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Starting new army....or maybe not.


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I've been playing chaos extensively for over 25 yrs. I've obviously amassed a large collection in this amount of time.(30k+ pts worth).

I've been thinking of either:

A. expanding my chaos forces with skaven. 

Pros- Works with what I already have. Adds LOTS of ranged attacks to an army that sadly lacks it. Lots of really cool monsters/characters.

Cons- Horde army. LOTS of rats to paint.


B. FEC. 

Pros- From the little I've seen, a pretty hard to kill army with a lot of attack output. Lots of cool monsters/characters. Good synergy. Easy to paint.

Cons- Not sure here, hence the posting. 

Here's your chance to convert me to death.

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He may not like the fluff/look of them, I don't know.  For me I love the fluff, I just find them incredibly weak on the table.  They die like flies to anything that can shoot, even in combat they can't get through armor and die easily to retaliation, I find the heroes are super easy to kill with ranged and then they don't get any real defense anymore (no replenish).  It's been pretty well established I am absolutely terrible with FEC though as apparently they are pretty strong, but that's been my experience.  I've lost every game with them so far using a fairly well balanced FEC list.

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2 minutes ago, Tasman said:

Ah. Well, the one and only FEC player at our local store has been kicking ass and taking names with them.

What, in your opinion, is better?

I honestly don't know.  I want to like FEC but play experience says the opposite, but it could just be me.  

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That's a shame. Coffee grunt doesn't like the way they look so he doesn't play em (which has nothing to do with the op) and I just read a thread about how wayniac can't win a game with them... I've been playing FEC for about 6 months with GA death sprinkled in and I have only gotten better with them. Granted I haven't played many gun line armies but my flesh eaters usually beat close combat armies. They don't have rend but who needs it when you can throw tons of dice with ghouls or a lot of dice but 2 to 3 damage with horrors. If you need rend summon a mourngul with the sword artifact or take zombie dragons or terrorghiests. There's answers to everything in AoS. 

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4 hours ago, Tasman said:

Here's your chance to convert me to death.

That's not hard. It happens to everyone sooner or later :(

But seriously, the Flesh Eaters are a really fun army with the opportunities to paint a decent variety of critters. I mean, sure, the core of the army is ghouls, big ghouls, flying ghouls... but you also get to have giant zombie dragonbats and any number of other Death units that your ghoul king can summon, including ghosts, skeletons, and bats! And because they're nuts, you have a number of fascinating opportunities for cool conversions.

And... I just realized that I was too late. Oh, well.

Death will get you, eventually.

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On 30/11/2016 at 5:35 PM, LJ26 said:

Buuut skaven are really good and if I had that much chaos already I'd stay inside my grand alliance 

You could play it either way though. 30k worth of chaos sounds like more than enough for any given situation.

It all depends if you fancy a refreshing change or not. If yes then i would branch out onto something else for a change.

FEC is a powerful force and is proberbly one of the best atm at standing on its own without the other subfactions intruding onto your list. If its winning games your interested in that is.

Then again i collect what i think is cool and interesting.

SO yeah diffcult to answer.

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