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Everything posted by NauticalSoup

  1. I assume they mixed it up with the Wurrgog Prophet.
  2. @Kugane I always suspected the idea that matte varnishes were 'weaker' came from other unrelated products like cars and wood, where (historically) non-glossy finishes could be a pain in the ****** to maintain evenly. I don't think that's even true anymore though, and even then that had more to do with the punishing environmental conditions of stuff that spends most of its life outside subject to the elements. Edit: TIL apparently TGA censors the word a-r-s-e lol
  3. This is incorrect. Mortal wounds are, in fact, inflicted in groups. It just doesn't usually matter. You may be thinking of 40k which explicitly calls out MW as assigned individually because 40k doesn't have damage spillover on regular attacks which means MW needed a whole separate chunk of rules for that. Mortal wounds in AoS are only special in that they bypass the normal attack sequence for determining damage inflicted, they still inflict damage and use the same allocation mechanism as regular wounds. As per the core rules: You proceed to damage inflicted, you do not bypass the "Allocate Wounds" step where all the damage from attacks is added up and assigned. The amount of damage inflicted from your attack in this example is 5, which because they are MW do not need to make hit, wound or save rolls. The damage is then, as per Gotrek's warscroll ability, reduced to 1 because they were inflicted by a single attack. He then takes his save against it. For added clarity, the relevant section of Avatar of Grimnir: I bold damage inflicted to emphasize the total lack of ambiguity in the wording here. Mortal wounds inflict an amount of damage equal to the number of mortal wounds suffered. 5 mortal wounds = 5 damage inflicted, 5 is greater than 1 so it becomes 1.
  4. There's a reason he's the least popular Bonesplitters wizard, my friend. He doesn't show up in a lot of tourney lists - Wurrgog and Wardokks are almost mandatory by comparison. Come to think of it, Bonesplitters also don't show up much - BW is better and in BW you have even less room for him. But if you think reroll to casting and dispelling is REALLY powerful you're gonna have a wild time playing against Seraphon and LRL. It's not bad, but on a single cast wizard with a decent but unremarkable warscroll spell it's hardly a game-changer. Also if you were curious, a reroll on 2d6 is roughly equivalent to a flat +2 in terms of probabilities (without creating a huge table with percentile results to see how it affects all the possible outcomes).
  5. Kinda BS when the two newest factions who won't have to eat cost increases are also two of the most magic-heavy factions we've ever seen.
  6. The funny thing here is that the best toolbox Big Waaagh list we've seen placing in events can squeak by with just one Warchanter by using a Rogue Idol and not bothering with most of the Ironjawz range. So basically this restriction would just make Ironjawz trash and strongly encourage you to play the (more powerful) Big Waaagh instead.
  7. @Magnus The Blue Probably going to be rough. Bonesplitterz only good rend comes from Big Stabbas which are still more for killing monsters and you have limited tools for character sniping besides the Big Stabbas again. You'd probably be better off in BW for the extra cast bonuses and damage output, I don't think any of the Bonesplitterz allegiance traits are particularly useful against OSB.
  8. It's been discussed to death a dozen times in this and the ironjawz thread. There is a narrow situation where hackas do a but more concentrated damage thanks to their reach but only if there's no attrition (brutes are paper for their points) and only if there isn't room for the Ardboys to get in 'dere. Ultimately it's so narrow you're pretty much always better of with ardboys (the charge bonus is nothing to sniff at). People still use brutes sometimes because they like em though.
  9. Look at the similarly priced sisters of the watch if you want to see a real shooting unit lol
  10. This. They meed to stretch out those SCE releases cuz their army is rapidly becoming dangerously bloated with too many units that fill the same niche. Although 8th edition space marines got not one but TWO codexes (and about a billion splatbooks) in a single edition which was... weird.
  11. The fact that they have a sizable forgeworld range at the moment means they're probably doomed to stay there forever, until they get squatted because they don't sell enough.
  12. "Pick one of the bearer’s melee weapons. Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, you can add 3 to the Damage characteristic of that weapon until the end of that phase." So the weapon has a damage characteristic of 5 for one phase. Or 6 with a Warchanter. Therefore, each unsaved attack will inflict that much damage. Since it is one weapon, it will not benefit the mount if it's on a maw krusha. Getting 30 damage off one unit in Orruk Warclans is pretty typical. Gore gruntas can easily do 50 with a good charge.
  13. Lol same reason I'm keen to find a pewter bolt thrower someday. Have at least one of all the others!
  14. @Artobans Ghost I have an old metal flame cannon that I inherited from my late father, it's a big chunk of metal and it looks great. If you can get your hands on one I'd certainly recommend!
  15. Definitely needs an FAQ, but I think this is as close as we'll get to a workable solution. Just comes down to if you want to treat the extra hammerer damage as sourced from an attack or from an ability, which is semantic because the way it's worded means its both. Either way the hammerers aren't generating their full damage potential which is probably for the best so you don't have to get into arguments about abilities that dodge Gotrek's rule.
  16. Honestly they haven't really even updated STD. The stuff you get in the new start collecting augments but notably does not actually replace the corresponding regular kits (and didn't even obsolete the halberd upgrade sprue). The entire range remains otherwise untouched as far as I know. AoS rarely gets new kits for old things, it's usually totally new stuff coming in and old WHFB stuff trickling out. As for army selection, all the ones you listed can do hordes and would work fine. LoN is probably the only one you listed that's likely to disappear since they're a 1.0 GA kludge army book and they kinda lost Nagash to OSB, so I don't think anyone knows what the plan is for them.
  17. Do we actually know for sure that Lumineth are on 25s? Because that to me would present a much bigger issue than the proxy accuracy factor, as it has a tangible game effect. Most "shields" don't do anything but adjust your save and PGs already have a 4+ which is in line with the vast majority of units with shields, and they have 2" weapons meaning they actually behave more like spears than halberds (most halberds are 1"). If you have no other spear-wielding proxies this isn't going to confuse anyone. Ultimately though any specific advice anyone here gives you about what's 'okay to proxy' is kind of rubbish anyway, because nobody on this forum is (I assume) playing with you, so any opinion you get here might not reflect the environment at your local tables. If there's any ambiguity you'll need to ask them, not us - where I play you could easily proxy just about any elfy unit with a polearm as a Phoenix Guard, but some clubs and local tourneys have strict WYSIWYG rules.
  18. Love me some proper dwarfy dwarfs. I'm envious of your classic pewters, I never got my hands on most of the characters. Or a bolt thrower, for that matter.
  19. Yeah, not having ASF/ASL hurts bad. Basically means you auto-lose a ton of critical matchups if you're relying on a melee hammer to pull through.
  20. @Rhetoric Have you played many games with Phoenix Guard in 10s as opposed to the common 30-guy block? I regularly play someone whose main list includes a 30 block of PG and it's hell to deal with. I would imagine 10 mans would be much less so since they don't take buffs so well and can't all hit at once at the start of the combat phase.
  21. Sorry if my comments rustled anyone. My opinions are mine, and my negative experiences with GW shouldn't reflect on your passions or their worth. 😘 Edit: but on topic my FLGS is taking orders again just in time so I ended up making a big order to flush out my dwarves so this hike DID motivate me to buy models!
  22. I laughed when I read this. You don't think they can take it? Is GW a person whose feelings I'm gonna hurt by stating I find their business practices to be among the more wretched in the industry? Ah no I gotcha - the crack about WHFB dwarf grudges, a little too on the nose, eh? Or squatting grandmothers. VERY serious stuff. Enough to make a GW shareholder's ears bleed. For real though - I get that TGA used to be a bit of a hug-box but come on, that was pretty tame as far as "I don't like GW" rants go. You get worse than that on Dakka Dakka on like every page even if it wasn't the subject of the thread.
  23. @Mark Williams Actually have a CoS tome on order at my local FLGS. Wouldn't be surprised if it's the first AoS lore I genuinely like because it's necessarily an opportunity for grounded worldbuilding!
  24. I have yet to read an Age of Sigmar product that I would recommend for lore reasons. To expand on that, the ones I have read thus fall pretty short of what we've seen in the past from both WHFB and 40k. They're overall better than they were, but still pretty mediocre. The setting just doesn't have the meat of its progenitor since it's about these endlessly vast wishy-washy spaces that exist solely as a backdrop for people to butt heads in.
  25. @Thiagoma I'm amazed you're still here. I'm still salty about Orcs & Goblins and a lot of them survived to this day.
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