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Everything posted by zilberfrid

  1. Quite well actually! Thanks for asking. I was quite bummed with the culling, but I did manage to paint what I wanted and more, the hobby room did not succeed, that needs a bit more planning .
  2. Gw has not communicated anything. They just stated that "a handfull" of units would go to Warhammer Legends at the CoS reveal, which means no updated rules, and no longer in matched play come GHB2020, and they drop off all allied lists. They stated they would provide a full list but didn't. They stated this was a handful and it isn't. CoS was seen as a glimmer of hope for forgotten armies, but now I dread the new warscrolls, because every sane option for my general seems to go away, and I suspect the militia arms will be gone. And I got off lightly. People who were exited for the book to finally get new rules for their army, and now find that army deleted are upset, and I wonder which year my army is going to get wrecked. As for the models, the two sets in Freeguild that needed to be changed are the crossbowmen and guard (and the two single pose generals, but they could be avoided until saturday), the rest is nice. The archers are more dynamic and better dressed than the crossbowmen, and the general we lost is so much better than the captain we retained. When I started, I was wary of GW, but I was convinced they now do communicate with their fans a bit by friends. It seems that was not the right advice.
  3. The empire general was completely out of the blue for me. It is in almost every Freeguild army. That set, not the Forgeworld command set, or the two single pose ones they had. It has multiple loadout options, and is well sculpted. It is the one they picture on the warscroll, and the one with "empire general" in the URL. What we now have left is a mere captain with the worst loadout you could think to give a general, and an ugly one at it. I expected some cuts in the high elves, but not to this extent. They needed the high elf/disposessed players to start up AoS, and now they dump them.
  4. Built, primed and painted until washes: - Tiny gryph hound - Two versions of my Quartergryphs (one is not pretty enough) - Demigryph - Excelsior Warpriest - Washes on the above - Another Quartergryph conversion option (this time from a Bretonnian horse) primed - Another quartergryph (made from a Tsaangor head and an Empire warhorse) primed - 1 greatsword primed - Outriders primed - Pistoleer rider primed Todo: - Improve the bases - Build the Empire General tiny griffin - Gryph hound in same colour scheme - General slaying Stormcast for my own contest - Another Quartergryph conversion option (this time from a Bretonnian horse) paint&wash - Another quartergryph (made from a Tsaangor head and an Empire warhorse) paint&wash Out of scope for this month: - Gryph charger - Deathclaw - Build/prime/paint riders for the gryphs. Even the tiny gryph-creatures.
  5. Thunderers are a good proxy for Arkanaut Company, and Irondrakes for Grundstok Thunderers. GW should not complain about these proxies after this weekeind.
  6. My point was about the Cannon, most of the other stuff I could already find something for. Thanks for the suggestion you two, I had not thought of that.
  7. Counts as what, exactly? Not the empire cannon, that's already gone (and GW said it could not the other way around). Ballista's would be weird (and the elf ones are probably also gone now, so the only ones left are Sigmarines). Rocket launchers? They don't even look halfway alike. It does not look remotely like a gyrocopter, gyrobomber, gun hauler, frigate, steam tank or ironclad. And that is all there is for order artillery.
  8. Could you point me to the list? I am a serial converter, and don't want to be at the whim of a store manager.
  9. I think the general they kept is older than the general we lost.
  10. GW does not even allow Empire cannons as Ironweld cannons. Officially there is no counts as.
  11. The general on griffin does something wildly different, buffs one unit's bravery and charge, not three unit's to hit and wounds. Also does not give a 24" aura of bravery.
  12. At this point, it's up to GW to prove that they want me as a customer.
  13. On horse, and I have another one with a warbanner. The one we currently have has a greatsword, so no shield, war banner, mount or even a pistol. Which is objectively the worst loadout for a general. If the rest of the options are gone (I remember the time when I thought updated warscrolls would be a blessing), they really nerfed Freeguild. At the moment, I can't really reccoment someone with an old army to return to Warhammer. GW does not seem interested in sparing them any thought but the bare minimum to keep them spending their money.
  14. I am a new player, drawn to the humans on the side of good, which is a common thing for new players. Stormcast are 10 ft tall posthuman instruments of their god, and really don't fit the "normal dudes fighting monsters" trope, so I went with Freeguild. Did not expect to lose the general pictured in the warscroll, used in 90% of all Freeguild armies and the only option for the merc group. I do not think it is fair to discontinue at this point, that point was four years ago.
  15. Don't! There are still some nice models in there. If you first take out the Nighthaunt, Tzeench, Gitz, Sisters of the Thorn and some other good looking sets, I have less of an issue with it.
  16. Considering that some of the models and warscrolls being culled were in an AoS branded starter box, no, it should not. Another thing is that just over a month ago, mercenary rules in GHB2019 gave people reason to buy the general on horse and organ gun/cannon, so new rules for the units, and then they are gone.
  17. Halflings were deleted from the game, so that's an apt comparison. Replacing old models with new ones is not what is happening. This is replacing units and heroes with nothing, as the warscrolls are going to legends. In 40k and fantasy battle, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think compartively few units were entirely disallowed from playing in tournaments. AoS is rife with that, and that fact makes me quite unwilling to sink money in it.
  18. In https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Kharza it was Sacrosanct and other stories. In my head canon, he's alive, and that's enough for me.
  19. There's a chance you are right. Positive thoughts about GW are a bit hard today.
  20. Did GW communicate this, or is it conjecture?
  21. They'll probably open up a stormhost or two to fill the room.
  22. Freeguild has not been hit too bad yet. Not having too much hope at the moment though.
  23. For General and archers, you had minus four days in last chance, they actually already sold out monday. They entered last chance last night already out of stock worldwide.
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