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Rungi's Duardin WIP - Duardin Priestess in Ghyran


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Hi Everyone,

In an attempt to keep up a solid pace with my painting, I've started a blog. Please take a look.

 The Barazi-Wyr

In it you'll find tales of my duardin as they seek to fulfil the "Barazi-Wyr" or Ice's Promise, along with photos as new characters and units are introduced to the storyline. I'm only minimally a gamer and much more of a hobbyist, so please excuse my drifting from the conventions of AOS as I find the right stylistic and thematic fits for my army. I will say that the wide-open possibilities of the mortal realms is what drew me back in after nearly 20 years away. Hope you like what you see! Feedback always welcome. 

A few of a few of the dwarves who have already made an appearance...


King Rungi Roreksson, Revenger of the Karkigrom



Darbli Doorcarver, bodyguard and childhood friend of King Rungi


Lord Norgrim Proudsong, champion of the Chosen of Karakigrom

Again, much more to come as the fluff comes together and I get more a painting done. Take a look and let me know what you think!

The Barazi-Wyr

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the blog intro I left a few disclaimers, one being that I'm leaning very much towards epic scale for fantasy currently... Which may be why I've been undertaking the madness of painting up a 100-strong unit of duardin warriors! Below is a WIP picture with models in various stages of completion.


I'll update when it it's finished of course. Shots of the completed models and unit champion in the latest blog entry:  The Barazi-Wyr

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  • 2 months later...

New post on the blog featuring 2 units of longbeards. Hope you like them.


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Still need bases for the first unit. Feedback definitely welcome!

Check out their story and other units & characters on the blog:  


Also, about that March Painting Contract... That's still in progress. Turned out to be a bigger task than expected to raise a block of 100 warriors. Made some progress though:


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  • 2 months later...

So... March painting Contract didn't happen. Not even Close...

But now they're finished! Below are a few pictures of my 86-dwarf strong unit of Warriors. I love the idea of this massive group of clansmen at the center of a throng. Nothing special, just everyday folk taking up arms for a cause. The rest of the throng will be built around this. Hope you enjoy the pictures below. Feedback welcome! Narrative and more pictures on the blog: Update - Barazi-Wyr


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1 hour ago, Rungi said:

So... March painting Contract didn't happen. Not even Close...

But now they're finished! Below are a few pictures of my 86-dwarf strong unit of Warriors. I love the idea of this massive group of clansmen at the center of a throng. Nothing special, just everyday folk taking up arms for a cause. The rest of the throng will be built around this. Hope you enjoy the pictures below. Feedback welcome! Narrative and more pictures on the blog: Update - Barazi-Wyr


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That Awesome and a little bit insane ;) 86 beards to paint ?

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  • 2 months later...

New post up on the blog - Female ranger leading a unit into the foothills to scout ahead of the main throng. A few pictures below but more on the blog. As always, feedback is appreciated! Thanks for taking a look


Svala "Haresbreath" Snorrisdottir, Veteran Ranger and Champion of the Karakigrom


More on the blog - The Barazi-Wyr


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  • 6 months later...

Hi Everyone! Here's a bunch of pictures of things I've been working on. As you can see, much of it is unbased as I ran out of materials. Better pictures and updates to come as I catch up on basing this army. 

Thane & Champion from the Librarian Guild:

IMG_2511.JPG.43ead45f6c0716cff1d2b1d890852d33.JPG   IMG_2512.JPG.567de76f05b59aba27b662165cff943a.JPG   

Picture of the Unit, more on the blog:



Also, here are two of my hammerer units...

The first is meant to be the clan's chosen champions in their ancestral armor. I was going for a cracked-stone look here as it fit the army fluff. I can try to take better pictures for anyone interested. They fit fairly simply into the army color-scheme with lot's of precious blue jewels and gold...IMG_2483.JPG.0e6beecd2eee286b80a204380a3fad0e.JPGIMG_2484.JPG.020d75a8541b1a83cdfefb0a44fc7802.JPGIMG_2485.JPG.f4f39da2e41f7940de38d59b89037273.JPG

The second unit intentionally contrasts with the first. These are meant to be outcast warriors banded together as a sort of cult. They're highly powerful and a major force within the army, but their heraldry and colors are modified to be tied more closely with their unique fluff that to their kin who have rejected them. To drive the contrast even more I chose to use the Avatars of War hammerers (kingsguard?), and lined them up facing all over and showing far less martial discipline. 


Again, I'm happy to take more pictures if anyone wants to see more detail around the contrasted schemes. I'd love feedback on how you think they look as side-by-side forces, or anything else regarding these latest units. Also, if you're interested you can find the fluff for these units and more on the army blog here. Thanks for taking a look

Side Note - Can anyone help me figure out how to edit this topic title? Thanks in advance!


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40 minutes ago, Kramer said:

Looking good @Rungi, although seeing all those big blocks of models I’m more and more excited about skirmish ;) 

mad to your question, I think you can change the title by editing the first post. (If I remember correctly)

@Kramer in all honesty, the big blocks are wearing on me. The plan has been to have a central storyline and large block army with warbands and other small forces tying in as the fluff allows, but all that seems to happen is my motivation wavers halfway throughout a unit. 

I have started a side project to tie into malign portents though so we'll see... Out of curiosity, have others tried creating their own unique heralds? This particular campaign really has sparked my interest

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Really nice army with some gorgeous retro figures! Couple of questons - 1) how did you find building and painting the AoW dwarfs? I've found their minis a bit disappointing in the past but their dwarf stuff looks really cool. 2) Where does that female ranger mini come from? I want to build my D&D group's characters and that mini would be perfect.

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Thanks @AGPO. I've found that the AoW box sets aren't nearly as clean or easy to fit as GW, but I like the character of the pathfinders and the hammerers are comparable to the GW ones, so they can add variety to the force. The metal heroes are closer to GW quality. I'm hoping AoW re-release their clansmen as they also had a lot of character. 

The female ranger is from Reaper. They've got a bunch of female dwarves that would make unique individual characters. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Hi Everyone, I started a new blog to follow the Malign Portents narrative: Damnazi Gromthi (Grudge of the Ancestors). Eventually it will tie into my main narrative, but for now it's just about MP.

As a starting point, I created a duardin herald for MP, hailing from Ghyran. Would love any feedback on it you have. Thanks for taking a look.


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  • 1 month later...

Another character for my MP narrative tie-in. You can find his story here. I'm attempting to use a very hero-heavy storyline to explore what duardin native to Ghyran could be like, and how duardin & their deep reverence for ancestors could be linked to the dark events of MP. Later on I may build out a large force based on what sticks and is the most fun.

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Comments, suggestions, and other feedback all welcome. Thanks for looking! 

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  • 6 months later...

Wrapped up a new unit for my main dispossessed army. Fluff can be found on the blog. I love these old ironbreaker sculpts. There's an ominous nature about them. I thought with a dark paint scheme they'd be perfect for my unit of scarred survivors from a battle with warpfire.


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The army colors are a pretty basic dwarf blue & white, so I used washes and inks to get a blue tinge to the darkened metal. The sculpts already lent themselves well to the idea of armor hiding the scarred figures who had survived encounters with warpfire. I needed some way to make the unit unique though, and felt that flaming runes would both fit the fluff I was imagining and contrast the rest of the models nicely. 

  IMG_0954.jpg.166da314f78a3dd456646c8d71af0cb4.jpg  IMG_0956.jpg.b89b3ff16deddaf257c62bc146a24b45.jpg 

The unit champion is a Reaper model, but I think it fits pretty well still:

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And finally, the fluff starts to play with runcraft so I included a runesmith in order to emphasize the mystical nature of the unit:

IMG_0949.jpg.050d58d7adb21309c17c0cae1753366d.jpg  IMG_0948.jpg.43b1cc39b4cccf430074bd51cfa68992.jpg  


All comments, critique, and feedback welcome. Thanks for taking a look!




Edited by Rungi
wrong pictures
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


Just wrapped up my questing knights. Their story is here and is part of the Malign Portents/Soul Wars narrative I'm working on. Eventually it'll tie into my main force. Take a look and let me know what you think!

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Some angles of the regular knights

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Shaman / Icon Bearer

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The leader of the group. I'm calling her The Verdant Knight



I would love to hear your feedback. This is the first time I've tried NMM. I tried to use the technique for an interesting green-metal style. I also wanted to create a green glow off of certain weapons, runes, and armor. It turned out ok in terms of a color scheme link to Ghyran, but I've got quite a bit to learn still. As far as the models, most are kitbashes of Reaper and some GW parts. I can't take too much credit there - I did some green-stuffing and converting, but I found most of the riders at least partially connected to bears on Ebay a while back. Thanks for taking a look!



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