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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Oh I’ve been using all kinds of scraps, I found in my loot box for the skaven, I basically got Clanrats and Stormvermins carrying stolen warpstone modified empire cannons, dark eldar guns, like shredder and splinter weapons, Tau rotary cannons, space marine plasma and melters, Dark aelves repeater hand-bows and crossbows, imperial backpacks, space marine jump packs,, Dwarf made Hand gauntlets, etc.
  2. Well if they started making some very good looking weapon teams for the skaven, they would literally suffocate under a pile of warp tokens (money)
  3. Why not wouldn't it be fun if he like cost 1(3)000points and basically destroys everything when being set up on the table
  4. Now that Im thinking about it🤔, technically pure skryre could be a thing now since we got the mercenaries. With it you should be able to take 60marauders into your list as meatshields. sure they wont benefit from your allegiance or artifacts, or any buffs, but would at least solve the problem of having no charge defense on your big guys. although it comes with the cost of a cp.
  5. I’m hoping that Gotreks gets the dwarf keyword instead of duardin😂😂.
  6. Looks like there won’t be any new information about the orruks and cities of sigmar, for today.
  7. Well, having checked the warscroll, I actually cant say if its some sort of a mistake or was intended. both seem logical, since for one, the warlock engineers spell Warplightning can be used multiple times in the same phase, something other wizard and spells can’t. and since the Warp-lightning spell is well more useful then the actual arcane bolt, there isn't really much of a reason to use it. but I guess having forgotten to add those spell onto the war-scroll, is something that is also possible.
  8. Question: are we sure that the battle tomes that haven't been given about any information since the announcement , won’t have any endless spell and their own terrain rules??? -and if the answer is yes, where can I find the I formation? I’ve been surfing around in the internet and haven't really found anything that Games workshop stated to be true.
  9. They seem to have forgotten more than just that.
  10. I’vee used the doomwheel in a normal 1k game and in meeting engagement. it isn't bad at all especially in meeting engagement, where that thing can move from around 8inches to 48(when you have a specific artefact) I actually like for a first turn deepstrike kamikaze style kill the enemy hero as fast as possible, or to just capture objective with it.
  11. Well since your partner seems to be focusing on combat I would trop the plague monks and the claword for either more clanrats, or for jezzails and Warlock bombardier/engineer. Lague monks are fantastic but a terrorgheists will literally kill anything in combat, meaning your much slower plague monks will literally be thrown away points. I would just try and take what your partner lacks, like bodies and shooting.
  12. Well my favorite artefacts would be the vigordust injector, skavenbrew, the suspicious stone and the rune blade from the realm of chamon. commantraits on the other hand would be brutal fury, master of magic, verminous valor, Overseer of destruction, deranged inventor and moulder supreme. The combination with brutal fury and the rune blade on the verminlord war-bringer, is fantastic. Many mighty heroes have fallen to him.
  13. Well I would have said yes, There really shouldn't be a reason why he couldn't, because if that where the case other screaming bells, technically aren't able to toll their bells when you’ve got more then one.
  14. 😍😍that would be great, although not perfectly fitting for some other armies that will be a part of the free cities
  15. He is 5inches tall, and almost 4 and a half inches wide. what base size Thanqoul uses can be found on the warhammer community website by downloads.
  16. Look if you really want to play the warhammer fantasy edition, I would suggest to you to maybe buy those square movement trays, were round based models can be fit on, they were soled back than for a few daemonic units back than and should be still available in someway. it is easier them removing your roundbased models and putting them on square bases, while you’ll be cursing your live when aos becomes a game where you’ll like the system again.
  17. The So I fought to battles today. My list for the first game, was consisting of: Clawlord (100) - Mighty Warlord Command Trait : Brutal Fury Grey Seer on Screaming Bell (220):skitter-lip Verminlord Warbringer (280) - General - Command Trait : Brutal Fury Warlock Bombardier (100) - Artefact : Vigordust Injector - Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism : More-more-more Warp Power! UNITS 40 x Clanrats (200) - Rusty Blade 40 x Clanrats (200) - Rusty Blade 40 x Stormvermin (450) - Halberd & Shield 3 x Stormfiends (260) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) ENDLESS SPELLS / TERRAIN Bell of Doom (40) TOTAL: 1990/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 0 WOUNDS: 179. My opponent was using stormcast, with well 2 units of 5 bowguys each, 10liberators 2with grandswords, a storm-thing wizard to foot, some guy with grandhammer on those big lizard thingies that can spew out lightning or probably very deadly puke, the suspected karl franz guy, or some phony in shiny army carrying his hammer, the (warpstone painted) meteor, and around 9 units of three winged storm-things carrying double hammers and grandhammers, he also had some kind of a battaillon that dealt double damage when he rolled a hit roll of 6. We used the battle for the pass scenario. which had the worst deployment zone I’ve ever played with my skaven force. with his Storm-things having finished setting up first he chose me to go first. knowing how devastating his army could be and afraid of loosing my stormvermins and other units to battleshock, I chose to summon the doom bell, which was stopped with the incantors unlimited range autodispell. I then tried to cast dreaded death frenzy, which succeeded, but I sadly had no units wholly within his range. I then succeded with skiterleap teleporting mistakenly my screaming bell to my right flank, to help with battle shock for the soon coming tide of clanrats. I chose to not to buff my stormfiends, since I was uninterested in loosing one of them directly, after all they were out of range a lot. In my movement phase I ran all units up and teleported one block of 40 clanrats up to my right flank, to gain the control of an objective. gaining 3victory points. in my enemy's first turn he cast the meteor down directly into my lines, killing of my very healthy Bombardier, a Storm-fiend, doing 6wounds to my Verminlord, and killing of another 5clanrats. something I wasn't really happy about but I guess I learn of my mistakes (the meteor only dealt on each of my unit mortal wounds each but did the same at the beginning of the next battle-round, which meant that the stormfiend and my bombardier would have been lost no matter what I would have done.) he then brought his units down from the sky, which then dealt some heavy damage with his mortal wound shooting attack on my Verminlord and clanrats. although failing most of his charges, he was able to get into combat with his 10liberators, which dealt some heavy damage on my clanrats killing of almost 20of them while gaining control of the objective. With his units of flying storm-things he also gained control of the objective on the right flank giving him a total of 5victory points in his turn. thankfully I was able to snatch the mext turn for myself, after having lost so many wounds and very important units/models. Having lost a good amount of clanrats do to battleshock I chose to try and summon the doom bell, which I failed with a 2. I then cast mystic shield onto my Stormvermins getting it with an 11. my screaming bell toll, getting a 3. he then succeeded casting skitterleap onto my clalword, who teleported towards my right flank, trying to give some support to my stormvermins. in my movement phase I ran my Screaming bell up 18inches (thanks to the extra move I’ve got) trying to get as many units as possible into his battle-shock immunity bubble. My stormvermins moved up and charged the 3 lonely and soon dead-dead flying storm-things and killed them holding the objective. my turn ended with gaining another 5victory points. in my opponents turn he succeeded casting his blades of something spell onto one of his bow-units giving them another +1to the wound roll. He then moved his big guy franz up the board onto my stormvermins. his guy with the lantern flew to the right flank trying to support Franz on his mission of devastation. his guy on that lizard-thingie moved up towards my bell. in his shooting phase he dealt another 5wounds to my Verminlord with his mortal wound output, and killed of around 7stormvermins with his shooting attack from those bow-guys. he then charged them with karl franz killing of another 10 of them, while his supporting friend killed another 4of my Stormvermins enabling their fantastic buffs. on my other flank the clanrats were slowly dropping in numbers through the sheer luck of my opponents damage dealing liberators (I have never seen liberators dealing so mich damage per round) my bell lost 8wounds through the lizard thingie, something I didn't anticipate would happen, after all he was -1 to hit as well as having a 5+ after save. his very sneaky winged storm-things on the other hand, who had charged my flamer, killed it of and gained control of the objective in my deployment zone. his turn ended with gaining another 7victory points for controlling the objective at my backline and on the right-flank. With my opponent winning the roll of the slaughter of my poor poor very thin lines began again. which saw my clanrats, Stormvermins, Stormfiends and the bell getting butchered, while him gaining the controll of almost all objective, leaving me at a dead end. knowing there would be now way for me to win in any way, I chose to surrender, leaving the game with an epic handshake. so yeah there are a few things I learned, for example how I really have to be carefully with my mistakes, like for exmaple skitter-leaping a screaming bell that shouldn't be able to, having all of my unit so close together that a single meteor can be devastating to my whole line. Loosing almost all of my heavy hitters in the first few turns was a hard lose, still I think that my list can have potential, and instead of having to kill everything at turn one I have to be a bit more adaptable to the situation I will be in when playing them. So basically meaning, I’ll be playing this list (with maybe a few slight changes in the future) till I can use it efficiently in any circumstances.
  18. Dead doesn't mean unplayable 😜. nor does not supported anymore mean a dead gamesystem. if it is still being played, it technically isn't fully dead yet.
  19. Well good luck then🍀🍀. Same here I guess. I have a list that heavily leans into the verminus clans, and well Its a bit harder then trying to kill your enemy with shooting in turn one. I think going with the verminus clan in total will need strategic movement cunning tricks, and deceiving threads. it is similar to the beast of chaos army, where their agility lets a charge into combat look so amusingly tasty, that you basically have a hard time resisting that sweet sweet aroma of freshly spilled (not real) blood. And than you notice how half of your army basically whiffs, doing no damage. I think using the Stormvermins efficiently will be a hard task, but should we master it, they will be devastating.
  20. Looks interesting. Although I’m not sure if 80Stormvermins will do what you really want them to do. one unit of clanrats that has to protect both units of stormvermins is a hard task for them, while they also are going to try to hold the objective. If I were you I would maybe drop a unit of them and instead take a unit of clanrats or two and anything else for your backline or flanks.
  21. I like your second list very much although Im not sure why you have chosen to take the doom bell with you. it’s a great endless spell, but seeing how you probably wont need it, I think you’re better of just taking something else. With it gone you could easily drop the hellpit for another 3Stormfiends. although keeping it as it is would be also something nice to see.
  22. Nicely done!😍😍. great to see that you’ve managed to paint all of your skaven.
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