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Everything posted by Nico

  1. I just figured he wanted variety, but appreciated that since SCGT a lot of people would be carrying around 2 Realmgates, so wanted to cater for that.
  2. Good reports. Duncan commenting favourably on my basing was a definite highlight - so I know what you mean!
  3. Nico

    Alarielle the Everqueen

    Truly inspiring stuff Steve! Amazing work.
  4. If you have time, read as many other Warscrolls as you can or at least work out what a typical army for a given faction is likely to do. You could even have a cheat sheet, list of key combos or scary units, so: Stormcast (Heavy Retributors) - I need to bunker or at least not have my elite troops/heroes chargeable turn one. Stormcast (Heavy Judicators plus Prosecutors) - powerful shooting, so I need to throw tough bodies onto objective, or sit back and wait outside effective range of 29 on the Judicators until I have a chance of a double turn, then move forward. Look out for Celestant Prime or Stardrake. Ironjawz - surprisingly fast alpha strike army. I need to snipe heroes like the Warchanter and not stick my men on the 12 inch line where they will be charged first turn (or I may want to bait them and countercharge). Bloodbound - I need to take out the Bloodsecrators, alternatively I need to do heavy ranged damage to the 40 Blood Reavers first turn before my opponent gets to make them immune to Battleshock. Look out for Wrathmongers. Fyreslayers - likely to pop up out of the ground. Incredibly tough infantry. Characters are vulnerable by comparison. No magic.
  5. Thanks for the confirmation Ben.
  6. So Ahriman is rumoured for 22 October. http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/ahriman-coming.html Could this mean AoS Tzeentch at the same time?
  7. So pretty much a Tomb Herald for Order.
  8. Will there be any significant house rules changes since Alliance that we should know about Ben? I heard from your tweet that it's single list 2,000 points (no sideboard, no second list). Ticket bought - bunch of the South London Legion are attending. Cheers.
  9. Yeah - move before the objectives come down. I played Adam Aelford's Bloodbound at Firestorm Fours and did this to him - deployed everything off to one side, funneled him using a big building. Let him charge into Clanrats with Stormvermin behind, counterpunch with Warpfire Throwers and Shock Gauntlet dudes.
  10. The mats look fine. I really don't give a monkey about the trees and don't want to start that cursed debate again. You can add/make your own trees if you want. I do care about models toppling over because the bases aren't flat enough (ditto the hilly battleboards at Warhammer World - combining the Wyldwoods with a slope is a recipe for fail); and spending significant amount of time placing the models so they don't fall over and aren't scratched by the trees. Above all else - the woods are excruciatingly expensive - you could buy a Beastclaw army for the cost of 9 wood models - not great to pay for them only to have them topple over a metal model and chip it.
  11. Sounds like a truly dreadful match up, but a fun game. The only thing I can think of would be to take advantage of your superior mobility. Maybe move everything sideways to one flank turn one, then wait until you might get a double turn, then advance and focus fire. Stay out of Gateway range. The reason this can work is that the Khorne body fest starts getting in its own way if it has to move diagonally. The unit at the front rolls a low run and blocks the whole convoy, the Wrathbros fall behind the front line etc.. Here you don't have objectives to worry about immediately either. It's still a long shot as his combat buffs are just plain better.
  12. Really need a rumour - otherwise going to have to push the button on Sylvaneth/Fyreslayers.
  13. I'm sure you're right traditionally, but wasn't Archaon just before Christmas?
  14. Looks good in general. I've already mentioned Lords of the Lodge. How about halving the cost of the formation if you're going to ban half its rules? Why are people already comping Wyldwoods to one model? It seems a little early to conclude that Sylvaneth are overpowered - upper middle of the pack more like. Also really don't care for insisting on bringing the models for the Wyldwoods instead of (say) swamp terrain Fat Mat cut outs of the same shape - the models love to topple over on the roots of the actual models (and you mention damaging them on the trees), which wastes time. The swamp mats look good and save a fortune.
  15. Sheet face down on the table placed and revealed at same time?
  16. I like Stormcasts - indeed I'll be playing them as part of an army very soon at a tournament. They just don't need a helping hand. You cannot draw a lot of conclusions from the winners when undercosted Thundertusk plus Arachnorok Spam, Hurricanum Spam and Savage Orruk Archer Spam have won 3 recent major events. I played 3 armies including Stormcasts out of 6 in tables in the top 30 at Warlords. They seem well represented up there (cf. Ironjawz, Fyreslayers, Dark Aelves (kudos to Paul for his Witch Aelves!), Slaves to Darkness and Beastmen - where were they?), but probably lacking the comboes to take down a tournament. SCE really suck against Moonclan, Nurgle and mortal wound factories for another thing.
  17. With this decision my Fyreslayers will not grow until they get an allegiance pack. Fyreslayers are not competitive as an army without that formation until they get an allegiance pack. You can do well with 500 points of them in a mixed list (25 Vulkites plus a Runesmiter is a nice self contained force).
  18. Fair enough. Just for future reference (i.e. other tournaments) the FAQ to the GH (i.e. Part of the Matched Play rules) confirms that summonable scenery is useable (for zero reinforcement points cost) - second FAQ answer under "Pitched Battles". This expressly overrules the rule you are citing above, so other tournaments don't need a house rule to permit Wyldwoods and Balewinds, but would need to expressly prohibit the latter if they want to nerf Wizards again and buff Stormcasts.
  19. Please say "yes", or "yes" but you can charge and attack the wizard normally as if it were a garrisoned building.
  20. Surely a no-Brainer to do Tzeentch in both 40k and AoS - here's hoping.
  21. They also don't care for Grots - that said Grots are completely overpowered!
  22. Never thought the phrase "AoS needs a shot cap" would come out of my mouth - but the Bonesplitterz fail may require it. They can go fight Tau and Space Marines for a balanced game.
  23. Tomb Kings are integral to Death - half the scrolls; all the shooting over -2 inches; all the artillery; almost all the infiltrators. Chaos are quite reliant on some legacy heroes to be competitive (and to not be Khorne). Dropping legacy is just a fat buff to Destruction who really don't need a helping hand now.
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