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AoS 3 - Nighthaunt Discussion


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My 2 pennies on the Incarnate, if you're a week army (like NH), it's a sensible choice. If you're a top performing army, you'd probably want to spend the points on something else. As someone who runs NH and SCE, I know he appeals to the former and less so the latter. 

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Yeah, I don't think the Incarnate will be a common choice for armies that already have strong monsters available. Where it will really shine is in armies that don't have good native monster heroes - Nighthaunt, Kharadrons, etc. For everyone else it's merely decent, but in those armies it's a literal game-changer.

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On 4/17/2022 at 10:11 AM, Kadeton said:

Yeah, I don't think the Incarnate will be a common choice for armies that already have strong monsters available. Where it will really shine is in armies that don't have good native monster heroes - Nighthaunt, Kharadrons, etc. For everyone else it's merely decent, but in those armies it's a literal game-changer.

Well there is of course the thing that it costs you an enhancement as far as i know.  In case of having a solid monster option inside an army itself that could just be enough, although notice that it’s not just a normal monster, besides it being tanky because of it’s unique wound mechanic, it is also a massive debuff piece. The aura around him causes a massive Soul Cage aura, it also gives your units that are in range re-roll runs and charges, which is massive! Normally these types of abilities are tied to command abilities and only envelop a single unit, not multiple. It debuffs wizards too. On top of that all out attack is conducted to units within it’s aura too, again this triumphs over some command abilities of big named characters even. The incarnate offers a lot of utility besides being a tanky and killy monster.

But yes naturally it will be picked more often in any army void of a monster or a good one.

1 hour ago, lare2 said:

TGA's been unavailable for me the last couple days. It's good to be back! Hate it when that happens. 

We all suffered under that i think. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again.

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13 minutes ago, That Guy said:

Well there is of course the thing that it costs you an enhancement as far as i know.

What kind of enhancement is it? Presumably it doesn't "cost" the slot of a command trait, artefact, spell lore, prayer scripture, mount trait or triumph, since it's clearly none of those things. I would have thought it was a "unique enhancement", and you get one of each kind of those for free. I don't think you can take two Incarnates, and you get the enhancement for the first one automatically, so there doesn't really seem to be a cost other than the points.

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18 hours ago, Kadeton said:

What kind of enhancement is it? Presumably it doesn't "cost" the slot of a command trait, artefact, spell lore, prayer scripture, mount trait or triumph, since it's clearly none of those things. I would have thought it was a "unique enhancement", and you get one of each kind of those for free. I don't think you can take two Incarnates, and you get the enhancement for the first one automatically, so there doesn't really seem to be a cost other than the points.


So bonding an incarnate to a hero is considered a unique enhancement. Meaning that only 1 Incarnate can be bonded in your army. As for taking an enhancement slot… on that i’m not sure. The app allows me to take an artefact on a hero in addition to  bonding the incarnate, but the app isn’t always correct on everything.

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26 minutes ago, lare2 said:

Not to my knowledge... just eagerly anticipating the book. 

It is rather annoying how long they make us wait for those tomes, but i hope it gets paired with a release of some more units. I’ll also just take our boatboy and some dice(please be pretty).  Oh well… the great necromancer cares not about time. Death comes to us all eventually, including the Nighthaunt. I’m afraid the Chaos Knights and Imperial Knights of 40k will get their big box and codex release first though. I assume our time is after.

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9 hours ago, lare2 said:

Feels like it's been so long since we've heard anything, I'd forgotten all about the big boat dude we've got coming. 

What do we know about the boat?

- What size of base does it come with?
- Is it an unique/named hero?

- Do we assume that it has the Monster keyword?

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2 hours ago, Greasygeek said:

What do we know about the boat?

- What size of base does it come with?
- Is it an unique/named hero?

- Do we assume that it has the Monster keyword?

We know very little apart from it being named. We can assume it’s a unique hero and not a monster (…why would it be? Nothing monstrous about it).

Otherwise, we really only can guess based on the lore they gave us. 

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59 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

Otherwise, we really only can guess based on the lore they gave us. 

One guess would be that there'll be some kind of teleporting shenanigans with it. 

Edit: I say guess... I've just reread the article and, to quote:

"Awlrach adds more than just an eerie model to your forces. He has special rules to help your army get wherever it needs to be on the tabletop, offering his allies passage through the underworlds."


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Yeah, that lore description is so puzzling. Nighthaunt already have multiple ways to get wherever they need to be - From the Underworlds, Spectral Summons, Dreadblade Harrows, just generally fast movement with universal Flight - so either the mobility boost that Awlrach provides is remarkable even in that context (e.g. teleport himself and several nearby units anywhere on the board?) or it's on par with other mobility elements in the faction and they just didn't have anything better to say about him.

Hope we find out more soon.

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I see it going one of four ways

-Spectral Summons is removed as an ability for the army. To gain that ability back you'd have to field Awlrach and it would either center on him only, or units he's near can go with him somewhere. I see this being his unique command ability.

-Awlrach interacts with the Underworld. Either allowing units nearby to go back into the Underworlds after the start of a game, or if he's in vicinity of an enemy Underworlds no longer has the 9" rule for any units you drop out of it. I see this option being passive.

-Or Awlrach has a faster movement, maybe Black Coach levels or a degrading movement profile. While he is at a certain movement score or above (if degrading, being a passive ability) or for a command point he makes all units around him also move at that movement score.

-He buffs or enhances charging in some way, providing extra distance on a charge or another "roll X, Y happens" ability akin to Wave of Terror where maybe on an 8 or 9 you instantly make a charge up to 12" as though you rolled 12.

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Now… we have seen names for our heroes, with no actual named warscroll. Think about Crawlocke spirit torment or the new Scriptor Mortis guy from arena with his name. This time around though, they specifically name him everywhere, so i do think he will in fact be a named character. 

14 hours ago, Greasygeek said:

What do we know about the boat?

- What size of base does it come with?
- Is it an unique/named hero?

- Do we assume that it has the Monster keyword?

- He’s likely a named character.
- We know he’ll do something with transporting other units.
- We know the tip of his boat is dangerous(possible impact hits).
- we know his favorite method of killing is drowning others and that he likes to use his hook. 
- We know his paddle hurts.
- He seems to be at least on the size base that Lady O is on.
- We know named characters always have some “bigger impact” abilities.
- We don’t know if he will be a monster and i doubt it.
- We don’t know anything for sure.


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So.. going back to my list post with the 20 craventhrone and incarnate. I won against Tzeentch and Ossiarch. I lost against Nurgle. The plan in many of these games was to have the Incarnate roam around the board with 2 units of hexwraiths on it’s side contesting flank objectives with the massive buffs and debuffs the incarnate brought, they went around the board like a big death snowball and not really anything survived them, except for nurgle. Kurdoss together with the briar queen, her thorns, the scriptor mortis and the guardian of souls pushed for the middle objectives. With 1 myrnmourn banshee unit closeby on the flank. The scriptor targeted Be’lakor, Katakros and a Rotbringer sorcerer and I cursed the same targets. Scriptor Morris proceed in all 3 games. I outright killed the sorcerer, I did 7 mortals to Katakros and I did 5 to Be’lakor. The other banshee unit and both craventhrone guard were kept in the underworlds. Against Ossiarch I had a tough time with the save stacking and re-roll on morteks my craventhrone were pretty useless. 1 unit I kept around a wall on an objective, the other unit I kept forwards behind a wall, targeting Katakros, although still… plinked off some wounds. The Incarnate never died in in this matchup and it was great in dealing with the catapults. The mortal output from the hexwraiths helped a lot against their defenses. He didn’t do much with magic, but what he did I often blocked(he played Katakros with mortek, 2 crawlers, some riders, soul mason and a liege. Kurdoss did some work in and actually killed Katakros. It turned out to be a pretty decisive win for me, once I dealt with the catapults. As or the game against Tzeentch, the banshees came in very strong. Multiple times did I block their spells after some failed unbind attempt, and the incarnate ate one of the endless spells and leveled up. This time it was a very close game, their mortal output is still grant and we are just pretty weak against it. Although this time my craventhrone were able to rally back to full and heal back up with the guardians help. They did a lot of work here dropping down on flanks and dealing with horrors, while pulling them back at some point and focusing Be’lakor down, eventually the incarnate ate him. The Nurgle game was though. A lot of fly boys and the rot covens were able to spread across the field. Once again did the banshees come in clutch, but they had some nasty spells go off. They tarpitted  my incarnate with the mortal fly boys and started charging with beasts of chaos on my craventhrone. They just soaked up so much damage, I couldn’t quite chew through them. I felt the craventhrone did only little although I did get quite some wounds through, they just shrugged it off. Nurgle has a massive amount of mortal output too. Killed my craventhrone and some of my characters including Kurdoss that way. They even killed all my hexwraiths too. In all games the incarnate survived, but he got close to becoming wild in the Nurgle game. Their tarpit was just big and I didn’t spread my forces enough against them. I’m curious how I’ll do after the book drop.

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17 hours ago, That Guy said:

So.. going back to my list post with the 20 craventhrone and incarnate. I won against Tzeentch and Ossiarch. I lost against Nurgle. The plan in many of these games was to have the Incarnate roam around the board with 2 units of hexwraiths on it’s side contesting flank objectives with the massive buffs and debuffs the incarnate brought, they went around the board like a big death snowball and not really anything survived them, except for nurgle. Kurdoss together with the briar queen, her thorns, the scriptor mortis and the guardian of souls pushed for the middle objectives. With 1 myrnmourn banshee unit closeby on the flank. The scriptor targeted Be’lakor, Katakros and a Rotbringer sorcerer and I cursed the same targets. Scriptor Morris proceed in all 3 games. I outright killed the sorcerer, I did 7 mortals to Katakros and I did 5 to Be’lakor. The other banshee unit and both craventhrone guard were kept in the underworlds. Against Ossiarch I had a tough time with the save stacking and re-roll on morteks my craventhrone were pretty useless. 1 unit I kept around a wall on an objective, the other unit I kept forwards behind a wall, targeting Katakros, although still… plinked off some wounds. The Incarnate never died in in this matchup and it was great in dealing with the catapults. The mortal output from the hexwraiths helped a lot against their defenses. He didn’t do much with magic, but what he did I often blocked(he played Katakros with mortek, 2 crawlers, some riders, soul mason and a liege. Kurdoss did some work in and actually killed Katakros. It turned out to be a pretty decisive win for me, once I dealt with the catapults. As or the game against Tzeentch, the banshees came in very strong. Multiple times did I block their spells after some failed unbind attempt, and the incarnate ate one of the endless spells and leveled up. This time it was a very close game, their mortal output is still grant and we are just pretty weak against it. Although this time my craventhrone were able to rally back to full and heal back up with the guardians help. They did a lot of work here dropping down on flanks and dealing with horrors, while pulling them back at some point and focusing Be’lakor down, eventually the incarnate ate him. The Nurgle game was though. A lot of fly boys and the rot covens were able to spread across the field. Once again did the banshees come in clutch, but they had some nasty spells go off. They tarpitted  my incarnate with the mortal fly boys and started charging with beasts of chaos on my craventhrone. They just soaked up so much damage, I couldn’t quite chew through them. I felt the craventhrone did only little although I did get quite some wounds through, they just shrugged it off. Nurgle has a massive amount of mortal output too. Killed my craventhrone and some of my characters including Kurdoss that way. They even killed all my hexwraiths too. In all games the incarnate survived, but he got close to becoming wild in the Nurgle game. Their tarpit was just big and I didn’t spread my forces enough against them. I’m curious how I’ll do after the book drop.

How do you feel about the Scriptor and the crossboos as units in a game? 2.0 rules being what they are.

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On 4/22/2022 at 10:25 PM, EnixLHQ said:

How do you feel about the Scriptor and the crossboos as units in a game? 2.0 rules being what they are.

So what I like about the Scriptor is that he is a bit of a distraction carnifex. He is slightly more tanky than most other heroes we have because of his once per phase wound shrug towards another summonable unit(take that thorns of the briar queen).  The thing about him is that he's an unnamed character. You can put a significant artefact on him while running him as a general in emerald host and now you have a model that can shrug 1 wound on chainrasps/thorns while shrugging most others on hexwraiths. Even without being a general or having an artefact, my opponents seemed to just no like him to be around. If you target an important piece of them, they have this constant notion in the back of their head that you can possibly proc his ability and roll hot. The potential to wipe a slightly wounded be'lakor of the map instantly is something to think about for example. 


Now the Craventhrone Guard. You might've noticed I went from an initial 10 to 20 Craventhrone. I personally really like the unique close range artillery option they give. They offer something no other unit offers as far as I know. They are fast, you can teleport them in on a flank just behind some terrain and just shoot. They can always come in within shooting range. Later on you can teleport them to your general just around a corner and be annoying. You don't have to make charges. Your attacks will happen no odds involved. Now for the attacks themselves. You guys can do some math i'm sure. Their profile is not great. They do not impact the game heavily to the amount you would like them to. They are more of a very annoying utility piece. Especially if your opponent has squishy models they like to hide. Garrisons won't work, they ignore cover. Hiding behind building don't work, they can see you wherever you are hiding. They are hunters. As for their survivability. The 5+ save sucks. The 1 wound sucks. The 5+ rally is absolutely amazing when you reinforced them. If you also have any heroes that revive. You are likely back to 8/10 or 10/10 when you rally with these guys. I've had 1 out of 10 survive in 1 of my games and they were back at full strength next turn when I also used a Torment. 
Add in a krulghast and they become pretty tanky in their own right. But for now I wouldn't put my eggs in that basket. Their output needs work and hopefully the new tome offers that. If it does, they will change the games for us significantly. Great unit, could be greater.

18 hours ago, The_Dudemeister said:

Warhammer Underworlds warbands, including Thorns of the Briar Queen, are Last chance to buy


Time to get them while they're still hot

And I suggest you do, because the Briar queen is a solid piece. Her thorns are a nice bonus.

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11 hours ago, Fellman said:

A fun referens to the new special character from arena of shades
It screems pirat to me

We already know who Awlrach the Drowner is and that he doesn't look like a pirate:

He is based on Charon, the ferryman from greek mythology. Different business model.

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