Gloomspite Gitz, and I needed a break from the little blue guys. I took a small detour and made some reinforcements for my Nurgle army. I've only used a Harbinger of Decay as a general, and for some reason I haven't considered the Great Unclean One as a general. After looking at his warscroll, he seems really cool and brings a whole new thing to the army (one of the things I really like about AoS is the way a general can change an armys synergy), so I decided to try him out. Last january, the new plastic GUO arrived. A buddy had given me a recast version of the FW GUO some time ago, and while I really like the quiet menacing look he has, I like the new dynamic pose of the plastic GUO even more, so I got one, and started to go to town. I gave him the classic iconic sword and flail (mostly because it looks cool), but while building him, I was wondering where to put the dark green I use for the armour of my Nurgle army, so I got the idea to make him a gladiator style shoulder pad. It'l obviously get scratched, dinged and rotted up later, but the basic idea is there. Also, for some reason I felt compelled to have a tree with bells growing out of his left shoulder - I'll try to come up with some fluff to explain it. Please note the adorable nurgling posing on the branch. The other addition to my army is a Gnarlmaw. While it has some pretty cool rules, the real bonus, I think, is the way it gives extra contagion points. So I needed one. However, I wasn't really a fan of the model as is. The branches seemed to weedy to my, and I felt GW missed a chance to make a REALLY creepy tree. I started experimenting with some spare wyldwood trees, and once it got glued together and greenstuffed, I like it much better than the standard. I'm still deciding whether or not it needs the bells. A few shots of some the army, since Dropbox removed the links:
  9. Batch painting 30 Boingrots and Squig Hoppers... 😆
  10. Slowly but surely, I'm getting these little squiggies painted. While it may not look like much, I can assure you, highlighting and blending 30 Squigs is. 😆 I've gotten the blue done on all 30, and as you can see, starting to paint the mouths on the first 10. I'm taking this 10 at a time, doing the gums and teeth, since I was starting to go bonkers painting 30 at a time. The blue may need some touch ups here and there, but for the most part the front row of squigs are done (the riders obviously need to be painted next). Thankfully the mouth and teeth are pretty easy and quick to paint, so I'm hopefully getting to the riders soon. Still, even a picture such as this is unforgiving - I'm starting to notice all the little blotches, errors, bad blends, etc - I need to remind myself that these guys are meant for the gaming table.
  11. Thanks a lot! I'm glad that I can inspire you, although I don't think the mountain king thing is original by any means - I've seen at least 3-4 other people mention the same thing, but I haven't seen it done yet. And thanks for the kind words about the army - I'm really looking forward to seeing it on the battlefield, but it's quite a bit of work to highlight/blend every single squig - I've just gotten 4 more done tonight, so I'm up to 20 done squigs (only the blue colour, mind you - then it's on to teeth, goblin skin, robes and metals 😐 ), but I still think it's gonna be worth it. I'm trying to mentally compare it to a space marine army - 30 "grunts" are absolutely doable, even to a pretty high standard. And once the squigs are done, there's only the mangler boss, the giant, the mountain king and 6 trolls to go, then I'm up to 2000 points fully painted. 😎
  12. ”Squarf” has to be the best sound a gryph hound ever could be imagined to make. 😄
  13. Update on the painting progress; Well, I just wasn’t satisfied with the look I was getting - they looked a bit too rough, and well, drybrushed, so I decided to man up, take my time and layer/highlight them all. It takes somewhat longer, but the result is much better, and hey, it’s only 30 models. I can do this. I’ve done about 12 now, but a nasty cold has kept me more or less in bed for the last two days. Hopefully progress soon. A pic of how they look, with layering;
  14. Thanks a lot - yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing this whole army on the table as well - I think it'll look quite striking! Thanks! Thanks! Yep, I'd considered giving him some rope or chains to hang onto as well, but last night I actually got the idea to attach a small wizards tower to the rocky back of the troll, either carved from stone or built upon a ramshackle wood scaffolding. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update: This is MADNESS! No. This. Is... ...Batch painting 30 Boingrot Bounders and Squig Hoppers! There's no two ways around it. Painting battle line, especially lots of them, is boring to me. But I'm determined to actually get this army painted, so I've decided to batch paint every single squig in one round. This way I won't get tempted to "save one unit for later", since none of them will be finished if I don't paint them. Seeing as I've managed to get them ready for the two final highlights in two nights (about 6.5 hours = 13 minutes pr Squig so far), I'm keeping a pretty good pace. My plan is to get in at least an hour or two every night, and I'll hopefully have them done at the end of the month.
  15. Thanks a lot, guys! 😊 It's a few steps, but very simple in practice: Basecoat VA Falcon Turquoise Wash Coelia Greenshade Drybrush Falcon Turquoise Drybrush Temple Guard Blue Drybrush Baharroth Blue Wash 50/50 medium/Coelia Greenshade Highlight/glaze with VA Blue Green Edge Higlight Baharroth Blue ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys - although it's been a busy weekend, I managed to get a few hours of hobby time this sunday evening, where I got to work on my (Privateer Press Hordes) Trollbloods Mountain King, that had been sitting in dishwash and water for some hours. I really like the idea of a giant troll being a hero in this army - but I just don't like the aesthetics of the Dankhold Troggoths, and the Forge World Troggoth Hag looks bad - in a bad way. I really don't like that miniature at all. However, the size and the concept (rules and abilities) were cool, so I decided to make something out of the Mountain King, which I've liked since I first saw it. Privateer Press are weird in that sometimes they make amazing miniatures, other times they look like... Well, poo. Anyway, this is a great miniature. The size, the pose, and the details. Great cast too. There are a ton of gaps to fill on the rocks on his back, but this is pretty easily done. The idea is that Murr-Loon, da mighty Shroomwizard, advisor of Arr-Durr, has somehow magically tamed this gargantuan troll, and rides the troll into combat (hence the magic abilities). The Troll throws rocks in every direction (6 vomit attacks, at 10") and hits very very hard (bulk and fist attacks). I won't be doing too much to this miniature, as I really like it as is. I need to figure out exactly how to make the shaman stand of the shoulder of the troll (I imagine him holding a chain, bolted to some of the rocks?), remove the last of the troll whelps emerging from the trolls skin, and figure out how to make some ears. First the photoshopped concept sketch: Here he is (excuse the lump of blu tac holding his head into place while the green stuff is drying): And here you can see a close up of the face; Trollbloods don't have noses, which make them look very distinctive; this I needed to remedy, so I used a spare nose from the Rockgut kit, and modelled it onto the face - still needs greenstuffing, which I've tried to emulate with Photoshop here - I'm still pondering what I'm gonna do about ears though - any ideas? (Rockguts and River Trolls are a bit too small for this) - but his new nose makes him look much more like he belongs in the Warhammer universe: As always, comments and critique is much appreciated.
  16. Hi guys - I wanted to show off an idea for my Squig Army. I've always liked the idea and concept of Giants and I wanted to include at least one in my Gloomspite army - but I had to do something with it, both being a compulsive converter, and wanting it to fit into the Mushroom theme better. It didn't take long before I began to get this idea of mushrooms infecting a living creature (a bit akin to that horrible fungus thing ants can contract), and an idea of the model began to form. I took the most mindless head from the gargant kit, reposed the legs to make them look more zombie-stagger-like, and attached a bunch of mushrooms to his body and back (including the top of his head, them coming out of his brain - ew!) Being completely Shroom-Zombified (totally a word), he needed a grot minder, giving him orders, and his own little lookout barrel. I'm really digging the vibe of this guy.
  17. Hi guys - a bit more on the Gloomspite Gitz project. I've always liked the idea and concept of Giants and I wanted to include at least one in my Gloomspite army - but I had to do something with it, both being a compulsive converter, and wanting it to fit into the Mushroom theme better. It didn't take long before I began to get this idea of mushrooms infecting a living creature (a bit akin to that horrible fungus thing ants can contract), and an idea of the model began to form. I took the most mindless head from the gargant kit, reposed the legs to make them look more zombie-stagger-like, and attached a bunch of mushrooms to his body and back (including the top of his head, them coming out of his brain - ew!) Being completely Shroom-Zombified (totally a word), he needed a grot minder, giving him orders, and his own little lookout barrel. I'm really digging the vibe of this guy. Also, 3 more trolls, with some minor conversions and swaps.
  18. Hi guys - seeing the amazing new gloomspite gitz, I couldn’t help but start a new Squig themed army. The army will be as follows; LEADERS LoonKing Arr-Durr: Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (300) - General - Command Trait : Fight Another Day Da Wizard MurrLoon on da Walking Castle: Troggoth Hag (380) UNITS Da Squierz: 5 x Squig Hoppers (90) Da Uvver Squierz: 5 x Squig Hoppers (90) Sir Gawaaagh and da Knightmares: 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) Sir Perciwaaagh and da MidKnights: 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) Da Horsies: 6 x Squig Herd (70) 3 x Rockgut Troggoths (160) 3 x Rockgut Troggoths (160) BEHEMOTHS Aleguzzler Gargant (160) BATTALIONS Squig Rider Stampede (140) ENDLESS SPELLS Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50) total: 2000 pts I’ve bought, cleaned, assembled and based everything, except for the second unit of trolls and the troll hag (which will be converted from at WM/H trollbloods mountain king (on it’s way - it's gonna be cool, a shaman riding a giant stone troll to war - Merlin riding Camelot), and I’ve spent the last week trying out some different paint schemes. I have an unfortunate tendency to be way too ambitious with my painting, which results in my projects ending up infinished, so I’ve lowered my standards a bit, finding solace in the idea of “finished is a quality in itself”. 😊 Another dogma; almost every army or warband I've ever done has been muted, natural hues, not quite Blanchitzuish, but in that vein. While I think it's a great look, and I like the gritty realism: ... they just don't "pop" out on the table, and I wanted to try to do that for this army - therefore I wanted to try out a really vibrant colour scheme that would go POP on the table. Here is the finished tester. The blue is quite quick (about 20 minutes pr squig, being mostly drybrush and washes), the teeth taking a bit longer and the green on the grot being a bit t8me consuming as well, but I’m aiming for about 40-50 minutes pr Battleline model as a goal. I’m hoping to use this thread as a blog of my progress, so hopefully some more pics soon. 😊
  19. Hi guys - I could use some advice on my list. Disclaimer: I am not a competetive gamer, I don't usually do tournaments, and cool models/fluff take precedence over good rules; however, I do like my army to have a bite. My idea is the following; Squig hoppers and herd as objective grabbers, Boingrot Bounders and Loonboss on Mangler Squig as 1st. wave charge, Troggoth Hag, Gargant and Rockguts as 2nd wave charge, hopefully with some staying power. The thing I'm wondering about is whether it would be better to have a Fungoid Shaman following some Trolls around (them being able to soak up the Cauldrons mortal wounds and him leading them) + another Mangler Squig, or maybe an arachnarok? I can't decide if the Hag is punchy enough. I'm thinking about using a Trollbloods mountain king with a Shaman riding him as the Hag, since I really don't like the Hag model. Any thoughts? LEADERS Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (300) - General - Command Trait : Fight Another Day Troggoth Hag (380) UNITS 5 x Squig Hoppers (90) 5 x Squig Hoppers (90) 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) 6 x Squig Herd (70) 3 x Rockgut Troggoths (160) 3 x Rockgut Troggoths (160) BEHEMOTHS Aleguzzler Gargant (160) BATTALIONS Squig Rider Stampede (140) ENDLESS SPELLS Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (50) TOTAL: 2000/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 1 WOUNDS: 136
  20. A quick tip for those of you that, like me, don't like finecast or the current Loonboss on Giant Squig; The Mangler Squig kit comes with several alternate faces for the squigs, and I've used the one I didn't use for the mangler squig for this little guy; The rider is an extra from the Mangler kit as well, except his mooncutta and head, which are from the Squig Hopper kit. The body of the squig is just a lump of milliput and the legs are from a River Troll. Obviously still needs a lot of sculpting, but the basis is definitely there, and Squigs are pretty easy to fill in the details on, when the face and legs are sorted.
  21. I think it's the latest version, and it should be all that you need. Pardon the shameless plug, but I encourage you to check out https://aos28warband.blogspot.dk It's a skirmish expansion for AoS that I've been working on, which is based on Hinterlands, but evolved quitea bit.
  22. I've downloaded mine from here: http://thursdaynightaos.blogspot.dk/2017/04/hinterlands-for-age-of-sigmar.html
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