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Everything posted by Acid_Nine

  1. I don't think anyone would fault you for playing with really short "freeguild" guard after this.
  2. Wow, I am just... just surprised they are wiping out this much. I don't want to panic just yet as they may have a massive model release for cities (doubt it) but the sheer number of unique faction units that can and should give all these cities extra dimensions just being wiped out? the thing that hurts the most is the arch mage. I just made a converted model for my idoneth Deepkin to have a Mage that can keep up with my all eel list, so having it be deleted before I could even play a 2000 point game just.... ouch. and now what will I make my blood knights out of?!
  3. I can't wait to try this game out soon. I'm itching to play these guys! so I had a thought. Is it legal to do a big chain activation? Like preytaker activates, inspiring presences a beast master, then she makes the kitty attack with a double?
  4. Sweet lists so far! I am a bit surprised that the morrsarr guard are not as strong as they are in AoS, but this is a completely new game after all. The ischealen are the clear winners in terms of eels in my opinion, giving just one extra attack that with strength three is probably going to come in handy, not to mention "tanking" hits with the shield ability going off of what I have already (an all eel list) I splurged and got some extra reavers coming in the mail. my list: ishealen prince 2x ishealean guard 1 morrsarr guard 2x reavers 6 bodies in total, but hopefully they last long enough to do damage and hit well, not to mention run circles around the opponent. Planning on having prince and two guard in shield, reavers in dagger and morrsarr in hammer.
  5. Honestly the reason why my local GW one is not set up is because the manager was busy with other things, but I see your point. I think that with the way the game is set up though, releasing card packs for all factions seems to have a great shelf life in terms of minimal effort to keep the game alive.
  6. So the big question is I am gathering... with the news that starting next week all the warcry warbands will be up shortly, how do we feel about the future of the game?
  7. So this lovely warband have been announced, and I gotta say it looks as good as the untamed beasts! I would be excited to play them in the future for sure, and when I have some extra money I believe this is going to be my first non starter set warband I pick up.
  8. So what is the main ability people are planning their strategies around? Personally I want to get as much use out of throwing bolas as I can, just to make up for a lack of movement
  9. First thing you should do for your Blood sisters and Blood stalkers should be to get a restraining order against the Splintered Fangs.
  10. Waiting on a paycheck before I can order, so it's a bit touch and go. Can't wait to pick up the starter set. I already have skeletons and A bunch of eels from my AoS projects to play with, and planning on getting the untamed beasts ready along with splintered fangs when they drop. Can't wait to start a campaign thing either!
  11. May as well add this discussion to the growing pile. These guys will probably be my favorite warband out of the gate just like the eels are my favorite models. Can't wait to try out an all eel list here too 😉
  12. I am probably going to use Namarti flesh for the skin tones and try out using some contrast paint over leadbelcher or gold just to see if I can get the shiny-ish look going for them
  13. I think I am sufficiently drunken enough rum to try and revive this thread. anyways, I did have the vote open for multiple places, and I am going to say why I really love Ghyran. Living in a heavily forested state of the Midwest, I can honestly just look out on a horizon and see trees stretch for miles. I can imagine townships and such in this area, and as silly as it sounds I can imagine that this is what the realm of life looks like. Green as far as the eye can see, rolling hills, trees... honestly one of the more Mundane fantasy settings, but one I can sink my teeth into in terms of daydreaming while on a drive or looking out the window.
  14. well yea that's why I switched over to AOS. We may not control all the dice in either game system, but we control movement and positioning. Those are far more important here than in 40k, but with the double turn mechanic we cannot control when we get to have full movement. if it was a regular game of my turn your turn, we know when we move and position, and can react to the opponent's movements. When it's a double turn, then even that is controlled by a single die.
  15. I hate it, honestly. I always feel bad when I get the double turn and beat the living hell out of the opponent without him having a way to interrupt or attack, and when it happens to me I feel bad because my previous plan of attack is null and void. I may just need to plan ahead for a double turn, mine or my opponent's, but at the same time I'm not doctor strange. I cannot see different outcomes of different time lines trying to set up during this turn, and what I may prepare for may not be circumvented by a savvy opponent. I am a reactionary player. I like in 40k where I have my turn, do what I do, then wait for my opponent to do what they do. I see what their attack is, and I like to make a plan of attack based off what was damaged, what wasn't, what my army's position is compared to my opponent's. I may just need to "Git Gud", but judging how the game will swing based off something my opponent or I cannot control just... just doesnt feel right. it's what stopped me from playing AOS in the first place, and I was drawn back because 40k has it's own set of problems.
  16. You know, Iron Golems probably give the most count as opportunities Want an all Dwarf or all Oger band? you can probably do it with these guys with minimal conversions if you use the iron Guts or Chaos dwarfs want to just use slaves to darkness? again, minimal conversions to represent them as Iron legionares, maybe using Halbreds as two handed weapons for the big guys. I think it's fairly awesome to have this faction be pretty limitless with the things it could represent!
  17. So I dunno if I'm just too sheltered, but how many of the cypher lords are guys and how many are women? Is it the point that you can't tell?
  18. New wishlist item; Forge world skin wolves added, whether as a beastie, thrall or as part of another faction. Give this guy a home!
  19. I'm just wondering about the small preview of fangmora eels then. In AOS proper they have more attacks than the rider, but in Warcry they don't? Makes me wonder if they have their own separate 'card' to show the attacks and such. Same with Squigs Also, I had an idea for a small "Campaign" for the local Gw, basically making a wall hanging with everyone's campaign card, so those people playing in the campaign group can see who has what for pickup games between the group. For outside the group I imagine just asking 'hey, would you mind if I played a campaign game' to someone would have mixed results if they don't know what you have. also I could imagine having 'NPC' gangs for use for convergence quest enemies, like having some savage Orcs or gloomspite Gits separate from the campaign group and playing those to fight against, say, the Iron Golems during their quest.
  20. I prefer to keep the warcry warbands where they belong; stone dead on the floor, with their souls in a crystal for later use!
  21. I will just say that I am waiting for Miniwargaming's review and gameplay of this. They may not be perfect either, but I trust them a little more if that makes sense. That being said, the previews for the extra warbands is getting me excited to try those. I can honestly say I want to try every faction now, both chaos and non chaos, and I'm happy they are there because the pure variety of warbands with these guys right out the gate could make the game more fun. Especially with the "These two starter box warbands are the same!" argument GwG seems to have. After thinking about it, the lack of customization really isn't a huge blow to me. not even as a GW fan. I accepted it, and seeing as how my idoneth army is an entire faction of monopose gits I can't be hypocritical of it, really. I do wish there was a few more combat effects though. Some kind of system for throwing the target around, tossing them into walls or obstacles like some sort of Jackie Chan movie, more environmental attacks. maybe something for the future, but it would have been nice to have something like that. but, hey, I guess that's where theater of the mind comes in!
  22. it is pretty weird... but that almost makes me think that sometime in the future there will be separate mount profile cards that certain champions can ride?
  23. It just seems right to have a Cypher Lord warband page seeing as they are coming out alongside the starter set. Discuss any ideas or things you guys want to talk about!
  24. Oh, I got a new wishlist idea a classical pirate faction, with black powder, cutlasses and swashbuckling. Kharadons don't count in my humble opinion, I just want human, evil pirates.
  25. I myself am almost done with my Dhom hain akhelian core list and I am stoked to play it more, and to see how good I can get when there is ITC tourney champions in my local area. I would love to see how good it is, but I think I may pick up some thralls too with warcry coming out. Now... what to paint besides eels
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