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Double Misfire

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Everything posted by Double Misfire

  1. Wow, amazing use of bits; tassets off to you! I can't seem to ID his legs either (not super familiar with the elf range) what do they come from? Really looking forward to seeing what you do with the Sisters of Silence.
  2. Genestealer Cult Fyreslayers. You heard it here first!
  3. Blah, sounds like a buttload of effort. Might be fairly easy to clip all the junk off their feet and position them so they're rearing up over some rocks (available in gardens worldwide).
  4. The princes/princess look great, you'd never have guessed they'd fallen to Slaanesh. The Phoenix Guard legs and cloaks really help unify them, I''m especially in awe of how you've transferred the Phoenix Guard tassets to the mounted Ellyrion prince. Were they done using a greenstuff mould or just lopped off the original legs?
  5. Love the angel of death and the extra "meat" on the Morghasts. Had you thought about reposing the Morghasts to be taking great strides across the battlefield now they've shed their wings? They kiiiinda look like they're breaking into a dance number right now (not a bad thing by any means, just thought I'd point it out).
  6. I think Sigmarine's become an almost affectionate term for Stormcast coming from most people in the gaming community, like calling MK6 marines "beakies" or "womble marines", Fantasy players calling 40k "pew pew", or teasing players who start new armies on the release of a new army book/codex/battletome. A year and a half from AoS's release Stormcast are still a controversial range that imo don't wholly "fit" with any of the previous trademark aesthetics you'd previously have associated with GW, to the point that at first glance they don't really look like Warhammer models (not necessarily a bad thing, entirely subjective). If a bit of friendly ribbing from other players about your chosen army hurts your feelings I'd recommend playing Orcs and Goblins, nobody ever complains about Orcs and Goblins. Back on topic: did anyone post this bit about the Warhammer Live reveal yesterday? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2016/11/28/warhammer-live-is-coming/
  7. Really great subtle use of the Shattered Dominion bases on the dryads. I've been tempted to move my dwarfs over to them for a while and you may just have won me over.
  8. Lots of armies have shownames. My gaming group have been referring to my dwarfs as a creative mashup of several four letter words for decades.
  9. I've got a lot of Order stuff to finish and a Blood Bowl Team and Necromunda gang to hammer out first, so at the rate I paint you might see them by the start of 2018 if you're lucky!
  10. I'm stockpiling the oversized heads and weapons for my super secret future project if you're throwing them away.
  11. Skeletons looking suitably spooky CG! The new much better sculpted new heads and arms look great on the more dynamic old bodies, best of both worlds imo.
  12. Looking good @Dez! I love the Arch Warlock, is he gonna get some tech on his back and halberd?
  13. I think the idea is that you use the differently coloured ones to represent tens and units, but I agree - D20s might have made more sense.
  14. Very nice! The extra effort you've gone to on your bases really pays off, great work.
  15. Oh hey, these are neat: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Citadel-Wound-Trackers
  16. New Zealand pre orders are up, including hero bases and a slightly nerfed Balewind Vortex: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Aos-hero-bases-2016 https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Balewind-vortex-2016
  17. Great work! I love the way the blades look and the champion with the wild rider head is just deliciously moody looking.
  18. Saucy! I wonder how much bitz sites would start selling the rules for?
  19. I wouldn't be shocked if we see allegiance packs for factions with pre GHB battletomes in the Black Library digital advent this year. They're a quick turnaround, people have been asking for them, and can be republished in future supplements.
  20. Awesome thread. The zombie dragon rider instantly becomes 100 times more classy with the simple addition of a skull. Spooky skeletons 4 lyfe!
  21. Very nice, what are they in game, more savage blood warriors?
  22. Sand drying on bases and my new organ gun for you approval (I need a better camera):
  23. I like the background on Sigmar's war on Chaos evolving. Looking forward to this guy an my Runelord swapping anecdotes about how annoying Balewind Vortexes are on the sidelines the next time I face off against Stormcast.
  24. Not sure how I missed this thread for so long. The miners look great - as someone who legitimately hates painting candles, well done!
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