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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. Careful Oerl stalked through the forest. Dead and burned branches lay everywhere, one wrong step would cause the tell tale snap of a twig and warn his quarry. He wore blood red to blend in with his surroundings. A great fire had ravaged this forest, as happend every season in the Firerealm. Every season while the forest regrew the fire lizards hatched and grew as well. During their mating season their territorial battles grew so fierce the forest fires were inevitable. Yet his clan lived, and thrived, here. Their god had commanded them to guard this area as it contained a very important Realmgate. Although this Realmgate to the Shadowrealm had lain dormant for generations it was still a very prestigious task. Deep in the forest you could still find the remains of the last clan defending the portal. They, in their vanity, had stepped through the portal. Foolishly believing it to be better defendable from the other side against the accursed ‘Golden Boys’. Oerl spat on the ground at that thought. The thought of their cowardice and their hated enemy made his blood boil. *SNAP* Cursing, he realised he had given his position away. He quickly readied his shield and unsheathed his axe. The time for subtlety was over. He would charge forward like his patron god, Khorne, would demand of him in the years to come. He could now see the outline of the Realmgate. The place were his older brother, Gimi, was on guard duty. Unlike his little brother, Gimi was already on the path of becoming a chaos warrior blessed by Khorne. But if Oerl could defeat him he would finally take his place, his rightful place. For weeks Oerl had gathered his strength and courage building up to precisely this moment. This would not be a brotherly battle, this would be a battle to the death. Khorne cared not whose blood flowed as long as it flowed. With a battlecry: ‘Blood for the Bloodgod' on his lips he charged only to trip on the head of Gimi. Sprawling on the ground and feeling no sadness only fury Oerl looked around. But what he saw froze him in terror. With a sly grim on his face, looking majestic in a golden suit of armour, the most elegant man Oerl ever saw looked down on him from the steps of the Realm gate. With a cry on his lips, Femir turned an ran: “ The nameless one has returned!” This is one of the two models I always wanted but I never bought as a kid because I didn't really like the rest of the range. So it was an absolute joy to finally paint it. (first soft resin model though, not a big fan) I'm pretty happy with the paint job but I keep struggling with larger surfaces of metalics. I wanted his skin to be very pale so I might go back for another highlight of Eldar Flesh. I wanted to get the Spartan red (from the film 300) coat in and also wanted to pink to make occasional appearance. The base will reflect the fire realm in time but I want to to all bases at the same time so that has to wait. All tips on clean metalic surfaces are very welcome.
  2. Last summer I returned to the hobby after a 15 year hiatus. Before that I collected Dwarfs and Dark Elves, had an combined army of Ogres with my dad and had just started on a Skaven force when I lost interest/went to university. Since last summer I've been painting things left over and i'm still not done with the backlog. But I've decided to do the one army that has always been on my list but I never started on.... A Slaanesh army. The heroes are just fantastic and with the daemons the faction became gritty. The arrogance and bravoure but without it looking misplaced is what I liked in the models and something I would like this army to show. My inspiration to get started on this theme was an old episode of QI: Greeks. In this episode the weird story gets told of why you should run to the hills if you saw a Spartan doing his hair, makeup and applying perfume. Spartan Warriors did this before a battle to the death because they wanted to be sure to look their best in death. Further building on the similarities, and differences, between the Slaanesh Lore and Spartan history I have a backstory in mind that inspired me to start. But you will have to discover that for yourself through the blurbs with the models/units I post. (also the made to order deamonettes came at a perfect moment as I don't really like the new models ) So i'm using this plog and the realmwars campaign thread and site to keep me going. So all C&C is welcome and all questions will be answered. First up the Slaanesh Lord on Foot.
  3. I would just take the repeating crossbow rules from the dark shards . Change the movement a bit but then you should be set (and you have a reference points value). Love the 'Death by thousand cuts' title
  4. Very cool theme and execution!
  5. I'm guessing they are hiding in the realm of light
  6. Think it depends on how you use it. I'll probably start a plog soon and although I will try to add some backstory it will be mostly about conversion issues, asking for C&C etc. So I'm going for painting section. If you focus on more on the narrative side I guess this section would be more fitting.
  7. Haha quite literally the heaviest marines. Those sculpts look like they would sink on land . But I have to say i'm loving this thread and theme. Well done
  8. Don't worry about your english! And more importantly: Dang, son! That's some top notch green stuff work. the nails on the grunt with the hand axe
  9. Kramer

    Boring dinosaur

    If you really feel it lacks colors that pop (although I think it looks really cool as is) You could paint the membrane between the spikes on his back a brighter color. Those, together with the golds, would really pop with the skin/scale colour.
  10. @JondoI would probably go for the bigger shield. I think the proportions match the model better. Also if you are strong enough why use a small shield
  11. Oh no! that's the best way to be inspired (at least for me). Just one big box of bitz, although it's rather small after a ten year hiatus. But still that's where my conversion inspiration mostly comes from.
  12. might be your first to share online but hopefully wont be your last. Your conversions just ooze character!
  13. Those are creepy/ amazing/ and some of the best conversions I have seen in a long while.
  14. @elfhead yeah we are not doing much different strategy wise. One part must be down to skill by I really like your step 3. That might just be what I'm looking for! ? I'll give it a go tomorrow or tonight
  15. I find the necks troublesome for headswaps as well. Curse all those details But good to see that it is possible to get a clean and natural look. Well done!
  16. It's gotta be Wednesday in some realm. Remember they are infinite
  17. I've been struggling to get that pale skin look with a slight glow of purple. What is your skin base color, if I might be so bold to ask? (So jealous I already did 6 test models and still can't get it the way I want and then you show me you already finished a unit )
  18. This might be enough for me to buy into the Warhammer Quest. Silver tower did not do a lot for me but this really ties it to the lore as far as i'm up to date/interested in.
  19. exactly! But I don't expect the whole faction to be heavily affected. Just some elites/heroes that kind of stuff. Could very well be! But the tatters still stand out. Nowhere in the corsair faction are the cloaks tatters, neither with the fleetmasters. So maybe it's just that the printing is improved and GW could finally add those details Or it's a different style choice. Which I personally think fits very well with 'uses every action movie ever voice over voice': the realm of shadows, the realm that nobody dares enter, and none leave alive. A realm full of hidden dangers and deadly creatures. A realm you enter at you own risk' those aren't tentacles! They are some kind of spiked fauna. (at least that is what it looks like to me)
  20. Im expecting the basic look of the order serpentis models and privateers but moving it more towards the Tenebrael Shard. So really pale skin tones, dark blacks and purple, a lot of spikes, wicked blades but lightly armoured and a little bit of 'decay/former glory' as a theme (look at the shards cape for an example of that). Add to that a bit demonic power for the elite units and a big *ss malerion/dragon fusion that will put the archaon model to shame But that might be more wishing than expecting.
  21. I'm gonna start asking my clients to directly send their payments to GW. Nothing else to do.
  22. I love the small tease towards the wanderers warband My Skaven bases used to festooned with Brettonian parts during the days my little brother still played. Also great conversion idea, especially as the right hand is already posed with his palm down.
  23. Now I want the old and the new baller. What is GW doing to my wallet this year.
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