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Everything posted by XReN

  1. It doesn't say that, it says that you must finish your move at least as close to closest enemy model you started pile-in And because Drake can fly, he can move over enemy models, so he moves a milimeter of his base over enemy model's base and goes back - done, you roll for MWs
  2. -1 to hit from Ghur or Ulgu, Doppelganger Cloak, Ethereal Amulet are all good choices. Also as mount trait for ZD if you'll try him out you can choose between Razor Claws and the one that allowes you to reroll damage of ZD's Maw
  3. I would make some changes in the list: With any Court you always want to buy extra CP, it's just way too important to pass. So I'd change GK for CP and courtier, this will bring you about the same value as GK. I suggest taking zombie dragon instead of TG because Varghulf+20 ghouls is better than Varghulf+3 KNIGHTS for board control reasons and you will still be able to summon a unit of flayers instead of ghouls from AAR if you face low model count good saves army, also GKoZD's spell is rather nice for your massive elite spearhead. You can toss around your artefacts, I played identical list with Gauntlet on my Haunter and cirle-charged him into SCE in one of my matches for those MWs And if you do that, you can take something for survivability of your monster.
  4. Depends on what models you have, I think you should play some games, then figure out what need to be changed in your local meta to make list better, some more games - some more tinkering, until you figure out what works. I suggest starting with a brick of 4 concussors, buffed to 11 with everything you have, Castellant, additional attacks, rerolls, etc. Couple of good starting points would be attack staking CA with Vandus Hammerhand (here's your LCoD) or Celestial Vindicators for their CA and combat-oriented trait and artefact.
  5. You have a massive bravery debuffs without a way to leverage it and your units are rather fragile and I really can't see how to change this list into anything that will make sense for me.
  6. FEC spend CPs to summon, LoN spend CPs to revive, so they do it instead of using powerfull Command Abilities. You will never see a 1000 points free summon FEC list win anything because it just doesn't work. Skaven and Sylvaneth are irrelevant, both have to spend a lot of points to get any summons and the only guaranteed one is Allariel's summon, which is the only thing that makes her worth those points Nighthaunt don't have summon in any form, only model revives, so they go into same boat as SCE and Idoneth - spending points for inferior durability Now 4 chaos marked armies as well as BOC do have summon and it is in fact free. And also goblins Also if we started with top 20 lets continue with top 20 Order - can't really know, agreed Seraphon - can summon loads and loads of models, but sit at 17th place with only 5 win list being Thundersomething Cohort with not that much summon Ironjaws can bring back a unit through battalion And both sky and chaos stunties do not have summon Lets now shuffle those % 30% (Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeench, Slaanesh, BOC and GSG) Have free summon 20% (DOK, KO, FS and LoA) Do not have summon 15% (SCE, NH, IDK) Have model revives 15% (Seraphon, Sylvaneth and Skaven) Have random summon through heroes 10% (FEC and LoN) Have summon you have to spend resources for (they also tied to certain locations on battlefield to either do it, or cut some expences, GSG are in the same boat) 5% (Ironjaws) Have battalion summon 5% (Order) We can't know All those armies that do have summon, unit return and model revive are evenly distributed through the list, mixed with non summoning armies. Also, only 2 armies with battletomes are not presented in those top 20. You can make any arguements, calculate any points worth of summoning an army can do, but it will still be a wrong generalization to say that summoning is a problem, there are armies that are a problem, not summoning. You also shouldn't talk numbers and be condescending ****** if you haven't checked data first.
  7. It states quite clear what I said earlier You can wait and cast your ES when you are close, launching it over multiple opponent's units They all die together, I hope GWs will make all artillery like ballistas, separate crew is just waaay to vulnerable
  8. If you want talk numbers then where do you get 80% of top 20 armies have free summon from?
  9. I've been away from forum for a few days and checking on Double Turn thread today I had roughly the same impression about them.
  10. For any other type of event excluding Beginner's Days it absolutely has to be fully painted armies
  11. Realm spells - yes, if Realm rules are being used Realm rules - yes, with anounced realms and maybe predetermend realmspace features Scenery - never played with pre-rolled rules, it's usually have been rolled by players or not used, but I like the idea Armies and Scoring - as per GHB 2019, I played with those rules and for me it feels great and only way to play at tournaments.
  12. There is a massive reason to not take Cache - it's called Stormsmite Greatmace which Prime can also have. Which is far superior to Sword/Maul + Shield and Cache loadout You need to plan for how you will use those and calculate risk/reward of doing so, for example an army like Flesh-Eater Courts can just tank whatever damage backfiring predatory spells do, you can also play things out to make opponent hurt himself if he decides to turn you ES against you.
  13. It's not "only this dude", it's just a norm that people complaining about X mechanic seem to be a larger group - there is no point in being vocal about something you don't have problem with. I also argued quite a few times and explained a lot how summoning is an okay mechanic to have in the game. If you have problems with skaven, khorne, as FEC player I even dare say seraphon, FEC, Legions summoning - get good or don't play against those armies.
  14. I would also love it if they become a full faction
  15. Conversions of all kinds are okay as long as your opponent is okay with it. In your case I'd recommend using your courtier as just Crypt Ghast (Ghoul sergeant, not a Hero) and build a Courtier of the spare parts. I made mine from blackstone fortress's Ur-Ghoul
  16. Long story short - FEC smash things, than gain enemy objectives and win. To achive 1st part you use monsters, knights* and magic buffs, to achive 2nd - ghouls and summons. 2-3 start collectings, mandatory Abhorrant Arch-Regent, you cannot go witout him, if possible get him with Carrion Empire if not - buy online from someone or convert. A Varghulf, Throne, Endless spells box (if you will plan on running Chalice), ghouls and knights* to round up your desired list, possible corpse cart ally if you feel like it. *Knights are Flayers and Horrors
  17. I guess people feel bad about FEC because GWs had very little choice of how to make them good - so they gave them straight up damage buffs, it's really amazing how you can take Arch Regent + any unit and make it deal 4 times more damage. But they are really fun army to play and I personally love their lore and models. You can run DoK as elite force with a lot of snake ladies, but normally it's hordes of witches, we are looking at 70 infantry models min I think. Nurgle can be whatever, I know 3 types of lists - 3 GUO battalion, unkillable plaguebearer hordes and something that our local Nurgle player runs - Glottkin, 40 buffed to hell chaos marauders and some blightkings Khorne can work as elite with a bunch of bloodthirsters or jaggernauts. but the later are so-so Seems you have the right perspective of Slaanesh For GSG 60 stabbaz are pretty much mandatory to be in any way competetive. And of course there are Stormcast Eternals, they are very diverse with how they can approach the game so they are a perfect fit for fun games, not so much for competetive.
  18. It's generic one, Gristlegore called Savage Strike
  19. Whille the list is sort of okay, spells, traits and artefacts need complete overhaul. First: Savage Beyond Reason only affects the rider and not the mount, the only 2 worthy command traits are dark wizardry on AAR and majestic horror on mounted GK. Second: since SBR won't apply to TG and we won't use it - Gruesome Bite is a go-to mount trait for TG, you can also give another mount trait to your ZD since you have a battalion. For ZD I usually use Razor-clawed, whille auto 3 wound heal instead of d3 or maw damage re-roll can also work. Third: whille grim garland can work in such list I would rather swap it to something that helps TG to survive, if you had more bodies I'd say go for garland and summon 2x3 Flayers, but it's crutial to summon 20 ghouls with your AAR, Dermal Robe should always be taken on AAR period, for reasons I'll cover next Forth: spells, usually you want as much spell buffs as possible on AAR (that's why I run him with Dark Wizardry and Dermal Robe) and give him Deranged Transformation - DT and Ferocious Hunger are our most potent buffs, since you will have at least 2 units of knight you want to pull of big Transformation as often as possible. Also FH has a rather high casting value and that's why you want those buffs. Both mounted GKs have amazing signature spells that you will want to cast most of the time, so I usually give them Miasmal Shroud or Spectral Host, the later is used more as psycological weapon - "Yes, my killer-ball monsters can run and charge"
  20. There are threads for each of Nagash's Legions
  21. I swear, everyone in this hobby has this airbrush cleaning pot
  22. Honestly, the best options would be Seraphon and IDK, at least in my opinion. For death you can go FEC Flayer spam, Legion of Blood using gravesites to bring your screens from reserve instead of making them footslog, whille both VLoZD and Blood Knights make great hammers. For chaos BoC may make a better Tzeench, they have some cheap mobile troops that can be used as screens, lots of variety, you can expand them into any chaos battletome. Or go everchosen because Varanguards are cool.
  23. Deathless Courtiers applies to Flesh Eater Courts army regardless of Court/Delusion Ruler of All He Surveys applies only to AAR and GK on foot
  24. I'll probably use +1 move and in later turns Onslaught on Ogor, whille spamming Drillmasters, since they have move 5", good melee and decent 3" attack
  25. Alrighty, I took 1st place on local tournament today with 240 points total. I used this list because I only managed to paint Burning Head before the event. In first game we played Duality of Death, after a turn of moving around my sylvaneth opponent got double turn and potatoed with Durthu when attacked my summoned Varghulf and a unit of Flayers, in retaliation my Flayers killed Treelord Ancient, my ghouls killed 5 revenants on the other flank, then my turn, killed Durthu, another 5 revenants and that was pretty much the game with my opponent having only 3 kurnoth hunters with bows that will be destroyed by Flayer deathball Second game was Better Part of Valor against skaven, I gave him first turn, he rolled -1 to hit aura on screaming bell, moved a unit of rat ogors from one of his objectives, moved up with HPA, Bell and 40 giant rats, I summoned 20 ghouls to his empty objective, buffed flayers with +3 ferocious hunger and deranged, almost killed his bell, he had -2 to hit from Look Out and Bell aura, I got left with 2 flayers, then I got double turn, screamed Bell to death with Flayers, dented HPA, burnt his objective for 2. From there he had a bad double turn because 1 Flayer was still alive and he failed charges with HPA and Rat Ogors was forced to leave his objective with rat wolves burning it for 4 points, I burnt all of mine and started full retreat, so even with 1 objective worth of 8 points he won't be able to win agaist my 16 VPs, I also finished HPA and rat wolves Third game I lost, Battle for the Pass against LoG with Necro, 30 Grimaghasts and 40/10 chainrasps, in the process I killed around 90 chainrasps and 60 grimghast, but he was sitting on objectives long enough so I couldn't catch up. I still managed to complete every Hidden Agenda, it was Invasion in the first match, Slay in second and Defender in third. The burning head literally did NOTHING and I would have been better with additional CP. Flayers can really kick ass even at -2 to hit, if well buffed. Varghulf was an MVP of the tournament as he singlehandedly destroyed 30 grimghasts and about 20 chainrasps in 3rd game, I had a double turn and first he got +3 to all attacks and +2 on claws from 10 enemy models within 3", in the next turn I buffed him to +4 on all attacks, what a legend.
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