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Everything posted by AverageBoss

  1. The original Dawn of War is a great RTS, though much better and more varied with its 3 expansions. Vermintide 2 is basically a better Left for Dead with Warhammer paint. Space Marine is a solid 3rd person shooter. Total Warhammer is a fantastic strategy game in the vein of Total War.
  2. I imagine it will be just a change to Legion of Chaos Ascendant. Maybe they will get thier own book. But it will probably stick to Broken Realms for a while (they have been stuck in Wrath of the Everchosen up until now).
  3. I imagine from above, the zombies would look like a graveyard itself is crawling across the field. I find that to be some cool imagery. Yes, it would have been nice to have more sculpts, like the 10 Necron Warriors got. But they might (hopefully) use that as justification to keep the kit on the cheaper end.
  4. I mean, I actually love these zombies, graves and all, so that is what I am hoping we get for the full range as well. Though if it is easy to build them without the graves, that would give everyone what they want.
  5. I mean, he has a similar boot and pants design, gut plate looking thing, and a similar exposed chest. Its also worth noting that the zombie ogres that we know for sure are zombie ogres, look nothing like any other existing ogres either. He is also the 2nd largest model in the box (2nd only to the big varghulf thing), and his website quote reads that in life he would pick his teeth clean with his victims bones. I am still leaning towards ogre.
  6. Tzaangors, Acolytes, Gaunt Summoner, Brimstone Horrrors, and new Blue Horrors appeared in Silver Tower first before showing up as part of the official DoT release in full sets. So theres that at least.
  7. Nurgle has no subfactions in its book. In the case of Tzeentch at least, Guild of Summoners and Host Duplicitus main rules (Lord of Change summoning, and no retreats) work for any combination of Tzeentch units. The rest however tend to focus on specific units (like Kairic Acolytes or Tzaangors). Battalions most certainly push you towards all Daemons or all mortals though, in all 4 books.
  8. They get a horde discount at 30. Though I always found 30 man SC squads odd, given their size and (supposed) elite status.
  9. Legion of Chaos Ascendant is an all chaos daemon (all 4 gods) + Belakor army.
  10. AverageBoss

    New to LON

    Ya, thats not just beastclaw, but a full Mawtribes list. Mixed Mawtribes can be surprisingly versatile. And their book is in much better shape atm. I will say that unless you are using him in a battalion, the Wight King is not really worth it. He is vastly outperformed by a Vampire Lord (better Vanhels, and is a caster). Also, Grimghast reapers outperform Grave Guard in speed, durability, and offense. Consider 5 man squads of wolves as screens, and 20 man Chainghast units as tarpits. Skeleton warriors are great at throwing out tons of attacks, but they struggle to pierce armor, and cant take any sort of hit back. Keep that in mind for their targets. I had trouble justifying Morghasts when the Legions book was considered the strongest in the game, I don't expect them to do a whole lot now. Overwhelming Dread and Fading Vigor are your best friends in the spell department.
  11. I would like to see the entire game go full alternating activations like the combat phase (which is typically the most fun and interactive phase of the game for both players). When a unit activates, it can take only so many actions, which can include moving, shooting, charging, casting a spell, using an ability, etc. Or at the very least, just get rid of the double turn. I would like to see terrain be meaningful and impactful, in all facets of the game. I would like to see some rule condensation. 90 percent of shields in the game should just be shields and follow the same rules. We don't need every single shield in the game to be a special snowflake with its own unique rules. This problem I have with 40k as well. Too many heroes that exist for no other reason than to be buff engines. Too many over stacking abilities and bonuses to the point where army construction resembles a TCG deck. I want to see the game move away from that.
  12. It's always bugged me that the 1s digit in AoS is never used. Why even have it? Why don't we just say we are playing 200 point games. 5x Liberators cost 9 points. 12x Ogre Gluttons cost 40 points. Etc.
  13. They do have one, but its Forge World. https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Vorgaroth-the-Scarred-and-Skalok-the-Skull-Host-of-Khorne-2018 I want to see a large modern plastic replacement for the old two headed Chaos Dragon. Plastic Vampires were my previous #1, but we know we are getting those now. :3
  14. Ya, hes resin now. But as I was looking for alternatives (I don't like GWs resin or finecast offerings), I found an old metal one on ebay for $30 and grabbed it up. Needs a lot of work to make it table-top ready (lots of gaps, and a broken stump hook), but I am happy to have found him. :) Now watch GW actually announce a new plastic one around the time I finish him. XD
  15. I used to have an IG army back in 4th-5th, that was 65 metal stormtroopers and 3 half metal demolisher tanks (+7 plastic chimeras). XD That was a pain to transport. But this metal slaughtermaster (or Skrag the Slaughterer for those who were around) weighs an absolute ton all on his own. XD
  16. They do show up in battletomes though. At the very least, Eyes are in my DoT book, and the SCE ones are in thier book.
  17. If they have the Mark of Khorne, then yes. If not, then no. Rage of Khorne: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by friendly KHORNE units while they are wholly within 16" of any models with this ability. Mark of Chaos: When you select this unit to be part of your army, you must give it one of the following Mark of Chaos keywords: KHORNE, TZEENTCH, NURGLE, SLAANESH, or UNDIVIDED.
  18. Use battlescribe for 40k list building. Use 1D4chan tactics pages and battlescribe to get info on how various armies play. Space Marines, Necrons, Deathguard, Sisters of Battle, and Thousand Sons have the most up to date model ranges. But 40k suffers from a HUGE release and support imbalance. As bad as Stormcast used to be, and ORDER is currently, they have nothing on SMs and the Imperium. Detachments let you pick what sort of skeleton you want for your army. Want something with lots of well rounded options? Battalion is your go to. Want to make a tank company with a wall of steel? Go with vanguard for those 4 heavy support slots. And yes, 40k does charge you more points to make your guys better. A gun that can kill one dude vs a gun that can kill four and also threaten light vehicles should see a points difference.
  19. I honestly dont think list building is bad or hard for either game. AoS is like a 2/10 in difficulty, and 40k with points (because power points are broken and do not work), is like a 5/10. Of course I use battlescribe for both games. But there are far harder games to build lists out of.
  20. I also love the zombie dragon. Though its actually a zombie wyvern despite its name. XD
  21. With constant points deductions, due to be constantly outclassed, stormcast is looking more and more hordy and less and less elite. And that looks especially odd for an army primarily on 40mm bases. SC need a full rewrite, making them more on par with ogres and/or Custodes imo. They need a full overhaul regardless. Many of the warscrolls have barely been touched since 0 edition, before the game even had points.
  22. Just as you can take Tzeentch marked StD units in a DoT army, without them counting as allies (due to gaining the Tzeentch keyword), you can take a GS in a StD list without him counting as an ally because he has the StD keyword. Allegiances are entirely keyword based, and do not care about which units are or are not in a specific book.
  23. GW can go either way. Bone reapers exist. On the other hand, Nighthaunt are a bog standard gothic ghost army (with amazing models) when you get down to it. AoS seems to have no problem using old troupes or new experiments. As long as they sell. And making zany models does not really protect them on an IP front (other than making alternative model sources have to start fresh to match). You can't copyright a concept, only a specific sculpt. This if why Raging Heroes and other companies can get away with making clear alternatives for chaos daemons, GWs most unique line.
  24. Abhorash might already be around. There was mention in early fluff of a legendary vampire warrior known as The Dragon, whom other vampire lords sought to train thier warriors. This was really early stuff though.
  25. All they would need to be part of hedonites is the Slaanesh keyword (that's the keyword they use, which is why you can also include slaves units in allegiance). Would be very strange if these models do not have said keyword.
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