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Let's chat : Maggotkin of Nurgle


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44 minutes ago, NemoVonUtopia said:

Anything with the Nurgle keyword is part of the Nurgle allegiance, so you can mix Rotbringers, nurgle deamons, StD with Nurgle keyword, and even clan pestelence.  

Yes, I'm well aware of that, and that is in fact the crux of my entire issue. I can bring brayherd as allies to Rotbringers and Daemons of Nurgle, and StD(but not Petilens)  but my question whether or not the whole Nurgle meta-allegiance can bring allies if it isn't made of a clear 80% of one subfaction(like rotbringers, which do have allies listed).

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@Poltron I might drop the prince and use the GUO to activate the locus on the drones. With the bell he has a 8" Movement so it shouldn't be hard for him to keep up. That way you can tack on 5 more kings for spume's unit.  Otherwise it looks like a decent list! Remember the glotkin can chose one spell from the lore of malignance (rotbringers) and foulness (mortals) as he is both. For the GUO spell I like poxes for him as you can get as close as possible, hit a unit with it, debuff them and let the drones fight. But it might suck if you need to move in order to get into loci range. 

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12 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

Yes, I'm well aware of that, and that is in fact the crux of my entire issue. I can bring brayherd as allies to Rotbringers and Daemons of Nurgle, and StD(but not Petilens)  but my question whether or not the whole Nurgle meta-allegiance can bring allies if it isn't made of a clear 80% of one subfaction(like rotbringers, which do have allies listed).

Since you can only claim one allegiance the issue is moot. You are either aligned with nurgle and can bring brayherd allies or align with chaos and then you can bring anything in the entire GA. You dont claim allegaince to rotbringers. You cant. Even if you ONLY have rotrbringers, your allegiance is nurgle. Same for Demons. 

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12 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

@Poltron I might drop the prince and use the GUO to activate the locus on the drones. With the bell he has a 8" Movement so it shouldn't be hard for him to keep up. That way you can tack on 5 more kings for spume's unit.  Otherwise it looks like a decent list! Remember the glotkin can chose one spell from the lore of malignance (rotbringers) and foulness (mortals) as he is both. For the GUO spell I like poxes for him as you can get as close as possible, hit a unit with it, debuff them and let the drones fight. But it might suck if you need to move in order to get into loci range. 

I'd not thought of this, but a Drone Battering ram, with the GUO in the middle "racing" across the field could be pretty sweet.

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6 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

Since you can only claim one allegiance the issue is moot. You are either aligned with nurgle and can bring brayherd allies or align with chaos and then you can bring anything in the entire GA. You dont claim allegaince to rotbringers. You cant. Even if you ONLY have rotrbringers, your allegiance is nurgle. Same for Demons. 

That's my question, does "Nurgle" as an allegiance have allies? Kind of a moot point now though as I was trying to decide whether to buy start collecting for StD to add to my Nurgle Daemons, but due to the uncertaintly I decided to pick the start collecting Flesh Eater Courts and will probably delaying my Nurgle AoS army even farther in order to focus on death. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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30 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

That's my question, does "Nurgle" as an allegiance have allies? Kind of a moot point now though as I was trying to decide whether to buy start collecting for StD to add to my Nurgle Daemons, but due to the uncertaintly I decided to pick the start collecting Flesh Eater Courts and will probably delaying my Nurgle AoS army even farther in order to focus on death. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

rotbringer and demons have the same factions as choices for allies. Good luck with death!!

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So i counted out sylvaneth, meaning i go nurgle.

I love putrid blightkings so i want to focus on that and in 1k i want atleast either plague drones or pusgoyles (because i love cavalry).


As for heroes i love gutrot and lord of plagues. Gutrot cuz of the outflank, lord of plagues for blighted weapons. But unsure about the general. I was thinking a guo with bell.. But would that work in 1k? He can buff lop and bk's with bell, and the plague drones with bell and command ability.

But its a huge chunk of points.


Any tips are well appreciated, especially on anything rotbringers (fun combo's, good heroes, must haves, etc.)


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at 1000 points, its probably a good idea to stick to either demons or rotbringers. especially  if you want to focus on blightkings. Lord of plagues is a good support hero but poo as a general. How about something like:

lord of afflictions


Gutrot Spume

pusgoyles  x2 - battleline if LoA is general. 

blightkings x5 (spume) - battleline. 

thats 740. You could add a maggoth lord for a decent monster. I'd recommend bloab for casting and debuffs.  Or you could add 5 more blightkings and have 100 to toss in some nurglings (deep strike)

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1 hour ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

rotbringer and demons have the same factions as choices for allies. Good luck with death!!

Yeah, I'm working off the assumption that Maggotkin of Nurgle are getting grouped with the same allies like Blades of Khorne and Disciples of Tzeentch did, but the question about adding marked StD and Pestilens is still there. I guess it would be the same for the other Chaos Gods and marked StD. I know marked StD(and Pestilens for Nurgle) don't count against your allies, but if you include them can you still bring allies of your main god allegiance? I would have imagined it would have already come up before with marked slaved to darkness for any god, but I must not be asking google the question right, because I can't seem to find anything. I really wanted to get the Slaves to Darkness SC! box today, but thematically I'm really wanting to bring my "pestigor" allies. But in the meantime I've got a vampire lord on zombie dragon and some varghiests to keep me busy for a little while.

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12 hours ago, LLC said:

Anyone have any tips for beating Sylvaneth? 

My friend likes to play Alarielle with Durthu together. The healing is a ball ache. We're good at putting out mortal wounds across units but they're good at healing them back. I deal with them by buffing 6 plague drones with GUO and Lord of Afflictions for the locus. Place your tree for a first turn run and charge.  Cast Blades of Putrefaction on them and charge them in to Alarielle. Usually kills her. After that they're easy to mop up.

Unfortunately though, that seems to be the only way I can beat him. Otherwise you've got to get large units on objectives before them and there's a chance you can hold out against them through attrition. 

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13 hours ago, bsharitt said:

Yeah, I'm working off the assumption that Maggotkin of Nurgle are getting grouped with the same allies like Blades of Khorne and Disciples of Tzeentch did, but the question about adding marked StD and Pestilens is still there. I guess it would be the same for the other Chaos Gods and marked StD. I know marked StD(and Pestilens for Nurgle) don't count against your allies, but if you include them can you still bring allies of your main god allegiance? I would have imagined it would have already come up before with marked slaved to darkness for any god, but I must not be asking google the question right, because I can't seem to find anything. I really wanted to get the Slaves to Darkness SC! box today, but thematically I'm really wanting to bring my "pestigor" allies. But in the meantime I've got a vampire lord on zombie dragon and some varghiests to keep me busy for a little while.

Well I agree, the FAQ did clarify that Blades of Khorne and Khorne count as the same faction. 

So what was discussed with gh2017 release would be my same approach, pick the faction once you have your army ready and thus if your allegiance is nurgle your nurgle troops count towards the Maggotkin faction also being the Nurgle faction.

At that point basically anything that doesnt have the Nurgle keyword becomes an ally (and has to be checked for points and legality).

Its vague for sure, Chaos is also the only GA that can cross several units in different factions like this :(

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About allies, I've just reread the last page of the Maggotkin book, and it clearly states which allies are for a Nurgle allegiance, not a Maggotkin one.

If you choose to be Nurgle (StD marked, Skavens, Maggotkin, Demons, etc) you can pick allies from the last page of the book.

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On 2/2/2018 at 5:27 AM, Killax said:

Well I agree, the FAQ did clarify that Blades of Khorne and Khorne count as the same faction. 

So what was discussed with gh2017 release would be my same approach, pick the faction once you have your army ready and thus if your allegiance is nurgle your nurgle troops count towards the Maggotkin faction also being the Nurgle faction.

At that point basically anything that doesnt have the Nurgle keyword becomes an ally (and has to be checked for points and legality).

Its vague for sure, Chaos is also the only GA that can cross several units in different factions like this :(

That's pretty ........ chaos-yxD

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14 minutes ago, Tasman said:

That's pretty ........ chaos-yxD

Yeah I don't really know why they chose to go that route. It would be wonderful if we'd be able to give the GH design team specific feedback. I really think that the Ally rule is a cool idea but the way they have worded it and linked it to Faction names that don't excist anymore is something they could have known from the start.

In my opinion (house rule) it's just the best idea to have 20% Ally point options from your Grand Allegiance. Though this might break some narrative standard in my opinion it still is more logical to do it this way as the other way around. Because if you can have a Grand Allegiance mixed with everything why would Allegiances from that Grand Allegiance suddenly work in complete oppossite ways? Even the hatred between Nurgle and Tzeentch is still somewhat around  in narrative but removed in 40K as an influence to the system.
I don't really see why AoS had to incorporate it while WFB basically let that part go too...

Consistancy and general approaches are the only thing I feel can push AoS to the next level ;)  Hence I also mailed them about why Khorne specifically does not have Mortal/Daemon models. While Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh and StD do. In fact there is no logical reason for Khorne to not have it either. Even the Blades of Khorne narrative confirms Fleshhounds and Juggernauts as being Daemonic...

All in good time I suppose :D 

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Played two games with that debuff list. Both against a Barak urbahaz kharadron overlords list. I won both but still was not impressed with the list. He had:

two frigates (medium ships), 12 engine riggers (balloon infantry), 2 khemists, 2x ten arkanaut company and 1x 30 arkanaut company. Harpoon everywhere (those things hurt!!!)

My list was posted on page 84 of this thread. Maximum debuff. Glotkin general, spume, lord of plagues with carrion dirge, sloppity with witherstave, 20 blightkings, bloab, 40 marauders and plaguetouched warband. Any spell that debuffed was chosen (magnificent buboes, gift of contagion)

first game he gave me first turn. I dropped spume and 10 kings on his board edge. I charged the frigate with 13 balloon boys and some arkanaut company in it. Rolled double sixes for the charge so was able to surround the ship, destroyed with the kings and everything died inside because he couldn't escape. That was half his army and he conceded. I wasnt happy because the win was based on luck.


We re-racked and started again on duality of death. This time I finished dropping first and took first turn. Placed marauders, glotkin, LoP, sloppity and five kings on one side, while bloab and 10 kings on the other. Used foul regenisis to turn the wheel to +2 move. I moved everything as far up as I possibly could to get glotkin and bloab on the objectives, while the foot soldiers pushed into his territory to bog him down. His turn he fired 24 harpoon shots into glotkin and killed him in one volley!!!!!! The balloon boy brigade charged into the marauders and killed every one of them. Luckily his khemist was to far away to take the objective right away and the frigate on that side was being help up by spume and the 5 kings with him. 

After that I just kept pushing and charging anything I could to keep clogging the lines towards the objective. Bloab sat on his objective for a couple turns before getting harpooned into oblivion. I dropped trees in way that made his characters heading for the objectives go around them. That made him take mortal wounds along the way and made it take a full turn longer for his khemist to charge into the objective...but was so weak from the trees he died in combat. He conceded turn 4. Still not satisfied with the win. The list didn't perform like intended and only won because I got to sit on the objectives first. 

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I’ve been thinking about using this Plaguetouched Warband

Harbinger of Decay (General) witherstave, hideous visage 

Glottkin - spell - Rancid visitations

Lord if Plagues - Rustfang 

Bloab Rotspawned - spell - Plague Squall

10 Blightkings 

10 Blightkings 

5 Blightkings 

1 Gorebeast Chariot with Mark of Nurgle 

Battalion - Plaguetouched Warband

1980 points

1 Drop

The big thing here is the -1 to hit the Plaguetouched brings to the entire army making it very resilient. It also stacks well with other abilities such as Bloab’s Daemon Flies making him -1 to hit on 4+ as well as any enemies within 7” And Glottkins Horrific apponent -1 ability to hit buffed by Harbingers hideous visage giving a potential -3 to hit in overlap which means most enemies only hitting on 6! But they may have to re roll that 6 thanks to the witherstave!

Chariot can keep up with Bloab and Glottkin for a fairly fast moving objective strike force if need be.

Can’t resist rancid visitations for Glottkin as I would love to go BOOM on a big unit of Bloodletters or something.

Plague Squall would give some good reach to the army and Bloab’s elevated position would give him a good view of the battlefield for this spell.

There are some offensive buffs in the shape of Lord of Plagues re rolling 1s to hit and his Rustfang -1 from enemy save. 


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2 hours ago, Percivael said:

I’ve been thinking about using this Plaguetouched Warband

Harbinger of Decay (General) witherstave, hideous visage 

Glottkin - spell - Rancid visitations

Lord if Plagues - Rustfang 

Bloab Rotspawned - spell - Plague Squall

10 Blightkings 

10 Blightkings 

5 Blightkings 

1 Gorebeast Chariot with Mark of Nurgle 

Battalion - Plaguetouched Warband

1980 points

1 Drop

The big thing here is the -1 to hit the Plaguetouched brings to the entire army making it very resilient. It also stacks well with other abilities such as Bloab’s Daemon Flies making him -1 to hit on 4+ as well as any enemies within 7” And Glottkins Horrific apponent -1 ability to hit buffed by Harbingers hideous visage giving a potential -3 to hit in overlap which means most enemies only hitting on 6! But they may have to re roll that 6 thanks to the witherstave!

Chariot can keep up with Bloab and Glottkin for a fairly fast moving objective strike force if need be.

Can’t resist rancid visitations for Glottkin as I would love to go BOOM on a big unit of Bloodletters or something.

Plague Squall would give some good reach to the army and Bloab’s elevated position would give him a good view of the battlefield for this spell.

There are some offensive buffs in the shape of Lord of Plagues re rolling 1s to hit and his Rustfang -1 from enemy save. 


Yup posted a similar list a page back. Take magnificent buboes for another -1. Hideous visage is not very good as you have to get into combat range for it to be effective. Carrion dirge is a better option as it is a 12" bubble that can project as HoD can sit back in safety. 

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What would be the best list or best way to use a guo and 6 drones with blades of putrefaction as a hammer? 

I'm thinking a core of

30 pbs


6 drones 

Rotbringer sorcerer 

What beyond that? 2*5bks as battleline? Or 2*10 pbs? 

I like horticulus for the extra tree. Also the scrivener for when the pbs maybe need blades. 

My main concern is the sorcerer being so key for damage. And kind of weak. Hm. 

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8 minutes ago, Turragor said:

What would be the best list or best way to use a guo and 6 drones with blades of putrefaction as a hammer? 

I'm thinking a core of

30 pbs


6 drones 

Rotbringer sorcerer 

What beyond that? 2*5bks as battleline? Or 2*10 pbs? 

I like horticulus for the extra tree. Also the scrivener for when the pbs maybe need blades. 

My main concern is the sorcerer being so key for damage. And kind of weak. Hm. 

Considered bloab? 

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Quick strategic thingi I'm playing Ironjawz tomorrow and always get screwed by brutes (2x5)- here's what I'm thinking- engage with 30 plaguebeaers, buffed with Plague of Flies and casting Favoured Poxes on one of the units- making the plaguebeaers -2/-3 to hit. Also cast blades of putrefaction o the plaguebearers so I can get a few mortal wounds per combat round too. The rest of my force is Lord of Blights, another 30 plaguebeaers, 3 plague drones, Deamon Prince, Poxbringer, Rotbringers Sorcerer and some nurglingns for deep striking. 

Does anyone see a better way of dealing with the brutes? I've played this force twice and both times they've been my undoing!

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