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Everything posted by deynon

  1. True, you decline delusions to take the grand courts. It's the same of "all the flesheater courts in your army". Or the units that you summon are not part of your army? If youverify in the text of the summoning: "the summond unit is added to your army" So...you can't deny the summoning being part of your army and gain the grand court keywords.
  2. All the units gain the keywords instead of the delusion. If you negate it, you negate also the delusions . The unuts you summon are part of your army They gain allthe battletraits, and grand courts are a battletrait.
  3. I agree. Destruction can do even worse with the Ogres, Never seen someone banishing them... It's not like something problematic to kill the monsters. It makes sense. As it makes sense at the strt of the hero phase or at the start of the movement phase.
  4. So they don't apply also the battle traits and the delusion? Ok, I go to say it to the deamons, so as the revived units for the Stormcasts eternal, idem about the seraphons, and so on... Wha'ts the problem about it when it exist from the beginning of AoS about the Hero Phase and the Movement Phase the same?
  5. Q: In a Pitched Battle, Royal Terrogheists and Royal Zombie Dragons from a Gristlegore army are Battleline. Are they still counted Behemoths as well? A: No Ok, 6 Terrorgheistincominc. *-*
  6. Aarrgh...you almost caught myp project... uff, luckyly my one is developing in different way, moreover cause the crew and the magnets^^ Really awesome project anyway. The only thing I don't find completely fitting is the dread abyssal part of the model, I don't know, maybe changing the angle. Anyway again nice model. When I finished mine we can compare them^^
  7. Not too much to worry about bases in the tournaments. A lot of the treatment depends on how you relate to your bases. If you use your bases to take advantage from the "conversion" or "appealing" the basing is seen bad, otherways is only welcome and quite praised about.
  8. it's not the only one. Ulgu has one similar and other good artifacts too
  9. it has always been such. Thd faq simply killed the hopes
  10. it's the opposite. Only if in the box of the units they are written in bold they are keywords. In royal managerie they are not bold, so no GKoDZ\TG allowed.
  11. Take note that the amount that I say are the conservative estimate^^ (they can be really much more) I'll post only Death cause otherway it would require too much time to write also about my sotrmcasts and Seraphons, excluding also other sub armies that I spoil to make conversion but include goblins, orcs, dwarves, deamons, free people, bretonnia, and so on... 1 Nagash new(to build) 1 Nagash old 4 VL/GK o TG/DZ /Vordrai (they are magnetized so I can swith as I want) 3 Neferata/Arkhan/Mannfred on deead Abyssal (mgnetized) 2 Melkior on Abyssal horror 1 coven throne/mortis engine/bloodseeker palankin (magnetized) 5 Wight kings (converted, on steed and on foot)) 30+ vampires (on steed, flying, on foot at least 10 can also become a eprsonalized verion of the blood knights) 1 Khalida 1 Settra 1 liche priest 1 Isabella 1 Vlad 1 Krell 3 necromancer 5 cairn wraiths 3 banshee 1 Varghulf courtier 3 crypht ghast courtiers 1 knight of shouds 1 knight of shrouds on ethereal steed 2 guardian of souls 1 spirit torment 1 Chainghast 1 Lord executioner 4 Morghasts 10 black knights/hexwraiths new ones (magnetized) 70+ black knights (converted) 3-400 skeletons 12 skeleton on chariot 4-500 zombies (normal ones + converted) 9 spirit hosts 8 fell bats 8 bat swarms (converted) 42 grave guards (21+ old ones + 21 converted) 50 ghouls 30 dire wolves (to renew the base) 1 black coach (old one) 1 screaming skull catapult 6 vargheists/horrors/flyers/infernal coutiers/haunter courtiers (magnetized to switch) 1 corpse cart 4 glaiwraith stalkers 5 grimghast reapers 20 chainrasp horde surely I forgot something
  12. You're right, I've prepared those models also to be used as Vargheists, so I decided to make the separation on the back instead of on the wings. I could have done also that magnetization, but I 've chosen differently. If you are not interested only in FEC so yes, magnetizing the arms only it's better. Anyway... at elast a couple of heads of some models in the way to have the option of the crypt haunter courtier could be useful^^
  13. Surely, otherways how can you change throuth courtiers haunter , infernal, crypt horrors and crypt flyers?^^
  14. Magnetize the head it's quite simple. Sincerly I magnetized the backs, not the arms^^ Cause I found them quite different and worth the work^^
  15. You can also think to realize some conversion for the morghasts so that they can be some type of corrupted vampires, something like the crypt flyers more corrupted or similar. You're ot crazy. I try similar lists usually, there are only two torubles: 1) The FEC work really ggood with the warscroll battlaions and support each other so you find really few points remaining 2) the morghasts can't be healed or take the saving fro the deathless minions or similar, so you are to pay a lot of attention about them, moreoveer if you consider that you can only include only a unit of 2 morghast in your list, so you have to see if they can be useful or not
  16. It's easy to magnetize them. I've done it, video in preparation, anyway really easy, you have only to pay attention to the the shoulders to modify them, everything else it's really easy. The flyers are not bad if you think about combining the things. You have the Grim garland that can help you quite a lot, moreover you can add as allies skeletons and morghasts that gives other maluses eventually. It also depend on your opponents, not everyone has baravery 10 like deamons and death. Something that I find really great about is using the GKoTG general with the majectic horror, in such a way you can summon other 2 units of horrors/flyers to add to your army, so you donìt havee quite to choice, simply to improve what you need about^^
  17. Here my analisys about FEC with the Gh2018.
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