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Let's chat : Maggotkin of Nurgle


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A unit of Nurglings is certainly allright. Indeed not so much for the output but what makes them great is:

- Are on your opponents side of the field, which generates more CP.
- Can still very much threaten support Heroes on foot or horse.
- Are ideal for just messing with objective plans for your opponent as he cannot comfortably leave his side for what it is.

Nurglings and Gutrot Spume offer some amazing tactical dimensions for this army which I wish I had in Blades of Khorne for example.

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I’m not sure if it spelled out in the General’s Handbook or anything, but I believe the intent is that ‘heal’ means heal wounds on a model. When it comes to returning models slain to a unit, thats spelled out clearly. Check out Tallyband or the ‘reality blinks’ rule for drones.

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The gnarlmaws are certainly a VERY cool mechanic. And they are so fluffy it hurts. I am a thematic player. But I also like having these thematic units be somewhat effective as opposed to just plastic model trees. I am not complaining, even though it may sound like it and Maybe its my lack of in game experience with the new rules (only 2 games)..

But right now, it takes about 2 turns of contagion points (14 if I re-call) to bring in 10 plaguebearers.  And maybe I am just a dummy, but I don't understand how the FGs contribute to "board control". They aren't impassable terrain. There is virtually no threat to being near them (50:50 for 1 mw - doesn't stack).

So right now it seems the trees are great at making units run and charge. And that is a welcome buff, but for such a new and exciting component to the army it seems underwhelming AT THE MOMENT. If they re-do summoning and we get the advantage of hitting the ground running with new summoning mechanic then I understand why they are not as potent. 

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Afaik you indeed can only return models through healing if it directly says so. Otherwise healing is just effective on the models that are still around.
So for example, if a Nurgling unit would have 1 model with 3 wounds, he's back. But if he's killed and others have no wounds nothing happens.

As before though, they are a fine choice for 100 points but have a specialist role really. 

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5 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

The gnarlmaws are certainly a cool mechanic. I am not complaining. But right now, it takes about 2 turns of contagion points (14 if I re-call) to bring in 10 plaguebearers.  And maybe I am just a dummy, but I don't understand how the FGs contribute to "board control". They aren't impassable terrain. There is virtually no threat to being near them (50:50 for 1 mw - doesn't stack).

So right now it seems the trees are great at making units run and charge. And that is a welcome buff, but for such a new and exciting component to the army it seems underwhelming AT THE MOMENT. If they re-do summoning and we get the advantage of hitting the ground running with new summoning mechanic then I understand why they are not as potent. 

It's a 'free' Allegiance ability that boosts units akin to what others pay 50 points for.  I agree with you that summonning Daemons is not so much relevant. But the prime reason this is my vision on this is because Nurglings can appear wherever and Spume allows you to show up on different sides aswell. 

Basically I would almost always use all my CP to create more Blight Trees. There is most certainly a virtual threat to being near them for smaller support Heroes. Which again is why I would put focus on Cycle manipulation, setting it to 5 to go to 6 and harras smaller support Heroes.

But by comparison feel free to compair Blight Trees to other Allegiance abilities. The only one I find overwhelming is Tzeentch's to the point where it highlights how poor that kind of design actually is for a dice game.

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One thing that will make summoning free is that you would actually buy more models for the 2000 points army. And even more since you want flexibility in what you summon.

For now i don't like trees that much (i mean run+charge is fine but they are no comparison to sylvaneth trees) but if they implement free summoning they will be a core of the army.

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I would have loved a mechanic where on a 4+ enemies within 7" halve movement because some tentacles grab them or +1 to hit near the trees because tentacles grab them and easier to hit. THAT would differentiate from the wyldwoods by not dealing direct damage and also be a deterrent thereby creating the board control aspect I think they tried to implement. 

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I dunno, I really think the summoning small units thing is pretty useful. Outside of gutrot, it's the best (and cheapest) way to present a threat the enemy HAS to address. I will be trying it my next game, so maybe it's not as big as I think it is, i can just see from the past few games than if i could dump even 3 bases of nurglings behind enemy lines it would ease the pressure on my other units. 

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I think in general people underestimate how relevant the whole aspect remains with the Blight Trees and the prime reason I say this is because there are several units who massively can benifit from their placement. But their placement will largely occur on your side of the field, which is something to be aware of.

For example, the Blight Drone bomb is something I personally think is one of the cheapest and strongest assets Nurgle can work with. Not only can you obtain additional movement through the bell but the unit also has the mobility to get near the Blight Trees.

Allegiance abilities in general though should be a nice boost but not influencing the game too much. The Sylavneth woods in my opinion arn't really that much of a game changing impact either and they shouldn't be. It's just that Nurgle's effect becomes stronger overtime instead of having all the power in there at once. The same is true for Blood Tithe and to be honest that is distinctly worse because you don't start with any Blood Tithe point where you do start with one Ferulent Gnarlmaw.

In addition I think Nurgle's appearance in LVO only confirms that Nurgle is most certainly a relevant contender. With our without Glottkin in my opinion because there are a lot of things Drones can do to hurt armies, but it doesn't seem to have been fully explored yet. Flying units with acces to that many buffs for that costs are typically great.

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1 hour ago, Killax said:

I think in general people underestimate how relevant the whole aspect remains with the Blight Trees and the prime reason I say this is because there are several units who massively can benifit from their placement. But their placement will largely occur on your side of the field, which is something to be aware of.

For example, the Blight Drone bomb is something I personally think is one of the cheapest and strongest assets Nurgle can work with. Not only can you obtain additional movement through the bell but the unit also has the mobility to get near the Blight Trees.

Allegiance abilities in general though should be a nice boost but not influencing the game too much. The Sylavneth woods in my opinion arn't really that much of a game changing impact either and they shouldn't be. It's just that Nurgle's effect becomes stronger overtime instead of having all the power in there at once. The same is true for Blood Tithe and to be honest that is distinctly worse because you don't start with any Blood Tithe point where you do start with one Ferulent Gnarlmaw.

In addition I think Nurgle's appearance in LVO only confirms that Nurgle is most certainly a relevant contender. With our without Glottkin in my opinion because there are a lot of things Drones can do to hurt armies, but it doesn't seem to have been fully explored yet. Flying units with acces to that many buffs for that costs are typically great.

Yeah I tried a drone bomb and it was amazing. Command ability from GUO. Had horticulous for tanking, healing, and rend and locus. He dropped a tree 3" ahead of him, they (6 drones and hort) ran and charged in taking out the entire flank. 

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2 hours ago, Killax said:

For example, the Blight Drone bomb is something I personally think is one of the cheapest and strongest assets Nurgle can work with. Not only can you obtain additional movement through the bell but the unit also has the mobility to get near the Blight Trees.

I think I'm missing something - whats the blight drone bomb?

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Greetings all,

Got back from the LVO this weekend. Thought I'd share my experience and thoughts on how it went! Copy and pasted my list at the very bottom.

So, the LVO was a total of 7 games over two days ( 4 games day one, 3 on day 2). There was a strong Nurgle presence at the event for sure. My list focuses on the Mortals, I like them more then the daemons. Rather then break down each game with the play by play figured I'd discuss the highlights.

My first game was against Kunnin Ruk. Going into the game I thought I was going to get destroyed,however, it wasnt TOO bad. It was painful taking hundreds of shots each shooting phase, but I gave him a game. I was able to get a lot of my army across the table to him, and Gutrot and the boys (5 Kings) dropped in behind him and threatened his home objective, but too many orcs prevented me from stealing it ( Knife to the Heart ).  I ended up taking a minor loss, however, given the full five rounds I probably would have ended up grinding him out. We only got to the top of turn 3 before the 2.5 hours ran out.

Second game was a custom scenario designed for the LVO. Was three objects across the center controlled by model count.I took a major loss against a Vanguard wing list. My army couldnt deal with the Stormcast abuse; teleporting 25 liberators on top of my units, stacking prayers, Lib's saving on 2+ re-rolling 1's etc etc.

Game Three I played a Khorne Murderhost+Gore Pilgrims combo with 90 bloodletters and 3 priests. Scenario was battle for the pass. Thanks to my GUO with a bell I was able to get up far enough to secure both border objectives and held them the entire game. Held one object agaisnt 30 bloodletters with my GUO and 5 kings. Other side controlled by 10 kings, Harbinger, Lord of Plagues and Lord of Blights. I dropped Gutrot in his back line with my unit of 10 kings to threaten his home object which required him to pull 30 bloodletters back to deal with it. This basically won me the game as he couldnt push forward and had to fall back. I ended up taking a Major Victory.

Game 4 and last game of the day one. Scenario was Total Conquest it was a Nurgle on Nurgle match. He had 90 plaguebearers, same GUO as me, Rotigus, Epidemius and rotbringer sorcerer on a balewind. I was able to get my GUO and 5 kings across to the object deep in his territory, and eventually march 10 kings and harbinger up through 30 bearers and take his middle objective with Gutrot and the boys again threatening his last objective. Ended up taking a Major as well here.

Game 5 was Duality of Death vs Ruinbringer Warband ( basically 25 Choas Knights and a Lord of Chaos on mount, and a chaos sorcerer lord on Manticore. He took turn 1 and ran up his entire force midfield, I responded in turn 2 by getting basically my entire force in agaisnt all his knights. Just did clean up from there and took a major.

Game 6 was against ( my buddy actually, we got paired due to being close in the rankings). He plays fyreslayers so I knew what was coming. scenario was scorched earth. He took turn 1 and took out basically 8 or 9 Kings with throwing axes and charging into me with the shield throwing dwarfs.  Gutrot dropped in and I split them; 5 kings to one of his objectives and Gutrot ran to and burned one of his other home objectives. Again I was able to move around with GUO and about 5 kings to take and burn one of the flank objectives in his territory. 

Game 7 was versus an Archaon , Tzeentch List.  Archy got up the board and got into my GUO on his first turn and auto-killed with by manipulating the Destiny Dice with Slayer of Kings. Was downhill from there.  ALL three comets fell favoring his deployment and I couldn't take a single one. 6 Sky fires, and Kyros Fateweaver. I just couldn't do a whole lot. took a Major Loss. I ended up taking 37th ( out of 90 something ) with 1 minor loss, 2 major losses and 4 major victories.

After getting to really play with the new stuff there are a few stand out units/MVPs to me.

-Gutrot was a HUGE benefit. Being able to drop Kings in their territory is huge. I basically wouldn't take a Mortal Nurgle list without him.

-GUO with Endless gift was also a huge standout. The amount of healing/wounds he can ignore is awesome. Im able to plant him on an objective and it takes so much concentrated firepower to kill him.  Also the GUO with the bell was awesome, that extra 3" movement really does add up. In my last game versus the Tzeentch/Archaon list I was able to get 5 kings into his skyfires turn 1. The wheel started on 2" movement, GUO bell was 3" so thats a base move of 9", plus I got a 6 inch run plus the 1" from the bell in the Kings unit to run and charge. They ended up Moving 15 inches, and could charge thanks to the Feculant GnarlMaw.

-Gnarlmaw was also amazing. They allowed me so many times to run up my units and still be within 7" of the tree to be able to be able to charge. 

-Lord of Plagues was surprisingly awesome. With his new exploding 6's like the Blightkings he put 15 wounds out in a single combat. Granted he doesnt always roll 6's but his main feature is the re-rolling 1's to the Blight Kings. This was huge and now I'm thinking of working 2 Lords of Plagues into future lists to spread out the re-rolls.

-Rustfang; this artifact is awesome. It was on my Lord of Blights who ran around with units of Blightkings. So with the -1 from the Rustfang and -1 rend on the kings, they were able to do some work. 

The lows:

-Harbinger of Decay didn't add as much as I was hoping. Blight kings are 40 MM bases and so I really never effected more then 2 units at a time. And When you have to split up your forces you arent going to cover that many units. Granted there arent that many command traits to choose from in a Rotbringer List. 

-With my specific list, again, the large base size on the kings was an issue. In the future I may only take them in units of 5.

Overall I had a blast win or lose, I mean playing against Vanguard Wing was frustrating ( and they FAQ'd it literally the day after the tournament ended) but still had fun. Really enjoy my Rotbringers now and looking forward to tweaking and refining. Cheers All !


Allegiance: Nurgle
Great Unclean One (340)
- Artefact: The Endless Gift 
- Lore of Virulence: Favoured Poxes
Harbinger of Decay (160)
- General
- Trait: Resilient 
Gutrot Spume (140)
Lord of Plagues (140)
Lord of Blights (140)
- Artefact: Rustfang 
10 x Chaos Marauders (60)
- Axes & Shields
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle
10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
Blight Cyst (220)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 154


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Glad you had fun!! Really happy you did well, really only struggling against something that got faq'd. I like your list to! I am having the same feelings about the harbinger lately.. not sure he is worth it for such a small bubble when you neee to be in several places. I just don't know what other mortal general there is really. Glotkin command ability is really  nice but you lose command traits and I feel he is easy to take down with only 4+ save. 

I'm happy to hear the lord of plagues did well for you. I'm happy he got an update that can be useful!! I love the model and can't wait to try him out.

also keep in mind the harbinger can choose from rotbringer, mortal and demon command traits and artifacts because he has all three keywords! All rotbringer heros can choose rotbringer or mortal artifacts too!

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36 minutes ago, Sigmalthus said:

Again I was able to move around and take objectives and took a major.

Good read. When you say move around, does this mean the Blight Kings went around the flanks to get objectives? I was able to do this against a Gore Pilgrim army in game 3 of Waaaghpaca and nab the two opposing objectives. Its great when you have something tar-pitting in the middle 

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4 minutes ago, Aaron Schmidt said:

Good read. When you say move around, does this mean the Blight Kings went around the flanks to get objectives? I was able to do this against a Gore Pilgrim army in game 3 of Waaaghpaca and nab the two opposing objectives. Its great when you have something tar-pitting in the middle 

I edited that part to add more detail. But I was able to just get up the board with the bell movement, plus charging within 7" of a Gnarlmaw

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