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Everything posted by Jator

  1. Another vote for the ikea billy. It's what I have and I'm happy about my purchase. Money-wise those are hard to beat.
  2. I'm afraid I'm going to be terribly unoriginal, but my favorite BL author is William King. I enjoy his writing and both his Gotrek and Felix books and the Tyrion and Teclis trilogy are my favorite reads from Black Library.
  3. I can understand the price rise on metals, but can someone please explain to me what's the reasoning behind the 20% rise on Blood Bowl teams?
  4. This book keeps looking more and more tempting, and I don't even play the game. https://www.cubicle7games.com/aos-champions-of-destruction-ironjawz/
  5. I know this is hardly an original idea but how good will be a warband made with Garrek's ravagers and Magore's fiends? Not looking for the most optimal list, just wishing for making my opponent struggle and a decent chance to win.
  6. If Skaven get a new hero-on-foot I wonder if we'll see the comeback of the Deathrunner. It was a cool model, and would bode for an Eshin update.
  7. You could bring some expression to their faces. They could be watching TV for what is worth. I think their concept is neat, and Realmslayer really warmed me up towards them (horrible pun intended) but the soulless models dissuaded me about it (well, and the money/model count).
  8. I don't play Soulbound but this looks tempting.
  9. Have you tried Mantic? https://www.manticgames.com/games/kings-of-war/kings-of-war-factions/halflings/
  10. Dungeon Bowl made my day. It just looks so fun. The ogre pirate looks so awesome that it's bitterswet: All the ogres released since AoS is a thing look great, and yet their range is so...let's say I'm not a fan. All those conan an he-mans are cool too, even if they seem too classical for AoS.
  11. Those look like beautiful books! If TOW followed that route my rulebook fetish would be enough to hook me.
  12. I actually like push-fit/ easy-to-build models and would rather have most models done that way.
  13. Ah, the nostalgia. These were featured in the first WD I read. Surely they can't be as old as people say!
  14. A "piratogre" warband sounds awesome and I'm not even an ogre fan. And of course the eshin one. Not getting my hopes up, but I'll be happy is this is all true.
  15. A shame that they have removed the demons from the demons of khorne team. The khorngor almost made up for it, if only we had more than one designed...
  16. This...came out of nowhere. Not complaining. Just that I wasn't ready for this pleasant surprise.
  17. The main reason GW bought the Middle Earth rights was to prevent any other company to do so. Regardless MEBG profitability I think that's still a good reason to keep the game, specially -as others have said- with an upcoming new show. But maybe I'm wrong. GW dominates the market and might feel confident they can crush any competence, even if they have a big, iconic franchise. The rotating kits system they're using for LOTR could certainly be useful with the Old World and its big Fantasy range. I'd personally love to see the Old World as the third main game, but I'll remain skeptical for now.
  18. Not directly related to salary, but James Hewitt made a series of interviews where he explained the inner workings of GW. (which sounds like messed up by the higher-ups) An interesting read, I think: https://www.goonhammer.com/the-goonhammer-interview-with-james-hewitt-part-1-age-of-sigmar-and-40k/
  19. So which mechanics does people think will make a comeback and which ones will be forgotten? I'm pretty sure we'll have random charges because no way we get back to "no premeasuring". Yes, KoW has showed that you can have premeasures and fixed charge values, but that's not GW's style. I hope we lose the incentives to really big hordes, let's keep a reasonable entry cost. I also think "square bases" doesn't necessarily mean they keep the same base sizes. Potentially annoying, but also better if you want cross-compatibility with AoS. I found intriguing they reference hobgoblins twice in the article. They seemed kind of forgotten and now they're receiving love in two game systems? Not that I would complain.
  20. I doubt aesthetics had a big role in Dominion "low" sales. GW has a track record on making boxes runs based on the previous ones without considering the game/setting. One of the major blunders in their story was the big Gorkamorka release, which they treated as if it was a new 40k edition. Seems like they don't learn from their mistakes.
  21. Congrats, mate! My best wishes to both of you.
  22. These guys werenยดt that well received when they were revealed, but i think your post and others I've seen here and on reddit are turning people around. They look neat!. Hope they reveal soon the rumoured cavalry.
  23. I was surprised when i read a special dedication to Jervis Johnson in the Dominion rulebook. Didn't figured out he was retiring, probably because I don't want to reflect about how many years have passed since i discovered the hobby! Reading that article was bittersweet. I haven't bought a WD in years but I might get that issue.
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