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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Any idea which color was used for the Skeleton Warband‘s blue cloth?
  2. but they deal so many mOrTaL wOuNdS, yOu No LiKe mOrTaL wOuNdS!? Me noT UNderStANdiNg WRiTiNG InTEreStiNg rULes NeEDS tIME mE NO HAvE. bESt mE CAn dO IS OfFEr yOU moRe mOrTaL wOuNdS, YOu hApPY NOw!? I can’t keep my eyes off the new Skeleton Warband. It looks so awesome! Does anybody k ow what blue they used for their ripped cloth?
  3. Does anybody know if there's a shop that sells Chaos Warrior Heads in a Tzeentch style? (I could not find any)
  4. 100% this. I really don't get why they're doing nothing with FEC when it could easily be one of the signature Factions for AoS since the concept is really unique and easily expandable.
  5. Is this how argumentation works? Alright, let me try now! yeah, I‘ve just played a 360 Person Tournament, and everyone was using Roos 🤦🏼‍♂️🤣 *facepalm* Ganigumo showed you the statistics.
  6. you really need a metric for that, really? I've never even once seen (live) a player play bonesplitters, ever.
  7. It's the first time this ability appears on an actually popular unit. The rule was bad before, slapping it onto more Units makes matters worse. - AoS has been copying way too many rules from 40K anyways. Yet 40K is a prime example of how one should not write rules.
  8. So we are starting the 40K arms-race of idiocity it seems: Bullets that ignore wards. Wards that ignore Bullets that ignore Warding effects. Bullets that ignore effects that ignore this bullet’s ignoration of wards and so on. I really don’t miss playing AoS.
  9. I'd rejoin AoS for a second chance if they reworked S2D so they would work like Chaos Warriors (Be'lakor) works in Total War Warhammer III. Everything else is just a miss to me. - Sadly the book hasn't leaked yet
  10. The new Chaos Models are fine, yet they're not hyping me. I'm interested in the new Demon Prince, though not hyped as well. However I like that the narrative moves away from Archaon the Ever-Plot-Armoured to a Civil War with Be'lakor. I was thinking about puting some Chosen on Discs of Tzeentch, might look sick!
  11. Sure! However only old ones (and some videos). sadly however I don’t have visuals for all models Skeletons Video Skeletons Video 2 Vampire Knights Video More Videos of maybe-to-come Miniatures
  12. Hello, as some of you might know I sculpted Miniatures for a former Kickstarter Campaign. Since the Company I worked for doesn't exist anymore (and never paid me a single Cent) I decided to put those Miniatures online for free. Currently these encompass alternative Sculpts for Vampires, however I might add more of my old Projects to the list of files. (Knights, Dragons, Elves, Ballistas, a Kraken, Scenery, Scenic Bases etc.) Keep in Mind: I could no longer find polished, ready-to-go files (I made them 6 years ago), however I found the pre-final versions, which I am sharing with you (should all be printable!) Terms of Use If you want to say thanks, feel free to buy me a coffee Vampire Knights Skeletons (Light and Heavy Armoured) Giant Bats Vampire/Human Character Cheers Jack P.S.: If this is against any kind of TGA's rules I will change the Thread to meet what the rules demand.
  13. My intention as well, they are supposed to be Ironjaw stand-ins.
  14. I've been looking there as well. Most sell a physical Miniature and no file and non has the variety needed to prox an entire army
  15. Glad you like him In case you are interested in the parts used: It's one of the free Vindictor Models GW hands out from time to time. I used Vandus' head, an Evocator Helm-Crest, The Hammer+Hand of Bastian Karthalos, one Vambracer of an Annihalator (quite some carving required -> right arm), an Annihalator lower arm and an Annihalator Shield. The Cape is one left over from the Stromdrake Guard Box. All I have to do now is go in and fix the right arm (he intentionally stretches it, though I might put the pauldron back towards the torso, just a little) P.S.: I might reproduce this Pose today, however with a Spear to create a 300-esque Champion for my Vindictors! (or a Knight Questor... mhm)
  16. Hello everybody, I am intending to start a new hobby Project in two months from now: A World of Warcraft Orc army. I‘ve been browsing for a while but couldn’t find any (legal) stl files that suit my needs - which are Models for Tabletop. I am very sure I‘ve seen a kickstarter for such a project but couldn’t find it anymore So if you have any (legal) suggestions: please post them below!
  17. Issues arise when multi-activating powerful models like Archaon etc. You‘d need a way to lower the damage they can do (magic, shooting and melee) @Beliman I am super busy right now, I‘ll try to write a report this weekend!
  18. AA for AoS does not take longer. Both players share the same turn -> equal amount of units acting compared to 2 turns of regular AoS. The game I played felt very quick at least. (How long do 1k games usually last? Ours took ~ 1 hour)
  19. This happened with Warhammer Fantasy a lot, though it wasn't a good system because that happened quite often. However due to the way wounding, fighting etc. worked we'd regularly have heroic duels with absurd ends (a Priest of Sigmar slaying a Vampire Lord, or a Unit Champion killing Sigvald. A Vampire Lord being killed by the Sking-Crew of a Stegadon... good times!). I haven't had that in AoS at all to be honest. Everything simply dies (usually overkilled) or becomes the immortal overlord (save stacking). Though I like AoS (in general) more than the old WHF I have to admit that it lacks memorable games. It's all become quite fugacious.
  20. Interesting! I get bored during my opponents turn 😅
  21. This is correct concerning wether a system works or not. However (and this is my opinion) AA offers less downtime and makes the game more engaging. Which is the biggest issue of IGYG Sytems: Waiting until it's finally your turn. I think one could make the argument that super strong combos that feel bad in a IGYG System might feel less bad in a AA system, since the opponent doesn't have to wait a whole turn - unable to act at all - while one deletes their units and pulls off combo XY. - The AoS Game Designers seem to have identified the long waiting as an issue as well, since they added the whole reactions Command Abilities. However, as I said: This is subjective and only the way I feel about it. I'll have a game this evening testing the AoS with AA in a 1k match-up. I am looking forward to how it will feel! (Both players having a good time is the goal!) It would be awesome if someone of you, who plays regularly could test this system as well!
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