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AoS 3 - Nighthaunt Discussion


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58 minutes ago, Warbossironteef said:

New Cogs is changed to rerolls of casting or charging. REROLLS. 40 POINTS. 

Okay time to make room for 40 points. So good. Every army will want it. No idea why they made it 40... 

Wait, what the hell. That sounds insanely busted? Is the casting re-rolls for all casters within a certain radius as well? If so that's really good for deathstars.

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5 minutes ago, EnixLHQ said:

Not that busted if it's still stationary. Even less so if it effects either army in range. Makes it a springboard at best, and a double-edged sword at worst

I would say it's particularly good in NH given we lack casting support and rerolling charges can allow you to fish for certain wave of terror effects. It's flexible, cheap and the rerolls are great for NH. It's not, this is winning me the game busted, but it's insane value for the mere 40 points. The points thing is what makes it so good imo. At 80 points or something it wouldn't be as enticing. 

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5 minutes ago, Warbossironteef said:

I would say it's particularly good in NH given we lack casting support and rerolling charges can allow you to fish for certain wave of terror effects. It's flexible, cheap and the rerolls are great for NH. It's not, this is winning me the game busted, but it's insane value for the mere 40 points. The points thing is what makes it so good imo. At 80 points or something it wouldn't be as enticing. 

Agree. It's a great benefit for us, no question.

Is it still stationary, though? I can't see the rules right now so I don't know the particulars. 

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43 minutes ago, EnixLHQ said:

Agree. It's a great benefit for us, no question.

Is it still stationary, though? I can't see the rules right now so I don't know the particulars. 

Still stationary. Set up within 6" of caster. Increasing time: reroll charges within 12". Decreasing: reroll casts within 12".

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5 minutes ago, lare2 said:

Anyone else thinking of running 3 units of Hex in bounty Hunters?

They seem like better screens than hammers to me. The damage buff on the horses won't translate into that much because the hit and wound profile isn't great and it doesn't change bthe mortals for charging. That said if you have them in your list anyway, it's still a bonus.

The damage boost will be most effective on units that already do damage.

If the meta shifts to hoards of battleline the average save will go down. If large units on a 5+ save becomes common then harridans will be bonkers.

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With the new reach rules, Harridans could be nice and effective MSU bounty hunters I think. They pump out a ton of attacks and are self-sufficient. They could easily steal an objective from most battleline.

Probably avoid Quicksilver Dead though, since they're more likely to roam around than hang near your castle with the Krulghast.

Edited by Vastus
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4 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

New Cogs is changed to rerolls of casting or charging. REROLLS. 40 POINTS. 

Okay time to make room for 40 points. So good. Every army will want it. No idea why they made it 40... 

Please, link for those leaks :)


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Purple Sun of Shyish


CV 8, set up wholly within 8". 8" flying move

Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target units within 6" of this endless spell. In addition, roll a dice for each unit within 3" of this endless spell after this endless spell has moved. On a 1, 1 model from that unit is slain.

What an amazing endless spell for us and Midnight Tome specifically. Also a 16% chance to kill any hero within 6" every time. 😍


Prismatic Palisade


CV 5, set up wholly within 8"

Units within 6" of this endless spell cannot make shooting attacks. Add 3" to the range of this ability at the start of each battle round after the turn it was summoned

This one is unfortunately a nerf. Before, we could cast it in the back and it would block line of sight. Now we have to cast it deep behind enemy lines where we assume the shooting unit will stay and absolutely not move 6.1" away from it.


Shards of Valagharr is exactly the same except the last sentence adds a nasty tidbit:


In addition a unit that is ensnared cannot fly or be removed from the battlefield with an effect that would allow it to be set up again in the same turn


These are the only ones I've seen and I think they're all of interest for Nighthaunt one way or another

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2 hours ago, Vastus said:

With the new reach rules, Harridans could be nice and effective MSU bounty hunters I think. They pump out a ton of attacks and are self-sufficient. They could easily steal an objective from most battleline.

Probably avoid Quicksilver Dead though, since they're more likely to roam around than hang near your castle with the Krulghast.

Avoid Quicksilver Dead? Gotta disagree with that.

Nurgle, Nighthaunt mirror matches, DoK are all going to be relevant. Maybe even Fyreslayers and probably other Death armies.

Really think it’s being slept on as a subfaction. 

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The other thing I forsee is this edition is basically a nerf to support heros, especially ours. Additional ranks of attacks means they die faster, ontop of that bounty hunters will have +1 damage to spirit host so we'll loose our bodyguards faster as well.

I think palisade is great but how it's used has changed. I think the main use for this now is "turn of unleash hell" with the added benefit of hanging around and being a nuisance. Make a dreadblade a wizard and you can always get it where you need it.

Edited by Rors
avoiding double post
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7 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

Avoid Quicksilver Dead? Gotta disagree with that.

Nurgle, Nighthaunt mirror matches, DoK are all going to be relevant. Maybe even Fyreslayers and probably other Death armies.

Really think it’s being slept on as a subfaction. 

I'm not saying to avoid it because it is bad. In fact I was heavily considering swapping to it, but with the new batallions I'm holding off. I don't want my Harridans to take double damage, and they will likely be outside the Krulghast range, so making them Battleline would be detrimental.

Edit: Actually, I just remembered that the additional range is only for Galletian Veterans, so you would need to go Quicksilver for them to get in all their attacks. Quicksilver Dead it is.

Edited by Vastus
I'm dumb
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8 hours ago, The_Dudemeister said:

Purple Sun of Shyish

What an amazing endless spell for us and Midnight Tome specifically. Also a 16% chance to kill any hero within 6" every time. 😍

Yes the new purple sun seems good. The main downside of it looks to be the high casting value making it tricky to actually get onto the board, so Nighthaunt seem perfectly positioned with an artefact that just auto-summons it, or just Reikenor's +3 if you don't want to use that. Set up wholly within 8" and move 8" gives it a threat range of 19" which is bonkers, especially given there are battleplans where you start only 22" away. Yes it's only a 1 in 6 chance, but can your opponent afford to risk losing an expensive hero or monster by advancing them even slightly? Being CV8 is also an upside once it's on the board, making it hard to dispel. The fact that NH are then immune to the -1 save aura is just the icing on the cake.

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Looking at a 1/6 to kill a single model, yes it feels swingy. But remember you're rolling for everything within 3" on a fairly large base. If you can get it into the middle of a few enemy units, you have a good chance of killing something. It's not uncommon for 2 or 3 support heroes to sit next to each other, especially early in the game. You only need to roll for 4 units to have a >50% chance of killing something, which is eminently doable, especially since it hits every hero phase and not just on your own turns. I agree it's absolutely not something to plan around especially for killing a specific thing but it absolutely puts your opponent on the back foot as something they have to deal with.

Combine with the pressure of a few MWs from Emerald Host onto key support heroes and I imagine that a lot of armies will be spending all of their heroic actions trying to both dispel the purple sun and heroic recovery to mitigate a slow MW death. And every dispel attempt they use trying to get rid of the purple sun is another spell from the fantastic NH lore that they're not unbinding that turn.

I'm willing to be proven wrong of course but I think it's looking to be a good pick. Although the new Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws and Quicksilver Swords also both seem very nice for picking off support heroes too. Overall the new endless spell rules are making me very excited to take the ghosties for another spin!

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27 minutes ago, Neck-Romantic said:

Late to the party...

How are we getting +1 damage on troops now? Only if the enemy units are running the '1 model counts as 3' battalion?

To summarise the kinda confusing rules:

All battleline units with 4 or fewer wounds and no mount gain a new keyword: Galletian Veterans.

All Galletian Veterans count as in range of melee if they're within 1/2" of a model in their unit within 1/2" of an enemy model (two rank fighting) and gain access to a new Command Ability.

2 or 3 Galletian Veterans units can go into a battallion called Expert Conquerers. This makes them count as 3 models on objectives.

2 or 3 Troops (core rules: not a Leader, Artillery, or Behemoth) units can go into a batallion called Bounty Hunters. They gain +1 damage to attacks in melee against all Galletian Veterans (not just the Expert Conquerers battalllion).

The only way to avoid having units that take +1 damage from the Bounty Hunters battallion is to have no Galletian Veterans at all. Many armies cannot do this because their only battleline are sub 5-wound infantry units. One way to do it in Nighthaunt is to take exclusively Hexwraiths as Battleline, because they are mounted and so are not Galletian Veterans.

The only upside to bringing the Expert Conquerers (counts as 3) battallion is that the units inside it count as 3. Everything else keys off the Galletian Veterans keyword instead. The only downside to taking the Expert Conquerers battallion is the opportunity cost of bringing that battallion instead of another (for example, if you put 3 units into Expert Conquerers you will at minimum be 4 drops). It's very much like Hunters of the Heartland in that respect.

Edited by Dogmantra
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Random one for you ghost boys...

Thinking about collecting Nighthaunt. I already collect Soulblight, FEC, and Necrons in 40k... you can probably see a bit of a theme. I like 'undead style armies, love the new rules for Nighthaunt, seem super cool and thematic.

My question is - how do they play in comparison to my other armies who have a lot of 'tankiness' in terms of models coming back to life, whole units coming back etc.

Nighthaunt, from what I can see, only have the one hero (not including Olynder) who can regularly bring ghosts back - the little wizard dude, can't remember his name, and the mortalis terminexus endless which is quite pricey.

Do you feel the hits when your elite ghosts die, such as Bladegheists? One of my favourite things about soulblight is how it never feels too bad losing some Grave Guard, as they will come back anyway (unless fully destroyed - which still may come back half strength). Do ghosts have anything similar to this that I've missed?

I'm going to try some games on TTS and get a feel for them before I commit, but thought I'd come here too!

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