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Everything posted by LeSwordfish

  1. Iron Hands is likely to be pretty soon because we've already seen the primaris techmarine. Beyond that, dunno, but it wouldn't entirely surprise me if they didn't come with Primaris'd characters - Vulkan, Shrike, etcetera. My prediction, incidentally, is the Vanguard models in one wave next week, then one of either CoS or Orruks (or maybe both), and then Iron Hands in september, and the other space marine books before the end of the year.
  2. I haven't seen this before, this is a neat idea! So far this month I've painted one leman russ (not AOS, sorry!) and my plan for the rest of the month is two more russes, my converted Bloodthirster, and either a fourth Leman Russ or some Wrathmongers. Hopefully none of that should be too hard (all my Khorne stuff is basically all Contrast). The previous russ (7/11) for evidence.
  3. If I recall correctly, GW were told in no uncertain terms to crack down on leaks as a condition of being given the Hobbit license: Smaug was a very big deal, one of the biggest leaks in hollywood, and GW were full-on rusty sieve at that point, so they were forced to tighten up. I'm not sure how this lines up with "era" talk but I do think the amount of leaks and rumors dropped sharply at around that time, before they started publicising things on WHC etc.
  4. Could probably get away with either Blood Warriors or Chaos Warriors as extremely beefy Iron Golems, perhaps with a bit of converting.
  5. The article makes me think they'll be something between Allies and full members of the cities: perhaps conditions under which they'll gain the <Free city> keyword? Like how Slaves to Darkness can get the chaos gods keywords. (Though I should clarify, this is soley speculation.)
  6. I disagree - sure a lot of the old chaos stuff is old and a bit static, but the warriors and knights are an absolutely classic warhammer look. I'd be very disappointed if they were lost. What you could drop without a problem would be the marauders and horsemen, who are all very much showing their age. Personally, If I were in charge of remaking StD (what an unfortunate acronym) I would probably split them into two factions-in-the-same-book: Slaves To Darkness (Warriors, Knights, Chariots, Everchosen, etc) and Darkoath (Tribesmen like the Godsworn Hunt, mostly new stuff.) You can freely run the two together, but going all-in on one or the other gives you a minor boost. Essentially my prediction for the new book is that it'll be like Gloomspite Gitz, with a big core of old stuff augmented by new things. A part of me hopes they put all of the chaos mark allegiances in there but that seems unlikely. Also I hope they centralise the rules for individual units being devoted to chaos gods: seems silly to have twenty slightly different rules on each page.
  7. I was wondering if it was Ogors vs Orruks: they seem fairly likely to have a "pact" and are both upcoming releases that are good candidates for a box like this. Depends: I'm not sure if the rumor mill has presented much about a possible new skeleton army? There definitely seems to be a whole Thing on the horizon, but whether that's a new army, a Deathrattle release, or a narrative thing like Forbidden Power is anybody's guess for the moment.
  8. I'm thinking of expanding my Untamed Beasts with the Godsworn hunt - they have just about similar enough aesthetics to work together, and between the two boxes i'll have plenty of options. I'm also planning to run them as Bloodreavers, since my main AoS army is Realm of Beasts Khorne, and the two boxes together have enough "normal" models to fit like that nicely.
  9. Hi! My name is Tom, but I go by LeSwordfish, and I'm an AOS player of about a year, though I've been playing 40k since about 2007, which is long enough to feel old without remembering any of the classic things? I was there for the classic ancient days of, uh, fifth edition. I've got about 3k points of Legions of Nagash, themed around an old-style Vampire Counts list, and I'm currently painting my way through some Blades of Khorne. Plus, I picked up some cheap Untamed Beasts and i'm looking forward to trying out Warcry. Anything I should know before i start wandering around the place, sticking my oar in like an incompetent rower?
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