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Everything posted by Thiagoma

  1. Whats up with this elven heads?! I just hate then. Same "old nun" look than Teclis
  2. My hype went cold a long time ago. 2 weeks for an article with no new previews... meh. Would have worked better if they didnt review "wave 1" models and showed 1 per article or something.
  3. You can go Cities of Sigmar. Mix Dispossessed with Kharadron (1 in 4) and add fyreslayers as ally or mercs.
  4. Angelic have nothing to do with Wings folks... The whole winged elves thing is community hype and nothing else.
  5. Oh i forgot to mention! MOM Miniatures. They are sold out but if you poke their site or email you may get a set cast for ya.
  6. Yeah, one example is that one leader is using a sword and the other a sort of wand or scroll (hard to tell) and like: is it an alternate bit or does the rules change? The damn size so we can work on bases and so on. About the board i will show some stuff i bought for elves: Recomend the smaller pieces. The shrine thingy i wrecked. Was too bent, i glued it wrong and broke in several pieces trying to fix it. I also intend to make all my bases like marble. Bulk paiting and i think fits the army.
  7. Agreed. Not really interested in the lore of every single unit (i will buy the battletome to read it). I wanna see new stuff, rules, base sizes, teases amd reviews. Last article was sort of a let down. "oh the leaders use magiks to make the unit better blah blah" and didnt tell us how it works! Tell us if they are duo kits! Tell us about bits, options and so on!
  8. Anecdotal evidence, but i used to work on a restoration lab and was the only men in 8 workers. We had to pick fibers to restore documents and they were all like "cant you see this is the perfect color? really?", and really really i couldnt. It is pretty normal to restoration teams to discuss every aspect of the work before it start and i would always go for their pick of color instead of the one i would choose myself. They were always 100% right. And they were always amazed by the fact that i couldnt deduce it by myself. Of course we had to pick into about 200 beige colors , was no easy feat 🤣
  9. I hope they incorporate Phoenix Temple, at very least as allies.
  10. They used the helmet plumes on the rumor engine days before it was revealed. I still belive the stone moon is a staff option for Lumineth "montain" wizard.
  11. Almost 100% sure they are on 25mm bases. The models on the left (both elf and skaven) give a good idea that their base got the same size.
  12. IMO: The hollow hammer and the stone moon are tips of wizard staff. The wizards will have several options to represent elements. The solid hammer will be a dual kit with Swordmasters. The "normal centerpiece" will de Tyrion on a mount with options for non named character.
  13. Well, to be fair Nagash is kinda of a Scooby Doo vilain and that is his line but replace Archeon with Skaven.
  14. I like the middle of the road from Cities of Sigmar 1 in 4 flavour faction (sylvaneth, stormcast, KO) Gives a cool mix with flavor.
  15. Why are people so stuck on this "Angels Elves" thing?? There was ONE SENTENCE years ago saying "angelic beeings" and people are still chanting about it without considering that Angelic =/ Angels. Nothing else was ever said about winged elves in Hysh with the exception of the Lumineth "wind and Sky" elements described in the latest article. If not on Lumineth i dont belive there is a "Angel Elves" in the works at all.
  16. Every time i see this Teclis artwork i dislike the model more and more 🤣
  17. I am seriously considering it. No joke. Slap this bad boy with the Sphinx and call it a day.
  18. Do you think Skaven should be in Destruction? They always feel left out of Chaos inside their GA.
  19. With the initial preview to Lumineth, the biggest controversy was Teclis model. A great artwork but an "interesting" model. Sometimes photos dont do a model Justice, but sometimes... well... the model is kinda meh. So lets just assume the worse, the model bombs. Well, but he is the big boss, he is the Light Deity, should be an impressive presence on the battlefield, so what to do? First lets consider his traits: A- Model has a giant Bird/Sphinx/Griffon/Monster B- Teclis is show with his Sword and Staff C- Base size. We dont know that yet, but giving Alarielle base size, lets assume it is 130mm or 160mm. I personally belive it will be 160mm With that in mind, what could be done? Here is some ideas i saw so far around the interwebz: -The artwork puts Teclis in a position similar to the one seen in the Idoneth Eidolons. Headswap Teclis head with the Aspect of the sea and adding the moon to the helmet would work. -Would it be possible to remove the "sea" theme of an ediolon model to use it? Could the Eidolon itself fit with the Sphinx on the base togheter? -Avatar of Ynnead conversion. Way above my skill level but i seen the idea going around. - Put Teclis on a modified Balewind Vortex. I converted a vortex to my Elven army and looks kinda cool but not sure how to pull it of or if it would fit the base with the bird. Also, will the monster wing be merged with the cape? Please, share your ideas!
  20. I think that the whole twist is that if Death gets a foothold on 8 Points and Archeon moves to engage, the other gates will be not so heavily protected and allow for other invasions, splitting Chaos forces and leading to the new chapter in AoS lore. Maybe the sheer pressure will force Archeon into finding Slanesh so he can reclain the 8 points, who knows?
  21. Yup but we got a rumor engine of the plumes days before the reveals and GW decided to make a small reveal every 2 weeks. The last text also mention the elemental conections of the Lumineth with " mountains, rivers, wind and zenith (or sky) ". That fancy staff with a rock moon shaped (montain "element") will be (IMO) one of the possible assemblys of the Lumineth Wizards.
  22. It is Lumineth. Quote from the Community link of the engine: * Hint: it’s a shiny new miniature. But which one? That’s the point – weren’t you paying attention?!
  23. Even to the point that Vulcan civilization was almost destroyed until they embraced knowledge and logic. And pointy years...
  24. Lumineth Lore is pretty much the same as Vulcans from Star Trek 😁
  25. Thank you for the replies guys! Just a disclaimer, took me near 2 years to paint my Phoenix Temple 1500 pts using only prime/base/wash/ and an ocasional drybrush, so i cut corners because i am incredibly slow ! Loved the suggestions, will seek those paints!
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