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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. Not sure how you'd get 11 fate points reliably per turn - shaman has 1 spell, gaunt summoner (with balewind) 3, curseling 2, CSL 1, PH 1.... rolling doubles with the Gaunt is possible but in general you'd just get 8 points (or less if your spells fizzle). Outside of that this looks like a decent list although more wounds/units might be wise and I'm not sure if the CSL really offers enough punch against big threats or armored elites (cause else you only got Enlightened - Kairics are useless as soon as the enemy gets to them, same with Horrors who only buy you time). Does Infusion Arcanum even work on the sorcerer lord (or better said: on the manticore)? You might want to consider "Shield of Fate" - it's pretty amazing if you got enough fate dice.
  2. Pretty sure (99.9%) it's gonna be a generic chaos sorcerer as their backpacks looked exactly like this. My personal guess is an update of the sculpt they used as Sindri Myr, as people loved that character back in the "dawn of war" era.
  3. The AoS -Orruk? one kinda reminds me of a scorpion. Could be some xenos for blackstone fortress, something slaaneshi or indeed some bit for Orruks, ogors or whatever...
  4. Shackles and the Prismatic Palisade are great for slowing down melee-focused opponents or denying them a certain route as well - at least in my experience they've worked pretty damn well (especially once when he was trapped with a pendulum on the other side of the palisade).
  5. With mortal Chaos I imagine that at the beginning of their journey into damnation they got urges and feelings just like more normal folk and later those lessen or even vanish in some cases - else all those tribes would've died out in old Warhammer before some of them became huge champions of Chaos. Beastmen - apart from being born by the raw mutating essence of Chaos - I imagine to have females just like more standard races (Aelves, Humans and Dwarfs). Orruks are fungus to me, simply because I don't wanna imagine female ones or kids. I don't think there's anything feminine about them as a race so it would feel kinda weird to me as I can't imagine, less brutish, more nurturing, caring and diplomatic specimens - it's just diluting what Orruks are in essence. (Yeah, I know, I'm sooooooooo sexist for saying that - cool it, SJW poster). Stormcast are in my opinion able to preocreate but don't out of duty. Since Seraphon got real/alive ones by now, i imagine they simply got females too - it's kinda hard to differentiate in reptiles anyways, so in theory the existing models could be female as well. That said, I don't know their background so maybe GW has other ideas. But in many real world cases the female often lays a huge bunch of eggs so it would fit the whole spawning pool theme...
  6. Hmmm, if Chaos Warriors get no new rules and models when GW gets to rework Slaves to Darkness (Darkoath, whatever- just release it already!), I'd like something that buffs our saves. Some "Iron Aura" or "Shiftings Mists" or something, so that our battlelines wouldn't get killed as quickly vs. more melee-focused armies (Khorne, Ironjawz, Nurgle). Because right now all we can do is throw masses of Horrors at them in my experience - who are pretty much useless outside of being a buffer vs more elite cc troops. Playing against such armies I've come to love Shield of Fate and an Enlightened deathball. Either way, at least one of the three spells should be pretty random in outcome as that would fit so very well, maybe some kind of oracle-thingy. I think a spell affecting movement would be good, something like a fata morgana/mirage that gets enemy units to maybe fall for it and get lost in the illusion (much like mortals wander around the crystal labyrinths). Just some ideas... we got plenty of basic damage spells in our tome and there are endless spells for that already, so yeah, some nice tricks would be fun.
  7. Oh, thanks for the info! As someone who got into airbrushing about a year ago when a friend bought me an airbrush I just wanted this to be a new GW airbrush as it really does help with lots of things so much...
  8. This is a pic of an airbrush in April's white dwarf apparently. 50 shelves of grey and all...
  9. Yeah, we are squishy. There is no way to go toe to toe with an elite CC army such as Ironjawz without the help of tactics/magic. Chaos Warriors can tank but can't dish out enough damage (why are they so sucky now?). Horrors are useless outside of their spells but maybe my dice just hate me - I do find shooting to be highly overrated though; 4+/4+ looks pretty good but if the enemy has 2 wounds and a good save, it suddenly doesn't work well. Enlightened do work though. I can't say wether Tzaangors would work, as I haven't used them but with Shield of Fate they might be good ( then again, I use SoF on my Enlightened). So yeah, spam MW, go in with Enlightened and make sure you split their army/hinder them from having multiple units kill your Enlightened in one turn. Prismatic Palisade, shackles, horrors as roadblocks, you name it. Gaunt Summoneron on BWV can reduce huge units by almost half if you're lucky with the rolls. I've used a Vortex Beast with some measure of success - instantly draws attention to itself, so it's a great distraction but can only be used as such. I feel like Tzeentch is an army that actually needs a devious plan, especially if you just play "who stands last wins". But to illustrate my point further: A single Megaboss on foot killed 20 blue horrors and 20 brimstone horrors (10 bases) by himself and got a single wound from them. The roadblock worked, so he never got to kill something important but shooting and CC from horrors is kinda useless. Nerf the spells and Enlightened and Tzeentch is done. Just my observations so far - and as much as I love Flamers, I never had success with them either.
  10. This might've been mentioned but in the video game world they balance units, characters, whatever exclusively from the feedback they get from professional players (or by analyzing their matches) - I think that's the right way to go here as well, even if it means that my opinion (or that of other casuals, albeit I'm probably way, way worse at the game than most of you guys here) is of no consequence to them as I'm simply not good enough at the game. I can live with that perfectly fine.
  11. I've tried lots of stuff and personally my best units were: 6x Enlightened (even without a Shaman) and Gaunt Summoner on Balewind Vortex (with Familiars - he's INSANE). Those two performed extremely well in my games and are a great start for a 1k list IMO. Pink Horrors are decent, mostly for their casting and as speedbumps (due to splitting) though you could also just use some endless spells for the job (I had a lot of success with shackles and prismatic palisade). Kairic Acolytes never did me any good so far but I play against elite armies (Ironjawz, Nurgle, StD), so that is to be expected. Flamers underperformed as well but that might be down to me rolling badly.
  12. 100% agreed. It's also the only thing I really want mini-wise for my DoT army. And Chaos Warriors are indeed very iconic (probably one of the five most iconic things done by GW), at least way more than SCE...
  13. Yeah, with so many changes the book is a true mess. I also think the LoC is highly overcosted at the moment - I mean Thanquol is 400 points and arguably a better pick in most situations.
  14. Just shows me how dumb I am - I never thought about just cutting away the round shape and replace it with a magnet... magnetizing the tzaangors to the discs - I totally believe you how hard that is... it's already quite annoying to have them stay in place with normal glue. I think I'll steal that idea from you with magnetizing the accessoires, that seems manageable, but I guess mine will be fixed to the discs with plastic glue when the time comes (I've currently fixated them with a tiny bit of superglue so that I can take it apart when it's time to paint them...).
  15. You're pretty handy then! I didn't glue that part yet as my Disc Tzaangors are still unprimed plastic but I'm not sure how if I will pull it off with the tiny Enlightened parts (scrolls, dagger, etc.). Seems pretty damn hard.
  16. Thanks so much for the help! I've looked into chinchilla (I hope that's how you spell them...) sand on amazon but didn't order it because I wasn't sure that the sand would be finer. Well, now I at least know that sand for birds is the perfect size! TY!
  17. As long as you don't run into THAT guy who complains about them having no quivers (or Enlightened having quivers). A friend told me about that when he visited a local GW, apparently there really are such people around! 😂
  18. That archregent looks really great, I really dig the pale, blue-ish look you got going on the skin - and I also love your basing on it. Would you be so kind and give me a hint where you get such fine sand for basing? It looks really awesome as its size works way better with miniatures than most sand I've seen used - hope you don't mind the question but there are so many talented people here I kinda have to ask and learn a few things...
  19. Can you quickly get a job at GW just to pitch them those changes?
  20. MitGas

    Sylvaneth Dryad test

    Thanks for the mini-tutorial and the detailed list of colors, it will definitely come in handy. Much appreciated!
  21. MitGas

    Sylvaneth Dryad test

    Beautiful color - I hope you don't mind but what color did you use for the main body? A grey with carroburg crimson with a fade to brown/black? Looks exceptional! Great job!
  22. Well, they could easily have some kind of Mordheim up at the Allpoints - maybe a haunted city of "normal" people that used to live there. It does sound interesting and I can't wait to see the terrain that might come with it. Personally I was really hoping to see new Chosen minis (or more of Darkoath/Slaanesh in general) but at least the 40k Chaos reveal was lovely. Yeah, I'm impatient. Khorne getting endless spells prayers before Tzeentch is kinda ironic though.
  23. Hmm, if it's for ALL players, perhaps they thought about doing stuff like hills or modular rivers, especially with now everyone using printed/textured mats for gaming. Or even printed maps?
  24. Terrain as good as the 40k one would be awesome, I just hope it's not another ruined temple/fortress7cathedral as we got the azyrite ruins already and something different would be cooler...
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