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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. @Sorrow Mind giving a brief but detailed description of how Gordrakk & Skragrott play into it?
  2. Did I mention im in nerd love with these yet? 😍😅 Thanks for making orcs scary again, gdubs. 🤘
  3. Im looking at them as an add-on to a unit. They can fly behind an enemy unit you're engaged with and attack from behind, pinning and plinking.
  4. I dont know if its been suggested but what if it's simply due to corona. I bet their schedule, etc was all funked up just like everything else so they simply had to make a call on what product to abandon just to keep everything else on schedule. It surely wouldn't of been 40k, aos, or any of their skirmish lines. Cursed City could of just been made at the wrong point in history and just didnt have room. It seems like the story was supposed to lead up into the soulblight Gravelords release (which seems unfinished in it's own way but thats another thread) I'm sure Annika & Kritza were supposed to be expansion villians as well with their own stories and the father daughter hunter team were suppose to be heros. Its not game breaking but i really believe Annika should have a summon fell bat unit ability and Kritza should of had some kind of tie in rat model summon ability like how the other Vyrkos have their summon dire wolf abilities. Its definitely a bum deal fo sho though and hope gdubs shines a light on the situation eventually.
  5. I think that our dankhold / troggboss should get the monster keyword in light of these changes.
  6. So I tried to see the size difference from these guys compared to jawz brutes and I think they're actually a smidge taller, at least this murknob is. I'm really hoping for a unit of these as elite foot troops. Damn! I am all in on these guys!!
  7. These new models are just incredible!! Im sold, all in!! The hobgrots are my least fave but i still like em. This new approach to models with their less cartoony look is amazing!!! My only complaint is maybe too good and will cause them to really stand out and look different compared to Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz, Ironjawz not as much but definitely very different compared to Bonesplitterz with their giant heads,etc. If you weren't familiar with the game or setting you'd think they were from a different game entirely! Like compare that trogg to say a fellwater model... night and day difference in design!! Its all subjective at the end of the day but i much prefer this new aesthetic. Also props to the artist(s)!! I'm pretty sure whoever did these also worked on some of the new gloomspite kits like the fanatics and snufflers. You can really see the similarities especially in some of the faces. 👍 Im already thinking of ways to blend this newer look into older ironjawz and thought that adding the little bump plates seen across these guys to jawz armor would help. And I'll probably be doing some dental work to tone down my jawz teeth. I always thought they were a bit over the top anyways. Again, great job Gdubs artist!! SCE also look great but ill pass as not enough hobby time and already have grey shame. These Kruleboyz are just great! Dear Gdubs, learn from nighthaunt and make this army fun and lasting through 3rd.
  8. @Gaz Taylor +++ Forum Member Hat On +++ This is not the place for complaing about your kids or family. If you wish to do that please start another thread. You have been warned. 😜😅 I'm excited to see what that big fella in the back is. 🤞 for new Trogg!!
  9. @Televiper11 And find a way to become stronger and put that pony back in his pasture hopefully!!
  10. @King Under the Mountain Should never of happened with Gordrakk. I'd of rather they killed him off instead.
  11. So just read the review. Is that all there is about Gordrakk? He and Kraggy duel and he's impressed so they team up? That it?
  12. Id gladly take some new sourbreath troggs, new fell troggs, or just new troggs!!! #Togglife 😅
  13. @Sinfullyvannila Regarding the dank rewrite I'd like to see something along these lines and actually across all larger based units similar to him. Give them two seperate attack options. The first would be just as is now or slighlty different, im not a math hammer type. The second would be similar to the chainghast attack. Here it is for reference. This would allow them to either tackle small elite units or deal with hordes like the giant elite unit its supposed to be for us. Hell, increase the unit cost to compensate but i think this would go a long way in accurately portraying these beasts as our elite units. Just my opinion.
  14. You tease... 🤗 Come to daddy, my love...😍
  15. Well technically we dont know the full story arc yet so an ember of redemption for big G may yet still be burning. 🤞
  16. I agree. Its not bad but could definitely use the update imo.
  17. @Gothmaug This would be preferred big time over the "look, big neck horned pony, boyz!! We betta rekognize!!" This would be probably the deepest story ever written for an Orruk as well. 😅
  18. The rumors ive read suggest some of the new orruks are called "fellwater morruks". Id love a new fellwater troggoth as I think the kit could really be brought up to the other troggoth levels. Its not bad per say but there are definitely aspects about it that drive me bonkers like the head to neck connection, it's very visible and looks atrocious. They Could even update the size to help differentiate it like between the rocks and danks, 2 per box, all fat and bloated. 🤩 Wishful thinking. Oh!! And add a plastic hag!!
  19. O_o Soooo Gordrakk sets off with intentions of fighting a god, a god shows up and Gordy decides to work for him?... 🤔 This sounds very un "ultimate Orukk, warlord of warlords-ish". Calling it, there will be a short explanation abour these two meeting, pony boi headbutts (its always a headbutt with destro 😅) Gordrakk into joining him. The end.
  20. @Televiper11 Ive got a bunch of extras I'll never use. I bought them many moons ago for the same thing. USA, if interested dm me.
  21. +1 to hyped. •Destro playing a bigger role. • Rumors of changes suggest a move to more strategic gameplay. •New destro army/faction/addon. (Still up in the air) •The move to a more gritty and realistic look (so far) Just a few reasons. 👍😀
  22. Unless we're getting an updated fellwater trogg sculpt!!!! Seems a perfect time to throw in a plastic trogg hag as well. ✊
  23. Probably do the same. There's just something about the new dire wolves that doesnt sit right with me. I cant even pinpoint it. I want to run lots of spooky critters in a Vyrkos list. Dires, fell bats, and all in the hopes that a 2nd wave, box set, or something brings Vyrkos Bloodborn as an actual kit. It still baffles me they weren't made. Maybe even a vargskyr kit as a cherry on top. It really sucks as I sold 12 of them right before as I ignorantly assumed I'd like the new dires.
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