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Everything posted by Vasshpit

  1. Does anyone actually get the Warchanter into combat or is he only ever kept back for the buff? Ironjawz have a great to hit already so ive been wondering about foregoing him for a unit of Gruntas or a Gargant as alot of people run two chanters anyways. Is he REALLY that necessary? Also, concerning Brutes, anyone ever run them with out the gore choppa and armed the leader with boss chappa. It looks like it would give a bit more consistent damage at the cost of less and better to hit. Just running around ideas in head is all.
  2. I figured the design was very much inspired by Nazgul from LotR. Plain and covered in robes but if ya saw the actual powerful spectre itself, i'd imagine it would be far more ornte. I really like the simple design of them all though for that reason.
  3. Perhaps then we'll eventually see Troggs spread across multiple destro factions. Sooo bring on the roided out, armor plated, make a Mordor Troll cry, Ironjawz version of this fella! ?
  4. More Troggs?! Are they all mutated like this? Dont mind the mushrooms, I can cut mushrooms off. I mean by the mutated proportions.
  5. I have to hugely agree... ? If it was normal and not all mutated and disproportionate i could get on board BIG time! The mutated thing just kills it for me... Art is subjective and all that and I was over the top excited for new Troggs... This is a real let down for this fan. Damn... Again there is a great creature design (anatomically) under all the extras but just took it too far... Wonder how big it is? There's no skulls or anything in the sculpt to get a size reference. Interested how this one pans out.
  6. I'd start a new army of Goaties uf they got some new models. Those new Bloodbowl Goats are great sculpts! If they brought them up to that lvl it would be a go for this customer!
  7. I started a Tzaangor force and lost all interest in the project. Just wasn't for me. (Still for sale, heh.) One thing i did though was come at the armor pieces as one solid and ornate piece. In my case i chose bronze. So only messed with base coat, highlight and various shades instead of picking out all the details. I did this across all armor parts and kept the pace rolling. I was actually pretty happy with this part. Just lost all interest in models. Maybe find a similar approach.
  8. Reallllllly hoping that doesn't mean all new grots are going to be tiny green Goros... Please no...
  9. Not to be rude but if it indeed pans out as truth then it wouldnt really be in the best interests of said source to disclose that information... Know what im saying? ? Just as excited as you though!!!?
  10. Any details? Bigger in size I hope... ? I figured the tease with the "deepwater" trogg from the idoneth release was a clue. ?
  11. Speaking of Shadespire, a cool idea i had was for a Beastclaw Raider warband. A Hunter and two Sabre Tusks. Could kill two birds with that one. ?
  12. Just my opinion but those spider grots are just ridiculous is all... Just hoping that GW cooks up something better than a faction of those. Again just my opinion is all. I'm sure they have their fans. ?
  13. In the end, vote with your wallet. ? If no one buys them than they would be forced to consider an alternative. But we all know that even amongst all the uproar enough will buy them. ? So in the end vote with your $$ Or go 3rd party, ebay, etc... Id prefer to help out brick & motar but when i can 10-20% on kits, well, thats just a no brainer. And in the end those kits were purchased from GW in the first place so they get profit and I save and am able to buy more. ?
  14. Hi. I don't have the model yet so was curious if its supposed to attach to the wings to help alleviate the wrist stress point?
  15. @GeneralZero I don't think these have been released yet... Got this pic from when the soul wars was first shown from the warhammer community site.
  16. There's more Azyrite ruins coming, two story even. ?
  17. @Coganaut Hi. Choppas for units of 5 and hackas for 10+ is what seems to be the preferred method.
  18. How in the hell is the Grimhaler only $25 but a single sprue stomcast hero is 35-40$... O_o Not complaining as ill eventually get that model but da fuq!?....
  19. Glaivewraiths dont even get a max discount or a unit leader... I to like the models, working on a full squad currently, but I don't really see them doing much outside of cheap objective holders. I'm hoping that they'll get tweaked or perhaps a shadespire hero of sorts that'll affect them but I wont hold my breath. Kinda silly for them to do with the flood of them coming from the new mini starter sets.
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