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Big Kim Woof-Woof

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Everything posted by Big Kim Woof-Woof

  1. People keep telling me that I'll grow to loathe the Citadel pots once I spill one. Hah!
  2. I noticed they're describing the Men-at-arms as coming with the option of "polearms or hand weapons". An error, I'm assuming.
  3. I nearly always play Invaders, but that's mainly becsuse I like the lore and the Icon of Infinite Excess! Nothing more tactical than that. But no idea why we're suddenly doing better.
  4. Yeah, they were huge. Orcish proportions! Certainly broader than the humans at the time. They were a lot of fun to assemble and paint, though.
  5. I flirt with many different paint lines... if you produce a purple paint, I'm all over that like a rash! I shudder to think how many different shades of purple I actually own... But the core of my assortment is Citadel. The main reason is simply because there's a Warhammer shop nearby and I'm lazy! I know a lot of people bemoan the 'pot' design, but I've never had a problem with it. You open the pot, scoop out the amount you need, you close the pot. There's colours I've had for ten years that are still perfectly fine. The names make them easy to remember too, I find. Vallejo is just as good as Citadel, though. They do some great metallics, and they do a true magenta that's kind of missing from Citadel's range.
  6. It definitely ain't just you! I agree wholeheartedly. Even though I've played against them quite a few times, I've never been interested enough to learn the Thingicators from the Whatsiticators. They're dreadfully dull. But evidently that's what works for a lot of people.
  7. Finished up my first model for this month. I'm quite happy with how it turned out... the colour scheme is slightly darker than the bulk of my army, but it's not jarring.
  8. Anyone taking bets on how long it'll be before Hashut joins the Genuine Full-Blown Chaos Gods Club? Because apparently they let just anyone in nowadays....
  9. Well, clearly.... but usually 'Chaos' has some passing familiarity with 'chaos'.
  10. Something I always thought was a bit odd about the Chaos Dwarfs is that they're not very chaotic. They were all about industry and organisation. I wonder if that will change...
  11. There's a certain intoxicating flavour of nostalgia that comes with old models that are ugly as sin. The old massive-crab-clawed Daemonettes, from Fantasy Battle's fourth edition I believe, are never going to win any Best Model contests. But I love them just the same, and still use them when I feel like it!
  12. Sounds like propaganda from the G. H. Rat trying to convince everyone that he really is one of the big boys now. Really.
  13. Since priests and prayers are sticking around, it'd be nice to see a few more factions get their iterations of them. I feel like they're fairly thin on the ground at the moment, I barely see any in play. I've already for a few models that'd make great Slaaneshi priests...
  14. Excellent choice.... so long as you're not bringing any unlucky squatting vibes with you.
  15. How dare you speak ill of the people have the courage to sell a water pot for $18!?
  16. Same here. It feels like they've really done their homework on this new edition... trimming the fat where it was needed, but keeping the fun stuff intact. I'm just hoping that they're not just previewing all the good stuff, and when the edition is actually released there's going to be some difficult-to-swallow bits afoot!
  17. Five if you're counting the two different flavours of Hellstrider.... No! No... Slaanesh is eternal. Nothing's ever getting the chop!
  18. I'm not usually a fan of Stormcasts... but you've done an exceptional job with them! The gold and the emerald green is so vibrant. And the bases set them off perfectly.
  19. Khorne already had his go at having his own Beastmen, back in... what was it, 5th edition? 6th? Something like that. No more beasties for Khorne.
  20. Slaanesh is unsquattable. Slaanesh is eternal. Slaanesh is all.
  21. Yeah, I remember there were various stories going around that that might happen. Probably spurred by the early revelation that round bases were going to be a thing. So glad it never happened.... .... yet.
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