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How this rule works? 

If i roll 1 does it count that i pass battleshock automatically and dont lose anything and just rez D6 models or i need to calculate wounds and dice roll 1 and lose models and then if unit is alive i rez D6 models.

And what if some other unit have some modify that say +1 on battleshock is that mean that you cant get 1 roll as it counts as 2



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It's a regular battleshock, so you may lose models in addition to gaining them.  It's a natural roll of 1 too - +1 Bravery modifies your Bravery stat, not the dice roll (this is different to other rolls).  The models are added to the unit after you remove any others, so could mean that you lose the last model only to add D6 back.

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It doesn't say that no models are removed and that you instead place D6 in the unit, only that you gain D6 models. So, as an example:

Your unit of Pink Horrors loses 12 models. You roll a 1 on Battleshock, but this still adds to a total of 13. 13 - 10, your Bravery, means you lose 3 models. However, your Banner allows you to add D6 back in. You roll a 4, which subtracting the 3 you lost means you gain a Pink Horror.

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1 hour ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

It doesn't say that no models are removed and that you instead place D6 in the unit, only that you gain D6 models. So, as an example:

Your unit of Pink Horrors loses 12 models. You roll a 1 on Battleshock, but this still adds to a total of 13. 13 - 10, your Bravery, means you lose 3 models. However, your Banner allows you to add D6 back in. You roll a 4, which subtracting the 3 you lost means you gain a Pink Horror.

Yeah - as per how it is worded - without making assumptions - you lose models for sure.

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It's a really solid ability without ignoring Battleshock. Less reliable than Death's Banners, but it can really put a spanner in the works if your opponent plinks some shots at a small unit of say, 5 Horrors, causes one casualty that then causes a 1 on Battleshock allowing them to regen 6, back up to full strength after a full game of attrition.

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Abilities are carried out by order of importance I belive and whose turn it is.

But, going by how the text is written

Roll for battleshock,  roll a 1, then roll a d6, add those models as reality has blinked and the unit is larger, now, will any models flee ? Yes, say...2 Remove 2 models. 

Possibly end up with more than you started on, certainly lose less than you were going to. 

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Simultaneous abilities are carried out in whatever order the controlling players decides; It's only when both players have abilities that the player whose turn it is decides which player uses their abilities first (and even then, that player can still decide on the order of their own abilities).

I'd say the wording isn't clear on whether fleeing or rezzing happens first, technically I guess fleeing isn't an ability, but in lieu of anything else to go by I'd say the controlling player decides.

In which case you'd want to handle fleeing first if you're close to your starting size, so that you don't get capped on how many you bring back, and rezzing first if you're close to gone, because if all the models flee you won't have a unit left to resurrect.

Also remember, you can use the flee/resurrect to effectively reposition models — e.g. take them off the back and resurrect at the front to get closer to your enemy, or remove from the front and resurrect from the back to get further away.

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The thing is it is not clear you lose ANY models. It says reality blinks. Add d6 models to the unit. Nowhere does it say but you still lose models to battleshock. When you roll a one, this ability happens.. Why would they have you remove models only to put them back immediately.. that makes no sense. 

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You make a battleshock test, and you may lose models based on the roll. That's in the rules. So you always do that. 

Based on that rule, that always happens, there's no reason you shouldn't be doing it. There is no "instead;" there is no "models do not flee."

It should be pretty clear if you're not making assumptions about rules.

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3 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

The thing is it is not clear you lose ANY models. It says reality blinks. Add d6 models to the unit. Nowhere does it say but you still lose models to battleshock. When you roll a one, this ability happens.. Why would they have you remove models only to put them back immediately.. that makes no sense. 

This.  Seems pretty clearly written.  Roll battleshock. "one" equals more models.  Battleshock losses are determined by the dice roll. 

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19 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

The thing is it is not clear you lose ANY models. It says reality blinks. Add d6 models to the unit. Nowhere does it say but you still lose models to battleshock. When you roll a one, this ability happens.. Why would they have you remove models only to put them back immediately.. that makes no sense. 

Just to play devils advocate but the point is there's nothing to say you don't lose any models.  Removing models is part of the Battleshock phase (main rules) so you'd need a specific exception to prevent this, not the other way round.  Main rules always should be in play unless explicitly stated on a warscroll.

I'm not arguing that the description of the ability implies it's a reality blink but the ability rules don't correspond with it.  I'd expect it to say "Add D6 models to the unit instead of removing Battleshock casualties" if this were the case.

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