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Posts posted by gronnelg

  1. Hey guys! I might run a list like the one below. Am I fine going with screaming bell, or should I rather go for plague furnace? As it is, the list basically has vanilla unbuffed plaguemonks. Not sure it that damage output is sufficient?

    Also, how do I hide text, like in the above posts? :)

    Allegiance: Skaventide

    Clawlord (100)
    Grey Seer (120)
    Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (200)
    Verminlord Warpseer (260)
    Warlock Bombardier (100)

    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Spear
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Spear
    20 x Clanrats (120)
    - Rusty Spear

    40 x Plague Monks (240)
    - Foetid Blades

    War Machines
    Doomwheel (160)
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

    Endless Spells
    Warp Lightning Vortex (100)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 196

    • Like 1
  2. @robboboboAt first I was kinda skeptical, but I'm starting to like this list. Is well built around syngeries, centered primarly on the stormvermin, and then the warbringer will bring hell the turn brutal fury is activated. So possible drawbacks are that this list will probably be 1. a bit CP intensive, with both warpseer and clawlord wanting to be activated, 2. you have limited hero sniping abilities, and thus will find it hard to break synergies, 3. you cannot let the stormverming or warbringer get charged.

  3. Hey guys. Wandereres is one the armies that interest for as a second army at some point in the future. I've heard they are pretty weak  though. So how bad is it? Can you guys win any games at all? Are there any good match ups for you? Approximatly what kind of winrate are we talking about?

    • Like 1
  4. I played my SCE friend again tonight, as a warm-up for the upcoming tournament. He had alfastrike potential. And let me tell you fellas, I deployed like a retarded monkey. I had juicy targets bunch up in the middle, behind a screen, but to close to the screen, so a lot of damage got through. My hammer was far out on the left, and could do nothing to help. From there I used gnawholes and Skitterleap to claw my way to a minor loss. But man, it was a fun and close game. And I learned to be more mindful of my deployment. Good times! 

    • Like 1
  5. Did you guys see this list for South Coast GT? Skaven in third place, after double DoK.
    Someone disagrees with your stance on clanrats @Gwendar :)
    I have no idea how this list was played though.


    Tom Mawdsley

    • Skaventide
    • Verminlord Warpseer (General, Master of Magic),
    • Verminlord Corruptor (Sword of Judgement),
    • Verminlord Deceiver,
    • Lord Skreech Verminking,
    • Grey Seer (Skitterleap),
    • 3 x 20 Clanrats
    • Aethervoid Pendulum, Geminids of Uhl-Gysh, Soulsnare Shackles, Umbral Spellportal, Vermintide, Warp Lightning Vortex, Chronomantic Cogs, Prismatic Palisade
  6. 5 hours ago, bitchparty said:

    Yes you can cast Death Frenzy and Dreaded Death Frenzy on the same unit and each model can pile in and attack twice when they are slain.

    Pretty sure it's the Khorne FAQ that confirms this.

    Do you get pile in twice? Pile in and attack, then pile the same model in and attack? 

  7. @GwendarThanks mate! I think the brood horror is 160, and the clawlord with brood horror is 220?
    About the gutter runners, my idea was that I can distract in two locations with 2x5, and if they get charged/shot, then it's only have the models. But is your experience that 5 can't really kill anything in one turn?

    Good point on skitterleap/gnawhole trick. So wait, are you telling me a hero balewind can be skitterlept?

  8. So, guys... I currently struggle with my subpar list (I don't have the units I want yet). 
    I'm thinking this might be my future list:

    Allegiance: Skaventide

    Grey Seer (120)
    - Lore of Ruin: Warpgale
    Skaven Clawlord on Brood Horror (220)
    Verminlord Warpseer (260)
    - General
    - Trait: Master of Magic 
    - Artefact: Suspicious Stone 
    Warlock Bombardier (100)

    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Spear
    20 x Clanrats (120)
    - Rusty Blade
    20 x Clanrats (120)
    - Rusty Blade

    5 x Gutter Runners (60)
    5 x Gutter Runners (60)
    40 x Plague Monks (240)
    - Foetid Blades
    - 1x Icon of Pestilence
    - 1x Contagion Banner
    - 1x Doom Gongs
    - 1x Bale Chimes

    War Machines
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

    Endless Spells
    Balewind Vortex (40)
    Warp Lightning Vortex (100)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 176


    Balewind for engineers warp lightning spell, while hopefully keeping him close to WLC, and hopefully a gnawhole as well. 
    Plague monks, and to a lesser extent big block of clanrats buffed by clawlord (I put him on a horror, so he can actually fight and not ONLY buff a single unit of clanrats). 
    Feedback on this list  guys? :)

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