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Everything posted by Overread

  1. Speaking of too long - where's our Bonereaper Leaker (or the official unofficial GW Leaks Department). I'm in dire need of some Ossiarch leaks! Still a whole week until October and then even longer before perhaps even seeing a hint of them appearing!
  2. It depends on the join area really and where its located. A few thoughts to consider: 1) The part you are painting might be easier to paint if you drill and put a little metal rod into it or otherwise secure the part to something you can hold and stand the model with. A metal rod in a cork etc.... This can give you an easy handle you can hold whilst working on the part. If you drill into the mounting area it won't even cause you any problems. 2) Once painted carefully scrape paint away from the join area. Do this for all connecting parts. Even if you're careful you might still get some primer or paint on the join area, so easier not to worry and make the last stage simply cleaning that region. If you use plastic glue, as you noted, it want's to melt the joining surface; whilst superglues form a gripping bond between the two surfaces, so you want material to material (in this case plastic to plastic) not with a paint layer otherwise whilst the superglue might hold really tight to the paint, the paint won't hold half as tight to the model and thus the bond will break. 3) Plastic glue works by melting the plastic; if the join area is very covered over on all sides then you can easily use plastic glue and any melted glue won't be visible, because the part is covering the join. This might be a, for example, a peg in the middle of a plate of armour, the peg being the part you apply glue too. The plate of armour then covers the whole join area and hides it from view. 4) If the join area is more visible or the covering isn't very thick/wide then you might use superglue instead. Score the join area with a blade (to improve the join quality). Superglue (thinly spread) won't spill out like melted plastic. 5) If you get in a mess STOP. Separate the parts and let them fully cure (this might take up to a day for some glues). Note many glues will go tacky and firm long before they are fully cured. So do leave it a good many hours! This ensures that the glue sets firm and is much easier to scrape off with a blade. If you try scraping wet or tacky glues you will just end up in a total mess of everything (esp with plastic glue as any tacky region might be hiding still melted glue and that, when scraped, then spreads over fresh plastic and melts it). So stop, wait and then scrape clean and assess the situation.
  3. @michu careful! I've heard some artistic purists burn dippers at the stake! Honestly I rather like how contrast works on large surface areas for things like large lizards and scales - ergo organics. It gives a slight randomness to the pattern of colouration. Not good for tanks, but great for monsters. Also freaking love the ancient in the background! In my view GW really should show that off FAR more often in photos because I don't think many realise just how much monster you get for your money with that beast.
  4. Time for the Ork - er Orruks to have a turn! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/09/24/faction-focus-orruk-warclansgw-homepage-post-2/
  5. Realms do have edge, one of the early stories recounts a person walking to the edge of a realm. I think the key is that originally realms were "nearly" infinite; but since then they've reduced in size somewhat and now most are of a fixed size, but with boundaries at the far end which are a sea of turmoil of new land being formed and lost. It's mostly a case of GW shifting from a game and lore that was essentially just to push creative new models every time they released stuff; into one with formal armies, races, factions and forces that will last a long time.
  6. I think its a good thing if they flesh out the CORE regions of each Realm. That is those regions where the most major cities and battles take place. Where the focus of the official lore of the game is centred around. Key realmgates, major landmarks, cities, territories, kingdoms, boarders etc... Ergo allow the reader and lore fan the ability to see how the worlds fit together. This also improves the lore because now if a major City of Sigmar is conquered in a campaign event or major story it becomes something important, both in time and place. Rather like how in the Old World if Nuln fell to Chaos you'd know it was a MAJOR event in the narrative. At present the lack of firm geographic and temporal elements makes it hard to latch onto the lore and place characters relative to each other and to the world. It also makes it hard to get absorbed in a campaign pack or novel about a major war becauase you've really no idea if the area they are fighting over is "really" important or just a random chunk of realmspace that doesn't really matter. Then you can leave the boundaries and boarders for players to make their own imaginations and populate with their own stories and such. That gives everyone what they are after -there's the centralised organised core that forms the foundation upon which the lore can be built; and there's the insane utter freedom of the Realms all at once.
  7. Bump back up. I've also added two battalions for woodelves, these are the old ones with glade guard and wild riders. One is totally unbuilt, the other is part built. I've also thrown up the Battlefleet Gothic stuff I've had for a good while that I'm trying to get rid of - prefer an all in one sale on that - its enough to really get you started with a full fleet! Including all the rules and tokens!
  8. Campaign stories on their own are not a bad idea; I think the core issue was that they were campaigns released at time when many wanted stories and grounding in the Mortal Realms. Furthermore they were VERY Stormcast heavy, so anyone that wasn't rocking up with Stormcast likely felt left out a bit. Even when other races did jump in they had stormcast allies saving them/helping them. Hopefully if GW does a campaign system in teh future the army spread will be far more diverse
  9. It might also be that the leak we got forced GW to release some marketing earlier than they wanted which now leaves a gap.
  10. And that's why they were teased at the right moment If GW teased them too close then everyone who wants them is trapped likely having spent their months hobby money; whilst teased at the Nova there was enough info to get people hyped about them. Though if I were GW I'd have wanted to perhaps do a single unit focus article each week or so until launch - that way you keep the hype going strong by continually reminding people. Of course we still don't know the pre-order date - it could be any time from the 5th to the 26th
  11. Surely the doubleturn empowers gunlines too though. In fact if a gunline army gets a doubleturn then in theory they get to do two whole rounds of exactly what they want - sitting back and shooting with very little to no retaliation for their opponent. It even highlights one of the major failings because now the opponent really has nothing to do save roll saves and remove models as a gunline doesn't even want anything (or much of anything) in close combat to offer alternate close combat rounds during the turn. Sure you can argue that if they don't get it it will hurt htem very hard as their opponent can use it to cross the ground to them. In that it highlights the very swingy nature of the doubleturn. If they get it they are getting a huge bonus, whilst if they get it played against them they get a huge negative. You also mention screening and such as if they are unique to the doubleturn mechanic, a good player will be screening and using chaff without the doubleturn. The importance of protecting units, using chaff, tarpits etc... doesn't diminish in any way if you have an ordered alternating turn sequence for the game.
  12. No a squeak yet, not even any hints of the models save for potential images in the photo hints GW releases each week - though they can be super hard to predict what they will be. Eg the lizard skin turned out to be a cloak of dead lizard hung over a space marines shoulder rather than any beast or monster or seraphon lizard.
  13. I wonder if BL has had trouble shifting non-release tied books as of late. The early AoS novels were not bad, but they were VERY Stormcast heavy and very battle focused so they lacked a lot of worldbuilding as most of it was "might stormcast being mighty and beating up chaos". Now that's a gross simplification and there were many allies through that such as the Sylvaneth - however I think it tainted some against AoS and the novels in general. It might be that the stigma has stuck a bit and that thus books tied to battletomes and launches have done better (by association); whilst something like the new Gotrek stuff could be doing far better based on his past and fanbase. Without any hard numbers its really tricky to tell. Hopefully the lore parts of the Cities books and the general increasing Battletomes and things like the novellas will steadily push back and get the AoS lore far more popular in general.
  14. I could see that, except GW wants Sisters of Battle in November and that's going to be at least 2 weeks. Trying to launch big releases in a one month period - baring in might right after November is the big Christmas period - would be taxing for GW I think.
  15. You're likely going to be crying through the whole of October and perhaps most if not all of November then
  16. It depends on the model, your skill, your painting style and what you want to go for in a painting scheme. Sometimes its just easier to paint it in parts. The Daughters of Khaine Cauldron/Shrine is one such example. You can reach pretty much all the parts if its assembled, however its a lot easier to reach areas like the power hand in the rear if its not fully assembled. Note that when it comes to riders these are always easier to paint if separate as you can focus on the model - take the riders on the Cauldron on the steps; its a lot easier to paint them if they aren't glued down to the steps. With some other larger models you have to paint them in parts. I can't think of a good AoS example off the top of my head; but have a look at the Eldar Vehicles. Several of them have cabins which have a plastic dome over them; you can't paint the interior and the driver without doing it before assembling them. OF course that example also shows where style and choice comes into it. Since some people choose to paint the canopy and cover with a pattern rather than paint the interior at all. So your style also comes into play; simpler styles can sometimes let you get away with assembling it all first because you don't need to pick out fine details and vary colours as much. A more complex style might well need too. I would hit up youtube and find some painting videos of hte models in question and also dry fit (hold parts together) yourself and see what you feel is practical.
  17. Very well put and yes chances are they get all the hostilities when things get pulled. It's indeed higher up the chain that the issue really is - with whoever decides what stays and what goes and whoever (who might be above or in line with them) who sticks to this general policy of radio silence. Often we get no warning; things just randomly go on "out of stock" without even a "last chance" and many last chances aren't even GW printing more its purely them running out the stock. Right now my hope is that whoever updated the site just miss-clicked on updating the tags; however it likely is going to make me grasp at getting a Keeper before there's any further hint of them vanishing. Sadly for GW this likely means I'll spend less on their shiny new Bonereaper investment
  18. No Model No Rules likely means there's no cannon in the book. However I'd hang onto them - the chances that AoS runs its course without dwarves and such getting a new cannon is very tiny.
  19. Yeah I put it down to the internal segregation of departments and possible some internal power struggles going on within GW. Whislt it might keep the leaks and such down it also plays a mess with their products at times. Heck when you hear that people in fairly decent positions at GW were shocked when AoS first launched and had on idea it was coming that tells you there's some oddities in how they distribute information between teams
  20. Yeah Cannon are one of those "surely GW will be returning these at some point" models - its especially frustrating that they put them into the mercenaries group and then took the models away not a month later.
  21. Honestly most people don't even know more than one scheme from their own army let alone others. I wouldn't worry about colourschemes at all. It's really only an issue which affects Space Marines and even then its only because GW makes specific models and upgrades for each Marine Chapter and its only really become an issue because of "souped" armies being a thing where a single marine player might want to take two or three different chapters without building models for them. Most people for AoS don't even know what the official schemes are and heck some armies, like Daughters of Khaine, the schemes are so similar that you can hardly tell most apart from each other. So in reality most people will never flag it as a problem. Asides in theory if you make 1 different colour to the "official scheme" then you're fine and that could even be picking out details that GW doesn't on their scheme, using your own colour. Paint them however you want!
  22. I really hope GW Doesn't stretch out what they've already shown in models too much beyond a 2 week launch. Though that would already give loads to build there's still a few choice options I'd really love to see - namely the new mounted leader and the reassembling leader that we saw a hint of in the leak. Also last I checked Flesheaters were doing really well on the games power-curve. Their primary weakness is having a very limited unit roster, however its also a strength in so much as you can basically just keep buying getting-started sets and expand the army. Plus all the dragons and terrorghasts don't go to waste as at least one army option lets you field a whole host of them!
  23. I read it more like whoever answers the email just doesn't have any means or ability to ask/know or pass on "future details" to the customer.
  24. Honestly if Orruks don't get their own spells that's more surprising, perhaps they'll get "can take any from all of destruction" or something who knows. Cities is certainly going to be a very special and different tome.
  25. I figure this is their way of giving Cities a reward for not getting any endless spell models of their own. Reinforce them with more powerful (as standard) regular endless spells even if the realm rules aren't being used in the game. It also nicely game wise represents the increased lore and power of the Cities Mages and their powerful Colleges/Covens etc...
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