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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Actions of Week 03 (Sorry for the Delay, the Map Save-File had been corrupted and I had to do it all over again). Total War! Due to the amount of battles taking place this turn will last 3 weeks until December the 5th! Until then I'll update the mapevery Weekbut heir won't be any surveys apart from the Victory & Defeat Survey. I'll also do a short write up about the state of each Province.
  2. I am rather certain that this is Gordrakk's battering ram with the skull of the godbeast. What we're seens ist the backside from a top-down view. I could be modelled in a foward motion so the tassels would fly backwards
  3. I would hate an army of giants, itβ€˜s just too cheesy. concerning dragons: there are almost no good looking dragons on the market and most of GWβ€˜s dragons look like obese small-winged snakes with an overbite and rabbit teeth. So yeah, there is a need for good dragons on the market imo.
  4. If you put the sand on right after building the model (-> the sand will be basecoated and painted alongside the model), then it wonβ€˜t ever lose a single grain ^^
  5. There actually is no questionmark. As the rule is written this is possible and just one example of GWβ€˜s product β€žqualityβ€œ.
  6. I don't see how either of these resolves the Keeper of Secrets issues. Though I don't know what BW is supposedto be. @whispersofblood that's why you don't use so many abbreviation in one short sentence... XD
  7. I agree with you I just see it a bit differently since GW actually announced around the AoS 1.0 (could've been a bit earlier or later) that they'd go for limited boxes since those would be more lucrative (well they also spoke about how new armies could only be viable for a few years and then would be stopped alltogether since new armies sell better - which is not what you want to hear). They use "limited" products as any other company does: Dial up the price since the demand outweights the supply. It's a nice side-effect that there won't be any inventory costs but I am rather certain that that was not the reason why they switchted to it.
  8. Why am I in doubt about that? It seems you extreamly overestimate production costs. GW hasnβ€˜t been in any danger for 15 years? And they did better and better with hardly any setback after the old world exploded. (And they did worse before not due to overproduction while WHF existed but due to greedy and stupid pricing and release policies). if they produce 10,000 copies of Gorkamorka for 140€ then their retailer price would be 70€ which means the actual production costs per unit would be around (Max) 30€ if they stick to the old rule of selling for 2.5x the production costs. Realistically the prod. Costs per unit would be somewhere around 15-20€. selling half of it would therefor cover all their costs with ease. After that the revenue would explode. And that is not accounting for their online shop sales of which every sold box covers the prod. Costs of ~4.5 boxes.
  9. Theyβ€˜re constantly in the top three or four (iirc) by spamming Hearthguards.
  10. Week 02's Results: Results of Week 02! Destruction wildly defended the Iron Fist Coast against any Chaos invaders and smashed them (or ate them) for only major victories! Gork's Foothold however is almost lost to Death's endless Legions! Survey's for week 03 Destruction: https://forms.gle/n6tYkYVRxKWLmHEMA Death: https://forms.gle/oqGcXdtkXd4BsV9M7 Order: https://forms.gle/p1cgDU7nviDri3vb9 Chaos: https://forms.gle/vmx2MAVusdAAP1VV7 Victory & Defeat Survey: https://forms.gle/SQaGeH5BXwbqNmb1A Fight on!
  11. True but theyβ€˜re trying to sell it that way because they know there are hardcore fans. (And people actually believe it and throw money at them and defend GW everytime someone raises a finger)
  12. I did not interpret his posting as you did. There was a lot of subjective truth of what he said, he then separately compared GW to EA and highlighted that they donβ€˜t release WHF again for us, but for the cash they can grab since they actually donβ€˜t give a damn about the community. - which is something that my personal experience confirms. =} and again GW: Shareholder (interest: money), I donβ€˜t see the community team or the artist as GW if I grumble about the company since they donβ€˜t make the prices and they canβ€˜t make any decisions by themselves concerning products.
  13. Interesting! Iβ€˜ve never said that I donβ€˜t want it, on the contrary actually (if you scroll up). But hey keep on rambling. GW and EA: Launch DLC: All CSM books, Supplements etc. Oh and the obvious greed. also there is a distinction to be made GW =! AoS. AoS was made by people hired by GW and GW sells it. While the game is fun and all the price politics remain almost insidious.
  14. Very well said. Edit: It is what everyone including me tends to be blind to: GW are actually only the shareholders craving for more money. Incontrary to the β€žoldβ€œ GW they have learned how to use Social Media (and theyβ€˜ve good people for it). Yet the company remains greedy with constant price hikes while achieving an ever rising revenue (which proves that their price hikes are unjustified and greed-driven). The fact they announced this now was to strike a blow to Mantic Games who’ve just released their latest Kings of War Edition (Mantic reacted accordingly). GW is not your friend they only want the best of you: your money. Your interests are only important to them if it delivers them more data with which they can drain your wallet a bit more. Everyone not thinking twice or skipping some of their products due to the price increase are just accelerating the price-rise-loop. And being blind to the price increases and how much those actually increase is possibly the biggest part of the problem.
  15. I donβ€˜t see it as a problem itβ€˜s just another way to set them apart from other companies (and makes Proxies of other companies harder).
  16. ALL REGULAR HUMANS ARE 32mm-34mm already OPEN YOUR EYES. but hey just stay a Trump. I rest my case, the ignorance is strong in you. Another one for the ignore list.
  17. I am sorry if I am triggered by ignorance. But ignorance seems to work for people sometimes (Certain presidents). you are plainly wrong as matter of fact, itβ€˜s your decision to ignore that and stay misinformed however, so letβ€˜s just stop It right here after this information: (Talking about feet to eye-line measures) WHF started out as a 28mm scale game, it slowly creeped up to a 32mm scale by 8th edition. AoS is mostly considered to be a 34-36mm game. Either read up on this or just measure your AoS Models.
  18. You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. Just google it if you donβ€˜t believe me πŸ˜‰ And pls try not to channel your inner Dunham Krueger. if this was about opinion we could disagree but you donβ€˜t know the facts and you seem to ignore them. also: Skill determines scale, interesting indeed, you could also just measure any of your models bloodwarrior: 34mm to eye height.
  19. I model tabletop minis as a freelancer, even WHF was 32mm already the last time I measured a Namartii it had 34mm to eye-height.
  20. AoS is 32mm+ and Epic Scale Lotr is 28mm real-scale(ish)
  21. Jeeezuz Christuuz, AoS won’t be canned, Warhammer Fantasy will be like 30K, no canning no nothing just stop the hyperventilating already 🀨
  22. Srsly despite all the endorphins created by nostalgia: The rules were just the worst: Monsters were unplayable (canons), 40-50% of each Armybook were unusable, the game was too static, Aelves were too strong, heroes too OP and it took AGES before you could finally take your turn, the balance was a bloody mess, MSU was OP af, redirection units were way too powerful (and Ummersion breaking, also the only true mechanic the game had),magic was way too strong etc.
  23. I’d play both and use Warhammer the old world models as proxies I guess, as long as I can play with my round bases.
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