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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. It says that you place an identical unit onto the battlefield, when a or the unit gets destroyed. meaning a unit of 40giant rats that died can be returned as it was before.
  2. With the Stormvermins down to 120/450p, it is definitely a good try to use them. before they were just unusable with their pointscost and now we’ll, I think we got a good go. loosing a unit of Stormvermins which where deathfrenzied by a terrorgheist is much easier to take than before. still plague monks will outperform them, even with their pointincrease.
  3. Skitterleap the caster forward into range of your foe and in range of one of your gnawholes. in the movement phase you’ll just select the caster, you just skitter-leaped forward for the transport through your cheeseholes back to safety.
  4. Thanks, seems like I’ve been misreading a few things myself 😅.
  5. Sorry I’m a bit confused. Been looking at the Lord of war event in australia 2019. that event where doom and darkness went to and also previewed the army lists am I looking at the wrong event? because the winner of the tournament seems to be Dan brewer with his acolytes verminlords clanrats, Doomwheel etc. (No plague monks)
  6. It’s a very fast Infanterie heavy based army. with them you will basically travel from one end to the to other edge in no time, making us good for objective crabbing. what we lack is punch. sure we have some good units like Bestigors and Enlightenments, but the rest of the bunch isn’t really meant for combat, which is a sad truth for the bullgors who where actually meant for that tasked but can’t fulfill it with having to less attacks and hitting only on 4s. we also have units that can take units like champions. need something cheap to disks up all the damage Dragon ogors will be for you. a unit of 3 has 15wounds with a 4+ save making them for 140p rather good. they won’t hit as good as Enlightements, but they were never meant to destroy whole units.
  7. Was it the last Lord war event where this guy with the plague monk spam won? if so I’m not sure if you mean dan brewer, because his army well didn’t even had any plague monks in it at all. although he went a bit more out on clanrats, than most did in the past months. (100 instead of 60)
  8. Why exactly are we going back to plague monks spam? I have only heard about a few of those list, which seem to have been eaten whole by FEC terrorgheists. also why exactly should put immunity buffs be so drastically overpowered. Don’t tell me you hate it when clanrats won’t run away because they have to be wholly within a certain distance (usually 13) of a model. Please tell me which skaven list that counted around 200++ models won a tournament or event because it was battleshock immune. yes I agree with you that plague monks are too cheap for what they actually do, but you can’t compare that with other units or armies. or please tell me why our battleshock immune skaven (mixed) army had a 0% chance of winning (because almost nobody took them to such events) before the book dropped, when hordes from your perspective seemed to have been dominating the events since 2.0 dropped. Anyways I think it’s time we just enjoy our games. FEC, the skaven, etc. All have been nerved a bit. points have been raised on all verminlords and the warpseer finally went up a ton Of points. plague monks aren’t as cheap as they ones were (although still a rather cheap unit to consider taking) the warplightning vortex has been changed a bit (although the change might change the game drastically for the skaven builds) and all of our very cheap casters got an increase in points too. I think it’s time to start trying a few things out and then to discuss the stuff we dislike and like etc..
  9. Yes and they loose that bonus to hit immediately after having lost 1 model. I actually believe that the price for the Stormvermins is currently good as it is. if you still doubt me, start comparing them to anything else that cost around the same points. in the other hand, the decrease of pints on the rattling guns, surprised me as well. didnt think that that would happen actually.
  10. Well it’s funny and probably unbelievable, but there where times when those elite armies that had/have a battletome, very actually quit good at winning. Even beastclaw where fantastic for some time. Its the same with stormcast, actually or other elite armies like IDK. there was a time when they were good, which for some hasn’t changed. sure the skaven and fec came and turned the meta a few decreases. Still some stormcast aren’t really that bad if you consider, sure evocations might have gotten a slight points increase etc. But most of their stuff also got a quit good decrease in points. sure Idoneth might have hit a bit hard since they well got their eels kicked up a notch on points, but at least your friendly blind aelves are here to rescue you from full destruction, might make listbuilding a bit more interesting. as for the meta, I actually haven’t seen too many Hordes dominating the meta right now. sure we could call the skaven a horde army, but having seen most of the list used at tournaments, I am not even sure if that play style can be really c alles lots of body’s. sure we have the possibility to spam plague monks like hell, if we consider going out fully on pestilence, and yes there nothing to really argue here, Plague monks are very very strong and more then just a bit undercosted. But really the rest doesn’t really seem to be used really often. I mean what monster fears deathfrenzied clanrats, sure Stormvermins might be something different, but they die very very quickly. amd even if you sent your monster in there, as long as he doesn’t cost 450p and can possible kill of 21of those Stormvermins, he will make them basically worse the. Clanrats. FEC, not really sure what to say, seems like most player where interested in running 2ghoulking on terrorgheist, 2archregents and some meathsields which are required to be taken as battleline. so not sure what hordes are really controlling the tournament scene. Although there’s one list that comes up in my mind. also almost all new armies good a small or drastic change in points, as well as some changes in their rules etc. I’d actually wait a bit, the meta might shift again, and who knows what this time will be coming.
  11. Well those minor nervs makes it possible for us to charge the always attacking first ghoul king, without having to fear that he attacks first twice. meaning I don’t have to be scared of an indestructible terrorgheist which i can basically never face with any unit that costs more then them.
  12. Yes. the warpstone token is an ability which each grey seer can use for one spell per herophase.
  13. Jai and my currently used fluff/try hard list went down 10points😂 Well the Warpseer had it coming, nothing really that was stopping it it. not sure why it hit the Warbringer but he will probably remain in my army still one of my favorites vermin-lords of all times (after me of course) 1)well I’ve used the hell pit abominations and believe me, he is probably one of the best chaos Monster we have in the grand allegiance right now. throwing out mortal wounds rerolling them on twos against every model within 3 makes him a horde killer, while the other attacks can kill anything else in his way. But what I really like about him is the allegiance ability from the moulder clan which basically can give him a free reroll to hits of 1 while getting another D3 (d6) extra wounds. 2)yeah not sure either, then again Rising the point cost of other Verminlords would give you guys probably a reason to doubt my abilities, which would consult to plotting and scheming, towards overthrowing my position as the left claw of the great horned rat. (and no, he has no use for a right claw, so don’t think taking that spot will be easy) 4)yeah Stormvermins still are a bit overcosted, but to be actually true with you, I am happy that Gw at least noticed the lack of support for that unit and at least started buffing them. And since they now cost as much as clanrats they will be an interesting option for non horde players who really want to field a mixed skaven army. 5)yep one of the reason why I’m considering of exchanging my 2 warpfire throwers for them. 6)it really is probably the biggest thing they have changed. I mean with than step he has proven to us that they will change the wording of some war-scrolls, and in the end I’m feel much more happy if it changes rather than the points get increased to double the amount it already was written as.
  14. Well I am rather hoping that Gw is keeping their promise of trooping it early July, which is more or less over next week, meaning today would be probably the last possible day to keep calling it a early drop.
  15. If you play me, yes definitely, I wouldn’t go out to play if a can’t take my 120 meathsields with me. although the reason behind it is more that I love playing my army after a certain fluff. The top skaven tournament list sadly doesn’t really come around that many models. mostly you’ll see a ton of wizards (grey seer, Verminlords) the minimum of our cheapest battleline units (60clanrats in total) and a ton of endless spells/shooting and some monks.
  16. Oh god, just think what a realm of ruin (skaven lore) would look like
  17. I hope your ready for converting, because the warlock engineers isn’t even our only metal model.
  18. Yeah for some unknown reason they have joined our fellow beastmen on the warscroll builder. I thought that I must have mist something and was dearly thinking that we finally have some kind of a really hammering unit. sadly looking at the actual rules I noticed that they are missing the Boc keyword, making them a unit impossible of taking into our army’s.😥
  19. Nothing so far, just that it comes out at some time at the beginning of this month. although knowing Gw it could also be at the end of this month, as long as it is still in July
  20. Yep, basically what I do. and now you know the key to winning a game with the skaven faction.
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