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Everything posted by Virtus-XIV

  1. Cabalists sounds really fun. Just hurl spells everywhere. First list I’m going to try is: Cabalists 440 warriors nurgle and banner 290 varanguard nurgle 100 splintered fang nurgle 100 splintered fang nurgle 120 sorcerer lord nurgle, binding damnation 120 sorcerer lord tzeentch 115 chaos lord nurgle, conqueror’s crown artifact, warrior retinue, idolator lord (prayer - curse), binding damnation 240 chosen tzeentch and banner 230 chaos knights khorne 60 realmscourge rupture 60 ravenaks gnashing jaws 20 the burning head 100 exalted hero undivided, chaos conduit 1995 total warlord battalion (splintered fangs and heroes) and the two galletian veteran battalions (varanguard and warriors in bounty hunters, chosen and knights in expert conquerors). I just want to try the realmscourge rupture/ravenaks combo. If it doesn’t work then I can start looking into replacing things. I’m actually not that high on knights. They’re great on the charge but if you don’t delete what you wanted then in subsequent rounds they’re very weak offensively. I think a lot of the subfactions have play (some cultists, especially splintered fang, are quite good offensively now). Despoilers seems weak to me, held back by the Daemon Prince warscroll - it just doesn’t hit hard enough.
  2. The math on the sheet appears broken to me for units with multiple attack profiles. Column AP is equal to AJ for multiple attack profile units’ summary rows. This is leading to incorrect conclusions for Grimghasts, hexwraiths, etc. Grims should be ~.034 damage per point against a 4+ without a charge bonus (I think, just ran it through calculator on my phone) not 0.020. As an example of the error, columns AP and AJ are both 3.259 for Grims. If what I’m saying is correct, Grims still have a place next to Bladegheists and Dreads since they can attack in multiple ranks. Against a 4+ with no bonuses and msu I’m getting: grims: 0.034 damage per point hosts: 0.024 hexes: 0.033 blades: 0.038 dreads: 0.0416 rasps: 0.0318 which if right is actually pretty good in terms of internal balance.
  3. Could make unleash hell -2 to hit, so you’d have to work harder to negate the modifier.
  4. Best damage per point unit S2D have against high save units with the nerf (edited) to marauders I believe. Not as fast or durable as knights. With more MSU style matches they’ll make great counter-chargers. I’m a big fan.
  5. 6 is preferable to 9 now I would think and with a Krulghast should be sufficiently survivable. Their bases are huge so with 9 you end up with a lot of models stuck out of combat with the new coherency rules.
  6. Weren’t bonesplitters already merged with ironjawz into the Orruk Warclans battletome?
  7. Anyone else think Chosen and Knights are looking strong? Both barely hit by points increases, chosen can still be in units of 5 so aren’t impacted by coherency and they still generate MWs and have rend which is even more important with everything having easy access to +1 save.
  8. I like that they don’t have two weapon types interspersed - it speeds up gameplay not having to roll two different weapon profiles.
  9. The Vigilors with the drawn swords and bows look weird to me. I hope you can pose them as either shooting their bow or fighting with sword not a weird mix of both at the same time.
  10. It looks like it could be someone riding a large mount holding reins with his left hand
  11. Seems unlikely now but would have laughed if it were the stormcast that got gator mounts instead of the boyz. Also definitely looks like a cage for prisoners on its back.
  12. A new stormcast dragon? I hadn’t heard anything about this.
  13. Can slaves to darkness ally in a shard speaker? Think so but Warscroll builder isn’t showing hedonites in the add units section.
  14. Hi! Huge fan of your nighthaunt army. Had a quick question - what’s your process for the dirt/ground on your bases? I’ve been using Vallejo ground texture primed and painted with various browns but haven’t achieved a result I like.
  15. So, someone please correct me if my math is wrong but Chaos Chosen are monstrous in terms of damage efficiency. A squad of 5 puts out 16 attacks for 7.4 damage against a 4+ save for 140 points, or 18.9 points per 1 damage. Against a 6+ this goes down to 14.3 points per 1 damage. For reference, chaos warriors with 2 hand weapons are 30.7 points per 1 damage against a 4+ and 18.4 against a 6+.
  16. The glaivewraith stalkers are extremely lackluster. No special abilities to speak of. I feel like an activated ability for extra movement would have been appropriate given their fluff. Something to distinguish them from the grimghast, which at 135pts vs 120 I can’t envision a scenario not picking the gringhast.
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