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Everything posted by sal4m4nd3r

  1. We were talking about these results in my competitive is group. I noted your 14th place finish. Well done!! Mind sharing your list? And also what faction are you abbreviating “LoB?”
  2. I don’t think it’s worth an artefact slot to increase damage 1.5 wounds per combat. Take the SoJ and murder the face of any hero you can. Blast the foot troops with his plague spell. Regarding your list..I think it looks like a lot of fun with plenty of tools to deal with a variety of targets. I don’t think pusgoyles are worth their points. They don’t have numbers to hold objectives. And they won’t do enough damage to weaken a unit holding an objective. But I love the models! And they are fun to play with. Regarding the lord of afflictions, ineonicaly I think he is better with the drones. He activates the locus and heals them. Give him a rust fang and the drones suddenly (with flirts command) are at +2 attacks with a target unit at -1 to save! Perhaps take out the lords for more drones! also ditch the demon prince and pickup more blightkings or a warahrine, or a harbinger of decay. Even festus for blades of putrefaction on the drones. And another - save. Really any 160 hero. The demon prince just does nothing. Inwouldnt use the VLC as a beat stick. Horse hunt with his spell. Hero hunt with the soj.
  3. You can only use the command traits and Artefacts from the allegiance you are. So you can use a VLC in a nurgle army, but you must use Artefacts from the nurgle book (or malign sorcerer) and command traits from the nurgle book (and if he is the general). He can also be given a spell from the lore of nurgle (from the demons list) because he is a NURGLE DEMON WIZARD. protip: If you are giving him an artefact the answer is always sword of judgement.
  4. Think I’m going to try this out. Allegiance: Gloomspite GitzMortal Realm: Ghur Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (280)- Lore of the Spiderfangs: Sneaky Distraction Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (280)- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Gift of da Spider God Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider (100)- General- Trait: Monstrous Mount - Artefact: Totem of the Spider God 10 x Spider Riders (200)10 x Spider Riders (200)10 x Spider Riders (200)10 x Spider Riders (200) Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (230) Spider Rider Skittermob (120) Malevolent Moon (40)Mork's Mighty Mushroom (90)Scuttletide (30)Prismatic Palisade (30)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 128
  5. VERY frustrated we didnt get unmodified 6s. Looks like this is the situation we are stuck with until a new battletome which isnt even on the horizon for atleast a couple years probably.
  6. Its just mind boggling why they dont make Blightkings blighted weapons unmodified 6s. Its unfair my entire army can be shut down with a FETHING GAK 60 point endless spell. ::RAGE::
  7. I think bloab with blades of putrefaction would be good. Especially on the marauders that get a +1 to hit on a 3+ when they pile in..making it proc on 5+!
  8. I love the sacred numbers as much as anyone...but I also want to do as well as I can at events. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. @GreenFly Did you sculpt that yourself?? Thats an awesome sculpt! Could easily be used in Gw stores and events as it looks to be from GW kits ..what I mean by that is the quality. If you do make molds, let us know here. Or gather a "PM list"
  10. Congrats on starting a business @hughwyeth When I make the inevitable trip across the pond, I will be sure to stop by! I've heard your cafe mentioned on Honest Wargamer, but didnt know it was yours!
  11. Pusgoyles are very fast and resilient. The problem as you stated is that they dont have model counts to take objectives, and they also cant kill things in order to reduce the numbers to take objectives. Two blightlords wont kill anything, really. So just three models will still secure the objective. Four blightlords is nice, but its also 400 points. Still have the offensive power of 4 blightkings plus a couple attacks.. that all hit on 4s. A unit of 4 with a harbinger of decay is nigh unkillable though.. so there is that. They also work well with the emerald lifeswarm..even if that is also over costed a bit.
  12. With the FAQ/errata around the corner, are there any rumors/wishlists for points adjustments? I personally think every variant of the Arachnaroks needs to come down 20-40 points, but they seem to be taking a very light hand to the points adjustments.... much to the shagrin of my Nurgle army.
  13. Well it was a bit forced, as I counted The Glottkin as 3 models and the harbinger of decay as 2 (mount and rider) and also had to count the free tree I place at the beginning of the battle. HAHA. But it was cool when I realized it.
  14. Morghasts as summonable would be completely broken. Spell portal at 70 is still good. Nagash at 850 is still good. Not sure I see the problem. Just play higher point games? 2000 is pretty standard.
  15. My last Nurgle tournament list had 7 drops and exactly 77 models. Currently re-working the list for NOVA and LVO though.
  16. Wow I just realized that if you go with waystone pathfinders, you lose an entire hero phase! So you could potentially go until the bottom of turn 2 without being able to cast any spells, or use any command abilities! Do most wanderers players go with the battalion?
  17. They look great! Also, it looks like these are eternal guard weapons, on WWR bodies. Any reason for that
  18. @GladeRiderNot sure I understand. What seems to be the problem?
  19. If you have exactly 200 points.. Ally in the contorted epitome. Its amazing... AMAZING for its points costs and seriously buff the rats. Double caster naturally RR all casting, unbinding and dispelling rolls. Its unique spell is DOPE (pick d3 enemy units, RR 1s to hit against those units) On a 4+ makes every unit within 6" strike at the end of the combat phase so if you get both units of rats in combat, they will both swing before getting beaten. 2++ save against MW. FAST. strong in combat. Also, I know the witherstave is REALLY good. Consider the Sword of Judgement on the corrupter. You are going with more of an offsive list. The VLC with the SoJ will obliterate the face of almost ANY hero it touches. Especially if you can make then strike last. Perhaps another use of 200 points could be the Great Bray Shaman and a Wildfire Taurus. I have been using this lately and the taurus is LEGIT AF.
  20. This would obviously require some professional level involvement, but top down would be fine with on screen graphics to help keep track of which units are what. So you can follow along with the movement, charges and such. Other then that, I vastly prefer the hand held "go-pro" style of battle report. I also VASTLY prefer the participants to be "mic'd up" so we can get an insight how the game is going, rather then just commentators trying to explain what is going on. Without someone saying "I'm rolling to do X" or my unit of suck jobs is going to swing against your unit of douche canoes.. dice rolls seem inconsequential. There is room for both competitive battle reports, and casual battle reports. Just as there is room for competitive vs casual EVERYTHING from bowling to baking. Some people enjoy the best of the best competing against one another. Some people like laid back roll some dice battle reports. One side is not better then the other. I think the reason you don't see many competitive battle reports, is it generally, is a smaller sub set of the already niche community we are a part of. MOST people, I THINK, are more laid back about this game. Not studying the intricacies of list building, the relative strengths of each sub faction within a battletome, or even considering specific builds vs other specific builds. I enjoy the feth out of that.. but most dont. And usually content goes where the views, clicks, and subscribers go. I'm part of a very competitive gaming scene in DC area and we are talking about starting up some battle reports in our lead up to tournaments. ANY game we play is in prep for some tournament. I don't play games anymore where I'm NOT tweaking my list or evaluating the performance of units, weapons, artefacts etc. But that's different then being a good producer, editor. It takes a lot of time, money and effort. So unless there is a way to monetize it.. most dont put in additional effort to produced content because we already are spending time and money into just playing this incredibly time consuming hobby.
  21. No because the battalion itself has the skaven pestilens keyword, not the nurgle keyword.
  22. Yes. 260 points. 12 wound 4+/5++, move 12" and has the NURGLE DEMON WIZARD keywords. So when you include him in your army, he can actually be given a spell lore for the Lore of Nurgle. He can also carry the demonic boons artefacts.. like the witherstave. And with his 10 attacks and a natural MW per 6 to hit..And in a Sword of Judgement (from ulgu - d6 mortal wounds on every unmodified 6 to hit to heros) he can obliterate heros. He is a double caster and his unique spell to decimate hordes (13" range - Pick a unit and they take a MW on a 4+ per model in the unit - Its the same as the gaunt summoner spell). He can cast the Warp Lightning vortex which is so broken. He does d3 mortal wounds to every unit he is near in the combat phase, and has a bravery debuff AOE. He CAN also be your general and take command traits, if you want, since is isnt an ally. You can take a block of plague monks with the woe staves, and Glott because his command ability is a blanket RR hit rolls aura. So 5 attacks RR all misses. So he can be fighty. He is a good caster, with GREAT spells, and access to WLV. Incredibly efficient. durable. and lots of synergy in a nurgle army.
  23. I like the list! But I wouldnt ever leave home without the witherstave.. which the VLC can carry. When you select the VLC warscroll builder should automatically also select for you the warp lightning vortex because that S is broken! If only the pestilent thong battalion wasnt 200 points!
  24. You guys have been so incredibly welcoming to a new wanderers player, so thank you for that! I scored 60 glade guard and a way watcher for $60. I also have $260 in store credit from winning a painting competition at a GT with my nurgle army. Thinking of loading up on SotW and eternal guard/WWR boxes. Could of the WR/SotT. Looking to fire the waystone pathfinders. Im so excited! A little sad to hear GG aren’t that worth it! They are such nostalgic models!
  25. Well gravesites aren't terrain so they are unaffected by the setup rules for terrain. Other then that.. I think its pretty basic restrictions. Nothing on the board edges (gnaw holes will get faq'd) nothing near an objective, or another piece of terrain. Its not that restrictive IMO. How is it fair for a gitz player to drop that big fething loonshine right on top of an objective and block me from being able to get models on top of it?
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