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Everything posted by SunStorm

  1. I'm afraid I've already chopped Ghoulchewer in half and I'm currently working on painting him up as a Gore Grunta Boss... In terms of size, his upper torso isn't far off the megaboss, which you can sort of see above. His actual legs are tiny however, I assume due to needing to fit onto a 32mm base. I'm undecided what to do with the rest of the team. I might yet end up messing around with my bitsbox and making them into something for AoS.
  2. From a model perspective I think they could do with a new kit as they don't really match the rest of the Ironjawz range. It wouldn't be as bad if there were still other units that fit the same style, but it's just the Ardboys and everything else is new. The unit I have is a mix of Underworlds and converted Blood Bowl orruks, which works well enough, but would prefer a proper multipart kit by GW. On a side note the Black Orcs from the latest Blood Bowl set are really nice sculpts and much closer in size to the brutes than previous black orcs/ardboyz, even the more recent Ironskull's boyz.
  3. Very impressive. I'll be looking to get him even if it's just as a painting project. Interesting that it's not a dead stormcast on his AoS base, when the 40k one is a Primaris.
  4. Oh I forgot to say Dragon Ogors. The current plastic kit still holds up pretty well, but could certainly be improved on. A shaggoth in plastic would be good, maybe a duel kit that has a melee hero and caster hero that's bigger than the current one, but still leaves room for a crazy big, mega-gargant sized monster (think Creature Caster Drakon)
  5. More Orruk stuff, either for Ironjaws or Bonesplitters or even go back to a "normal" Orruk faction. A re-sculpt of the Ardboyz kit is needed, it really stands out against all the newer Ironjawz sculpts. The Underworlds and Bloodbowl sculpts have already shown they know what they should look like, they just need a unit of 10 with a choice of weapons. Goregrunta chariot would be perfect. Duel/triple kit, with Hero build, Generic build and then maybe a warmachine build with a great harpoon for bringing down flying foes so the boyz can smash. Sun chaser/worshipping goblins further expanding the wolf riding ones from underworlds would also be perfect.
  6. They hinted that more factions will get new hero releases ala the Nighthaunt and SCE ones shown off today.
  7. No issues with the prices from me. I know that is sacrilege to say on these boards and someone will be along soon to call me a GW shill, but this is a hobby to me and is optional. Other hobbies I have are also expensive, so it's not just GW. Compared to buying £300-400 action figures or car parts for £1000, spending a fraction of that on a box of miniatures that I can enjoy assembling, then painting, then gaming with and also have on display seems like a good deal to me.
  8. Great looking sculpts. Glad they're more inline with the Deathrattle Sepulchral Guard rather than the OBR.
  9. Orruks! They tried to get round it by combining Ironjawz and Bonesplitters but they didn't even get Endless Spells. The reboxed/renamed Savage Orcs and Black Orcs are showing their age in my opinion. The Underworlds Warbands show GW can do nice looking Ardboys and hopefully will see new Bonesplitter sculpts with their upcoming warband.
  10. Dawn of War and Space Marine in combination with the HH Blacklibrary books pulled me back to the hobby after some time away and I've heard from others they had the same experience. They could be seen as the new Heroquest/Space Crusade entry point that started a lot of us down this path in the 90s.
  11. My own view (and it's just a view) is that GW would much rather people play using the slightly less rigid Open or Narrative style, in fact didn't they try that with the initial AoS 1.0? Eventually having to go back to a more traditional points system. Even now it doesn't always work, look at the threads where people were saying how rubbish the company is because they didn't release a proper FAQ over Christmas. The anger directed towards GW and anybody daring to try and defend them was actually quite shocking to me. Having said that, Matched is what I try to stick to and take into account when list building or even kitbashing/converting/countsasing. It's just easier using that as a starting point and it cuts down on a lot of back and forth before games with random people. I wonder if a solution would be to have a 4th tier above Matched, that solely focuses on the competitive/tourny crowd? That way, those of us that don't care about min-maxing or spending ages going through tourny data to show that one army is broken or useless can still have a framework for putting lists together, but won't affect the people that really care about that thing.
  12. Since seeing Sigvald, I'd say some heroes for the other gods, an updated Arbaal (the defeated), Valkia the Bloody, Aekold Helbrass, Egrimm van Horstmann, etc
  13. My guess will be that it might mirror the Silver Tower release, that introduced the new Tzeentch stuff before they got a full army book. Can anybody remember how long that was? And if they had warscrolls for the Silver Tower kits prior to the army book?
  14. On the preview stream they mentioned his stakes were made of wood from Ashqy and so they'd burst into flames when hitting the target.
  15. Is the new price for the upcoming Underworlds Warbands or will it be applied to the current ones as well?
  16. Getting it set up on the big TV to see everything up close
  17. Is it worth mentioning a reminder to not get too over-excited for the preview? We've seen how these go in the past where people hype it up before hand then complain when there isn't much new shown off. Don't forget we already had stuff shown early due to the leaks that most likely would've been part of the Saturday preview.
  18. That pose looks very similar to the Morgok's Krushas, will be interesting to see how they differentiate them.
  19. I want to know which person they sent to the shop to buy the potato for that top photo.
  20. Werewolves exist already in the Chaos faction as Skinwolves, although I think they're no longer made and so are legends?
  21. Interesting to see old fashioned leaks again. GW have been ahead of them recently so will be interested to see how they respond, if this affects what they'd planned to show off on Saturday? As for the models, will wait to see some better pictures before deciding if I need another army.
  22. The smaller unit list for Ironjawz is both a gift and curse. As others pointed out, having less to collect to "complete" an army is good The flip side of that is that if you want a larger army, you're repeating lots of units. If you're prepared to kitbash, then you can make them look different, but not everybody wants to convert to not have an army of clones. I voted for around 10-15. Current Ironjawz is 7 or 9 I think, if you include the Underworlds kits.
  23. Well my focus is on Ironjaws rather than Bonesplitterz and is from an aesthetic point of view (i'm more of a collector than gamer at the moment), I'd like to see some warmachines. I don't buy the lore that they just punch everything to bits and so don't need anything else. Maybe a chariot kit, pulled by gore-gruntas that can be built as either a CC version or one that has a giant ballista firing chained harpoons (for helping bring down and attack those pesky flying enemies). I'd also like to see some additional mounted HQs, warchanter/shaman/megaboss on gore-gruntas would all be easy wins (I'm already working on converting some of these) They could also do a larger kit like a Squigoth style beast, maybe with a idol of gorkamorka on it's back, maybe the Orruk equivalent of the Arachnarok. I'd also like to see some non-gloomspite goblins to accompany them along the lines of the Underworlds wolfriders, a multi part wolfrider kit that could be used as light cavalry. They could also do with some endless spells and a terrain piece like a lot of other factions. Oh and a new kit for the ard boys as the kit is really showing it's age compared to the Specialist Game Orruks/Orcs I can understand how they came to be, like other AOS 1.0 armies they took an existing faction, boiled it down to the basic essence and made it copywriteable. It just seems that scope and lore seems limiting, especially since AoS 2.0 has expanded so much about the vast realms and how much room there is for other units and types of Orrukes Overall I love the Ironjawz look and love all the AoS era kits. The Brutes especially, with a bit of chopping can go very far, but without converting you're limited by the number of kits to making a larger army. I'd just like to see more.
  24. I'd like to see some of the other Orruk Warclans, as in the background not all Orruks are Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz. Lets have some more "generic" Orruks. Lets have some chariots, some warmachines, some mounted on (thunderwolf sized) wolves. Lets have the guy who did the recent Bloodbowl Orcs or Ironskull's Boyz do them.
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