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Everything posted by Thiagoma

  1. So, if Skavens are getting a BT, now only a handfull of armies will be without one. I supose Dispossesed, Ogors, Aelfs, Free Peoples and Greenkins?
  2. I completly agree and have beeing saying this for a long time. I Started playing on AoS and bought my way into 5400 pts of High Elves, the great majority bought from GW itself. I bought DoK but isnt exactly my thing, i dislike Idoneth models. I will probably buy the next release, but what i really want is a way to place my 5400 on the table in a way that makes sense. I dream about a BT like BoC , LoN and such. Would be even better if they went all the way like they did goblins right now, but i would be happy just getting rid of the micro factions.
  3. I belive GW will publish a ton of BTs to update old factions an regroup then. I dont think the rearrangements on the store were a coincidence.
  4. I wonder if Skirmish will be playable for other factions without a SC box.
  5. It is indeed the kind of models i would expect for a Dispossessed revamp! As a player from an old armie (High Elves) myself, it would be great to see this classic Dwarf range back into the tables.
  6. I think the greatest issue with Dispossesed is the lack of centerpiece modelas and variety. They would need a DoK revamp, not just a Bt.
  7. We are into the 3rd year of AoS and people still wanna play some "old" armies. Myself included. (High Elves) Doesnt mean i didnt buy DoK or wont buy new "good" elfs. Oh i will, but to incorporate with my own. I think Beasts of Chaos was a good example of revamped armie. No new models with the exception of the Totem and spells and a book, and voila, beastmen fans are happy. I now see players around me buying this models line. If GW does this same level of comitment to Elves, Dispossesed, Skaven, Ogres, Goblins and so on, i dont see why it wouldnt sell models/books. Skaven have amazing models from all sizes. Aelves have a ton of centerpieces (Dragon, Phoenix, Skycutter, Hydra, Black Dragon) and units. Dispossesed would need a bit of work and free peoples could use some love. All in all i think give those older fans a book so they can actually play would be a smart move by gw, specially considering they wouldnt need a lot of models to make it happen.
  8. I am still confused about Firestorm army building rules regarding battlelines. I have a Phoenix Temple army. It uses Great alliance abilities since it doesnt have it own. Lets say i wanna build a hallowheart army and mix in Order Draconis. Can i use Phoenix Guard or Dragon Blades as Battlelines? Or the BL must be from Order battlelines?
  9. While i agree to a point, i dont think GW would alienate a lot of its fanbase. I will give you my example: I started AoS with Spire of Dawn. From there i went Bananas on High Aelves. I think i have about 80% of the line and about 6k points in elfs. Some of the models are still on par with current quality (Skycutter comes to mind). I bought those miniatures from their website. They got Warscrolls and are currently beeing sold officially. Heck i bought some this week! What do you think will happen to a customer like me if GW decides tomorrow to no longer suport those models? They will have a point to invalidate Reaver/High Warden (since they are exclusive to a product no longer sold and hard to produce, since it is mixed with skaven from the SoD box set). But products currently beeing sold? I doubt that. Imo they will eventually make a battletome for each of the current groups on their webstore. LoN book for Aelfs would sell well and increase the interest on Aelfs for when the new Aelf factions arrive.
  10. Kinda unpopular because no one should have their army squatted. My High Elves are all bought after AoS (Spire of Dawn as starter) and i now have the whole collection plus some vintage High Elves modelos no longer use. I am fine, and i welcome the new Aelven units GW will eventually bring to the table, but i still want to have a viable way to use my miniatures that i bought in the last few years and are still beeing produced/sold to this day. Even if you try to field High Elfs as Order, you are Stuck with Reavers as Battlelines. Reavers are only aquired in Spire of Dawn, that is no longer avaiable. So what i would like is for GW to release a book like legions of Nagash where you can combine at least pairs of old school sub factions, like they did on the Spire of Dawn box with the battlallion that combined Eldritch Council and Swifthawk Agents. It is a bit confusing, but right now there is no distinction on Aelves. They are all the same race. Like Fyreslayers/Karadron/Dispossesed are all Duardins. Now the new creations like the Khinerai, Melusai, Idoneths and so on are technically new beeings created from aleven souls that were trapped inside Slaneesh.
  11. If you think about it, there are 5 High elf subfactions. Lets assume Tyrion and Teclis come up with the Angelic Aelfs and Malerion comes with his. Lets say both this factions use older models as a base. There will still be a crapload of High elf to go around. To me the obvious choice to group then up in a BT. Those old school aelfs have been fending for thenselfs without aid of their gods. Lorewise, the possible treat of Slaneesh escaping and coming after Aelf souls, you would think they would organize thenselfs for the upcomming battles. I dont belive in the long run GW will keep this policy of small "suport" factions.
  12. I see the Aelves microfaction reunification in a similar way they did with Beasts of Chaos. All we need a is a book really.,High Elfs got a lot of cool plastic models already.
  13. Phoenicium is not able to ally with Eldritch Council. Their alligeance is Stormcast Eternals, Free Peoples, Dispossessed, Phoenix Temple.
  14. Try not freak out, try not freak out! OMG i am freaking out, give me a High Aelves BT GW!! Let me gather my little guys so they can be together! Detail form the photo: Swordmasters are Eldritch Council and the other unit is Phoenix Guard from Phoenix Temple, so we got 2 subfactions on it. OMG OMG OMG
  15. Well done keeping Bretonnia alive!
  16. Loremaster, Sisters of the Thorn, Archmage, Archamge on Dragon, Drakeseer are all viable options. For the archmage on Dragon make sure to get the book for 2 spells/round.
  17. My 2k List: Anoited on Flamespyre Phoenix (General) -Master of Defense -Ignax Scale Anoited on Frostheart Phoenix Anoited on Frostheart Phoenix Loremaster (ally) Phoenix Guard x20 Phoenix Guard x20 Phoenix Guard x10 Sisters of the Thorn (ally) Wanted to depart a little from the Ice bird spam. Plan is to intimidate the enemy with a crazy durable fiery ****** while the other folks hold the objectives.
  18. But doesnt that goes against the rules against stacking identical abilities and re rolling limitations? Witness to destiny and Ignax for example have the exact same text.
  19. Does the archmage bubble stack with Witness to Destiny? What about artefacts that give save after save?
  20. I am going with Sisters of the Thorn and a Loremaster as allies.
  21. As a DoK player, i am not sure if the faction failed or not, but if it did, it was by gw own hands. The battleline is just too damn expensive for a horde army. With that said the cauldron set keeps getting sold out all the time.
  22. I am not sure about Bretonnia, but i think a lot of people would buy TK. I would be one of then. Settra is probably my favorite character in the Warhammer universe.
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