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Games Workshop, Fantasy Flight Parting Ways?


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Well given the plethora of board game releases this year, we can only hope that this is being done to maintain some of that momentum and a sign that GW is looking at branching into the popular and growing board game market, with their own unique approach of including miniatures. It can't have escaped their attention that whilst board games can be used as "discount bundles" for their miniatures, there's a number of people who buy the game because of the game.

If we're really lucky, we'll see a decent RPG from GW with proper miniature support, heck if they could do this for Age of Sigmar, with heros, monster packs and cross-over statistics for WHQ and AoS, I'd be a very happy geek :)

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I still really enjoy the narrative possibilities that open up with the crazy FFG roleplaying dice, and as much as an AoS RPG could be cool, I don't think I would go back to using only d6 dice pools for a more traditional roleplaying campaign.

I would like, however, to see something along the lines of the Regiment of Renown skirmish rules and the Path to Glory advancement which could work for a combat heavy RPG campaign.

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Some meaty sourcebooks might be a good way to colour in that "low fantasy" detail some people feel has been missing from the battletomes etc. so far though.

Will be interesting to see how things go in terms of the card games etc. that are getting ended, as there's clearly a market for them out there. I generally try not to panic buy but snapped up Fury of Dracula yesterday when I saw this announced as I don't see GW republishing it in-house.

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23 hours ago, Lucio said:

Well given the plethora of board game releases this year, we can only hope that this is being done to maintain some of that momentum and a sign that GW is looking at branching into the popular and growing board game market, with their own unique approach of including miniatures. It can't have escaped their attention that whilst board games can be used as "discount bundles" for their miniatures, there's a number of people who buy the game because of the game.

Just to give my opinion as a retailer, but this split wasn't planned, and it wasn't done to let GW continue its expansion into board games. There were multiple FFG GW related items on pre-order from suppliers. They are gone. That's a lot of time, money and effort wasted. Had this been an amicable, planned ending of the partnership between the two companies, then either those items would never have been put into development, or the separation would happen after their release.

I don't know the cause of the split, i've seen everything from GW getting annoyed over FFG launching a miniatures game, to FFG being annoyed that GW are pushing into boardgames again. It's unlikely we'll ever find out the full facts. But i am disappointed. I've been a Conquest player and we had a decent group playing in store. That's now very much on the edge of disappearing.

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On 11/09/2016 at 5:41 AM, Soulsmith said:

I dont imagine, as great as it would be, that they will do AoS roleplay. It needs more fleshing out as a world first.

Wasn't Warhammer Roleplay where a lot of the Old World depth initially came from, though? Could work both ways. I can't personally see it happening, either, but would love to be proven wrong - roleplaying is one area of gaming I've never delved into, but as generally more of a narrative driven player, would like to at some point, especially if it was AoS or 40k related.

On 11/09/2016 at 6:01 AM, Tommy said:

Will be interesting to see how things go in terms of the card games etc. that are getting ended, as there's clearly a market for them out there. I generally try not to panic buy but snapped up Fury of Dracula yesterday when I saw this announced as I don't see GW republishing it in-house.

Sorely tempted to buy up a copy of Fury of Dracula and Chaos In The Old World now, just to be safe. FFG make fantastic games, so this is a shame in a way, but will be very interesting to see where GW go from here. I've not played an official GW boardgame since HeroQuest many moons ago, so very much looking forward to my Silver Tower box arriving and picking up a copy of Lost Patrol to see what those two are like.

If they are going to start producing more bitesize games in house, I'd definitely be more keen to see complete standalone games set in the same universe (like FFG were producing) rather than Gorechosen style repacks of existing miniatures with different ways to play (which, to me, looks a bit too much like the Bar Room Brawl Orc game given away in White Dwarf back in the day - a fun, quick way to use your mini's differently, but not much more).

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