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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Good luck. Yes-yes kill-slay posterthings kill-slay for Skreech, take-steal City burrows, Gloooooooooory to Pestilence.
  2. Yes-yes we will show the superiority of the skaven race. new recruit-things are needed.
  3. Thank you for your battle report. it was great to see a mixed skaven list with the screaming Bell beeing used, although it is sad to hear that it didn’t do what it is worth on points.
  4. Cogs. they are incredibly with a boc army. +2movement means having a shaman near your Un/besti/Gors, a move of 11inches per turn. since they also can run this would give you the possibility of a 1st turn charge. or flanking every other fast units.
  5. No what they need is a combined skaven battletome. it was just an idea, if the book would be similar to the boc army book. but yeah your probably right. just hoping they’d get some bonuses. i find it rather lacking to have a superior mage (fluff wise) but who struggles to use magic and can only cast one spell.
  6. From the look of the other existing skaven allegiances, I believe that he great allegiance will probably have the all well know as “strentgh in numbers” ability for all skaven units. it also may be possible that they will do some extra ability’s for the different clans, just like they did with the beasts of chaos, by making 3abillitys 1 for each faction (brayherd, warherd, etc.). for skaven, I really could think of something like: , all eshin units might get a rule which gives them the possibility to go in reserve and be set anywhere on the battlefield at any time. (This could also be called strike from the shadows). for skyre a great ability would be something which allows us to keep our weapon teams etc. save from shooting as long as they are near a other skaven unit with at least 10 or more models. (something similar like the look out sir for hero’s) for Verminus, it could be maybe something which will give you the possibility of replenishing your troops when some of them die, or that the enemy doesn’t get any points for victory condition (when both of hem have the same amount of victory points, and have to see who killed most of he enemeny army) since those units are from the fluff cheap and expendable and not worth a thing, after all in their dead step, more will follow, Yes-yes. for the masterclan it might be possible that they get some kind of bonus to their casting attempted. (This could have the title “Chosens of the Horned Rat”) Oh, LOL, I must have gone into my own world, and forgotten what I was doing right now. anyways what I wanted to say was that I believe that it might be possible for all clans to get their own little ability for their own, just like the beasts of chaos have it right now. For magic they’re might be a little chance, that we’ll get both of our old lore back (plague and the other one)(Plague only for masterclan members). (Ps: all things which were mentioned hier, are only assumption and hopes)
  7. It looks interesting. ? You might be good to go, to be actually true. wish you good luck and happy wargaming. ps: give your verminlord one of the -3 rend realm artifact. with it he will literally shred any units to a pile of blood and gore.
  8. Dark walkers are great for ambushing units like Bullgors. the other greatfrays are also a great option in their own. as for my own oppinion I would have to say, that I find the Gavespawn very enjoyable. not only is the fluff really great, but even the idea of a greatfray who worship the chaos spawn, a lowly mutated, usually unwanted chaos warrior who didn’t do what the chaos god wanted from him, beeing supported into the rules are great.
  9. Love the theme you have chooses for your army. i really enjoyed reading the story and fluff you have created.
  10. If you like Tzaangors in particularly, but don’t want to pay too many points for them I’d recommend you the enlightenment on disc. they will cost around 140p will move 19inches thanks to a bray shaman, and will destroy any hard hitters in the enemy army. (Especially if you take a Tzaangor shaman with them).
  11. Well I believe that he can be useful watched the last mini wargaming (or mountain miniature) battle report on YouTube. Steve was using the giant and some other monster very efficiently. I would recommend you to watch it too, since it can help you get an idea of what units may be useful for a beast of chaos army.
  12. Thanks for your report. it was really great to see somebody usingthe good old French knights.
  13. Don’t no. i went with the disk since it gives you an extra wound and a 16inch movement which will increase to 19inches while they are near a bray shaman, and to 21inches if you also have the cogs on the battlefield.
  14. I’ll be probably going with Tzeentch enlightenment on disc as a shock troop for my army. i find them rather amazing in close combat.
  15. Plus 2 movement and charging. the other thing you can do with it is to cast an extra spell per wizard. its cool but playing boc just means that you’ll be using the first Bonusses. with the bray shaman every brayherd unit will get an additional 3inch movement, with the cogs that would be plus 5than. since almost all brayherd Units can run and charge, you can also put another d6inches to your movement. this would mean , that rolling high would reward your units with a 17-21inch movement. the same goes for dragon ogres, if you have a shaggoth in your army, and give him the special artifact which allows all do. Units to run and charge as well.
  16. Yes, but from a different perspective Tzaangor enlightenment seem to be better the both of them. they have the same cost like Dragonogres a 16inch move (with the cogs and the shaman this would be immediately improved to 21 (without running) and they hit much harder than any Bullgor units. they can do in average 20-30wounds in the combat phase, which is really need.
  17. It looks interesting. i like your idea of using 8ratogres but your lack of clanrats/meatshields is rather sad and you might get easily overrun by the enemy, for example DOK. but, hey you still will have a good fight and your army might be something very unexpected, which will give you the upper hand. so good luck my friend, and happy wargaming.
  18. I see what you mean. it also would be very interesting to see what a bunch of ungors can kill with their shooting. well good luck mate.???
  19. I’m not really a friend of too much shooting. as For a Beasts of chaos army. i’ll probably be going for mix between brayherds, warherds and Thunderscorn. right now I got about 20Bestigors, 30Gors, 20Ungor raiders, a Tzaangor Shaman, 1Beastlord, and 3tzaangor enlightenment with bows or spears(I’ll probably go with Spears) pointwise it would be about 1020. or 1080. Yeah right now, this is probably a only brayherd army. But I really am thinking of taking some Bullgors and Dragon Ogres (especially the shag goth one) and the start collecting to add to my army.
  20. Come forth my Children, The time is near, ready-prepare your weapons, man things shall Die-die, City burrows will be stolen-taken. And with the fall-death of man-things, Beardthings, Aelvethings and Chaos-things will be next, Yes-yes.
  21. ? I see some of you might not have gotten my jokes. No let’s go back when the empire still existed and the old world came to its end. Skaven always were hidden from many too all factions. even when humans from the empire Battled against them, they never really believed in their existence. their excuses were that skaven are a lowly mutant version of the beast men’s. they also went so far to believe that skaven were as under-minded as them. this was a particularly big mistake which has cosed the human race the fall of many City-burrows.
  22. Well my birthday is sadly said only at the beginning of February, but hey it would stilll be the perfect after birthday present.?
  23. If I wasn’t mistaken, their have also been rumors of a Skaven Battletome or some kind of a similar release consisting out of skaven models etc. Coming out on the end of February 2019. if this rumors is or would be true. i would be very, very...............……………………..................................................................................................................................................................................…………...................………...........................................................................................................................very excited
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