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Everything posted by Platypus

  1. The font used is all wrong. The perspective of the whole thing is a mess. Just look at the spine in comparison with the front cover, and the title compared to the sides. The angles on this thing is so wrong it would make HP Lovecraft proud. So yeah, it’s obvious that it is a fake.
  2. For me how many they have taken. It's easier to see current stats for monsters, so I do it for all models for consistency.
  3. The Cubicle 7 Hour right after will probably contain some info on the AoS RPG.
  4. The difference could be explained by an upcoming nerf to LoN gravesites together with GHB2019. Maybe the LoG wording is the new LoN wording?
  5. It's the LoN terrain piece! The Throne of Nagash, so he can sit down and rest during the battle.
  6. Oh these are nice! I have magnetized most of my minis, these would be perfect. So these are basically a steel sheet right?
  7. Does anyone know how big the Warcry board will be? There a picture of it in the Warcry thread, but I’m bad at guessing it’s size. Kill Team has a 22”x30” board so that is smaller than the 30”x40” skirmish battleplans.
  8. The new skirmish battleplans from WD Jan 2019 are for a 30x40 sized board. Could that be a thing for these 1k rules?
  9. There’s an AoS Q&A session tomorrow as well, might reveal something as well.
  10. I usually work with non-GW paints, but these I’ll try for sure.
  11. I don't understand why Endless Spell would work differently from normal spells with Celestial Conjuration. Before you attempt to cast a spell you just say you convert it into points instead. Doesn't really matter what spells you choose to convert.
  12. https://thehonestwargamer.com/age-of-sigmar-stats-30th-april/
  13. That upper left corner one is most likely Sylvaneth and revealed in https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/05/02/lore-focus-spites-of-the-sylvanethgw-homepage-post-3/
  14. My guess and expectation is that we won't get anything apart from BT, endless spells, and terrain. Unless it's connected to a vs. box, which I don't think they'll do if the battletome drops before the summer. While new stuff would be nice, I'm more than content with new rules. If they fix stuff like Knights and give Saurus-based armies a boost.
  15. You can't even take The Sepulchral Guard as an ally in a LoN army. LoN:s allies are only FEC and Nighthaunt. You can only field them in a GA: Death army right now.
  16. I think they mentioned at some point that the warbands wouldn't be directly connected to any of the Chaos gods.
  17. Yeah, aren't these rumor engines usually published about 6 months in advance?
  18. Could be both, in a combined BT? Would be an instabuy for me.
  19. That lizardskin one is still left. I’m guessing it’s a dead seraphon on some sort of Idoneth spell.
  20. When is that survey happening btw? I haven't seen any date.
  21. They didn’t show anything directly 40k today either, just things for three of their boxed games. I’m sure there’ll be AoS stuff to show tomorrow or on Wednesday.
  22. Zoats? But I want a Fimir army...have to belong to that.
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