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Everything posted by Oceanic_Eyes

  1. That sucks to hear, but thank you for the response, it's much appreciated.
  2. Dang, I'm still waiting on my copy. Are there still points values for Bretonnian units?
  3. The Glottkin! Nurgle bias aside... definitely agree the Megaboss on Mawkrusha is amazing. Also a big fan of the Hell Pit Abomination.
  4. Yeah it's a pain to work around. I was using liquid resin on my bases, so used that to get a little extra height before adding the stands. (Then adding more resin after)
  5. The picture they have for the FEC page has the little stars next to units that implies a points change, yet they have the same points they had from the last points change. Like a little star next to Crypt Horrors being 130 points, etc.
  6. The FEC page they posted looks like the same page from the last GHB, so taking these leaks with a grain of salt.
  7. Could be interesting if a major lore event leads to them losing their connection to Azyr (either temporarily or permanently). I'd like to see something like that explored if we ever get Gordrakk crushing his way into Azyr.
  8. Q: In a Pitched Battle, if a unit that is a Behemoth can be taken as Battleline, does that unit still count towards the total number of Behemoths that can be taken in the army? A: No. Found on page 11 of the Core Rules designer commentary!
  9. Huh. That's interesting. Wonder if we'll see any of that for tomorrow's announcements. Probably going to be specialist game stuff tomorrow though.
  10. You've got about 500 points of Nurgle mortals (Rotbringers). To bump it up to 1k, I'd definitely consider some more Putrid Blightkings. The Harbinger of Decay is also great, though the official model is finecast resin, which can be difficult to work with compared to plastic.
  11. That's vile I love it. I see Blightking bits and Beast of Nurgle bits aplenty.
  12. Getting some work into a Rotbringer conversion, and I think this is the best head I've painted to date. Almost done
  13. You wouldn't be able to take them in Plague/Blight Cyst. With those battalions, in the organization box we can see the required/optional units have their names without any bolded text or full caps. This means the battalions require the exact units with those names. If you compare it to the Thricefold Befoulment battalion, it has 3 GREAT UNCLEAN ONES meaning it requires 3 units with that keyword, not just the specific name of the unit "Great Unclean One". So you could take Rotigus or the Exalted FW Great Unclean One in that battalion.
  14. What kind of rumor engines are we thinking for these boys?
  15. Tell me more about Flat Duardin I think if anything it'd be a very nasty GW tactic to make all the new ranges stronger rules wise just to sell the newer models. In a perfect world I'd want the rules to be decently balanced across all AOS factions (yes, the WHFB models and factions that are in AoS are just as much a part of AoS now as the completely new lines), and to have new and updated models for all factions. Off the top of my head, the new Ogor Tyrant and the new Chaos Warriors are great examples of sorely needed new kits that still keep the wonderful aesthetic of the models they're succeeding.
  16. Just saw this on the Warhammer Underworlds subbredit posted by u/lazylurky. Apparently from the new White Dwarf, looks like the upcoming warband. I'm hype, they look wonderful.
  17. Model to model line of site has always felt odd to me, especially from a modeling perspective. Although a small difference. you could gain an advantage based on how you base your mini (cork for extra height for example), but a situation that's always struck me as especially weird is the build options for the Skaven Warp Lightning Cannon and Plagueclaw Catapult. There are 3 build options for both, based on the frame that will affect the model's height by a few inches. So the way you build the model can change how well it benefits from or is hurt by line of site rules. In my local group we've been trying the base to base measuring for line of site, and find that it's working well enough.
  18. First time trying a contract, and excited to! For January 2020, I want to finish painting my 5 converted Putrid Blightkings, my converted Harbinger of Decay, and see how much work I can get into my Glottkin!
  19. What decker_cky said. I know it's unreliable, but I enjoy two sources of potential D3 mortal wounds on my kings when they're stuck in combat, and the rerolls are always fun. I also find a Lord of Plagues works better in my lists than a Lord of Blights (I tend to run smaller units). My playgroup also likes to run units where rend is less useful against, and if I need to crack tough saves I rely on the Rustfang artifact or Festus' unique spell, though the Festus spell can be tricky to get off. So yeah I don't disagree Blight Cyst is more competitive, I just find I like what Plague Cyst brings, both as I find the abilities cooler, and they work well in my playgroup.
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