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Grim Beasties

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Everything posted by Grim Beasties

  1. Is there any other site with discounted prices like Element? (they don't ship to canada)
  2. I thought it might be a vespid but the head is different. It definitely is an adorable bug child and I shall protect it.
  3. I hope the Ur-Grub gets a model and an insectoid destruction faction would be the best thing for me. Just hope it's not AoS Tyranids, make them unique.
  4. Think I found a good base for a titanworks mega Gargant, about the size to
  5. That sounds awesome! I was planning something similar using the titanworks as the back ground lore, can't wait to see what you make.
  6. Hey everyone OP here, just wanted to say extremely thankful for all the great responses. I think after having time to think about it I'm finally able to articulate a response. First off I would like to apologize if I came off as too dramatic, I'm not the best at writing and the news of the pricing came to me at an all ready high anxiety time. But now, with everyone's advice and suggestions I think I know what I'm going to do. I mainly like the narrative, building, and painting side off the hobby, and I definitely have models that I have to finish before I should buy new model. For now I'll keep up with the hobby with books but I'll slow things down. Look for better deals and get some of the less expensive giants at some point and heavily convert them. I've been meaning to look for time to work on scratch terrain and my evolution game. On the actual issue of pricing, I do feel GW is going too high with its price and I am worried about how it's affecting the industry. I would once again like to thank everyone for the help and interesting replies.
  7. Would love to see a ramshackle Grot hoard of pump wagons and scrap war machines.
  8. How does everyone think the Bonegrinder will fair in terms of if or how it could be updated
  9. So this is a continuation of the SoB price conversation that was in the rumor thread. I've been in this for most of my life, but these prices are getting to the point where I just can't anymore. If anyone has any ideas on how to help spend less for models please let me know, I don't want to leave this hobby but at this rate I might not have a choice.
  10. Something I will say is that a sons army will probably cost similar to a large scale army in the long term, but that large short term price is going to be a massive barrier to get over. I do still want this kit and to be a part of the hobby but this pricing really sucks.
  11. So if the price is true that's about $258 Canadian, I feel like I'm getting priced out here and this really takes the wind out of my hobby.
  12. Don't they still have more Necrons and Space Marine's to release? I'm exited for Grargants but I thought our pre-order was the 10th
  13. Just got a promotional email from GW about a $17 (CAN) voucher if you spend $118 by September 30th, so unless sons are for preorder this weekend then I doubt I'll get much use.
  14. Forgot that happened to him to be honest, oh well I would be more than happy for a new necromancer character. As for Krell there was a rumor engine with a bonereaper battleaxe. Though from what I remember he was very thoroughly smashed into prices. So if it is Krell remade it could be for Underworlds, but it could be Warcry warband with the units being made fragments of him. Most likely something unrelated to Krell.
  15. So decided to make this as spin off to the disappointing units thread were I saw a high frequency of models that look great but don't preform to expectations, with a portion models that did surpassed expectations being on the older side. So just I just wanted to see what models people what updated the most and why. For me I'd have to say (in no particular order) 1. Icefall Yhetees 2. Butcher and Slaughter Master 3. Maneaters 4. Icebrow Hunters and Frost Sabers 5. Firebelly 6. Spider Riders 7. Maniak Weirdnob, Wardokk, and Wurrgog Prophet 8. Gorgers 9. Madcap Shamans 10. Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider
  16. The topic of a Vampire coast like faction has been going around to the point that some believe they are right around the corner, I'm not convinced. I have firestorm so I know about the Wraith fleet, but has there been any recent concrete evidence or is it all hype?
  17. I would guess it's a part for SoB or maybe an overtyrant gut plate. For a Mawtribes Warcry Warband I hope we get plastic maneaters.
  18. In terms of lore there have been things that are similar to Tyranids in the insectoid department, but don't really have any model and only small descriptions. Like the Ur-Grub from beastgrave or the Sleeper from gotrek and Felix.
  19. This, I get the idea of what the thundertusk is meant to do with buffing the yeti (another unit I really want to use because of lore but the models are a bit naff) but they feel so underwhelming. I hope Maneaters get a big fix too because the have always been an awesome concept with some of the coolest models and conversion ideas.
  20. Oh I agree just wanted to give some advice on how you could visualize it.
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