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El Syf

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Everything posted by El Syf

  1. So after some other battletomes have been redone should ours? After all sometimes points reductions aren't all that's required, legion of grief seems like it would need to be absorbed into the book for starters. Nagash needs to stay exactly as he is I feel no points increase and no nerf stick. What's everyone elses thoughts?
  2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/05/28/the-rumour-engine-28th-may-2019/ Nipples!
  3. Speaking as a non Sylvaneth player, I was kind hoping treelords of all types would get an increase and Allariele went back up to 700 points but I guess it's a perspective thing.
  4. Biggest problem with Tombkings I find is the line in the end times which went like this: "Settra does not serve, Settra Rules!" and subsequently became a meme, which resulted in people who had no liking of tomb kings before thinking they and Settra in particular were the coolest kids in town. Although I played Vampire Counts in WFB so am rather biased.
  5. Enemy units piling in can really do him in. My regular opponent tends to throw every unit they can at him, because of how dominant Nagash is with magic. Which has led to me winning a few games by keeping the objectives in mind and just sacrificing Nagash really, not what ideal but it works occasionally.
  6. This! Would make me so happy to have a mini for him. Probably be let down by under par rules but sod it, I don’t think I’d care too much.
  7. Nighthaunt getting access to gravesites is pretty good. Spell lores is an interesting one, I can see them just giving nighthaunt wizards access to one of the two in LoN rather than the Nighthaunt lore or a brand new one. All will be revealed shortly
  8. Legion Of Grief seems pretty ballzy; gives nighthaunt gravesites and god knows what else. Hurrah?!
  9. I'd be amazed if they did that, unless they are going to release some brand new units which seems unlikely. Mostly just points values that need amending imo.
  10. Tomb Kings don't have a 2.0 battletome… 💩
  11. There's also the Khopesh wielding not Tomb King Stormcast thing in the same shot...
  12. Well that escalated quickly. Almost guaranteed at some point this year: more stormcast 💩
  13. It’s obviously a rotated view of Abhorash’s greaves!
  14. hand of dust to the rescue (via te portal)!
  15. That dragon is so over the top rules wise. Needs nerfing harder than the mournghoul ever di! Although at 1.2k maybe not? Just seems ridiculous.
  16. Technically it is and has always been described as such, so yeah a bit weird that it looked quite fleshy in the video. Unless it's something else that just happens to borrow most of its aesthetic from it, which would be a bit odd.
  17. Has anyone got the new inferno? Anything juicy in it?
  18. Blood knights were £40 new and while they don’t get any use now, the reassuring weight of metal softened the blow of spending that much on 5 models. And the fact in old hammer they were pretty beastly. Have Krell and Kemmler in finecast and no complaints other than the lightness; dome people still like heavy metal.?
  19. Is it not a command trait? Thus no command points needed. haven't got the book to hand but could have sworn it's a trait.
  20. Order have had 3 battle tomes in the same time, all with at new models. Year of order would have been more appropriate!
  21. Rather selfish; but when GW said 2018 was going to be the year of death I kind of expected more than two battletomes (I’m not including the shade spire ghosts) only one of which had new models to go with it. Oh well #Abhorash2020
  22. He was revealed to be Gilles Le Breton in the lord of the end times novel (and the Archaon campaign book?), last seen defending La Maisontaal Abbey with Abhorash the Red Duke and the surviving Bretonians.
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