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48 minutes ago, Son Of Morghur said:

Yes, and honestly, I would find it weird that they lead the  lore of the Beastmen so close to a new release (or at least to somwhere) during Broken Realms, just to scrap everything because of old world. I would understand why they would want to change the beasts as we know them to destruction, and I find that they fit at least as well in this role as in chaos. But I do not think that they would scrap the WHOLE assets and the design (and probably the minis that got designed to), they would or will at least reuse them or a part of those (be it just the base assets) to some degree in another fraction, at least if the lore really seemed to lead to a refresh!

The lore is changeable (as we have already seen because of financial reasons), but the effort of the design team and everything behind such a big release? I wouldn't be so sure!


Also, there have been some intriguing lore entries in the white dwarf #498 as a reddit user posted here:


Here are the images: We do see some more lore and wildlife, not to mention the silent ones who got also already posted here if I remember correctly. What is even more intriguing, ist that we have a mention of a non-chaotic cockatrice, so this would still be a hint about a future possibilty! Here are the images again:

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All of the beasties in those pages really deserve to have models in AoS

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10 minutes ago, EonChao said:

All of the beasties in those pages really deserve to have models in AoS

Ageee but i wouldn't just put them all in destruction 

The Arachnarok, Silent people & Toxipede obviously Destruction 

But the Cockatrice should be in tzeentch since it has the whole mutation gaze

Other monsters in lore

Fyreslayer should get magma drakes, stormcast star wyrms & Celestial lions, Slaves to darkness chaos mammoth, idoneth merewyrm and sirens, seraphon thunder lizard, ironjawz their own Rouge idol, ect ect

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I'm just going to yell blindly into the void and hope for a confused, sad or like from the Clans Whitefang et al:

Beasts "began" their removal when the Alarielle book was canned and the story pivoted, Kragnos was introduced to setup a new half-human half-whatever race in destruction ready for a rework/alternative product with a similar aesthetic, gallet canned, spider incarn canned, ToW army/product plans pivoted due to internal issues that have been semi documented/semi rumored, beasts were surrendered earlier than originally anticipated and production issues along the whole timeline from A to B didn't help matters.

*hides in a cave before someone reflects the sun at them*

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

A second too late after I completed my guess I got this... xD

The proper solved one.

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Just what the Doctor ordered! This guy looks great 🎶Galvanize - The Chemical Brothers plays🎶

Uh, hope whoever posted this is aware there is some potential personal data leakage that can be pulled out of the image with clever filtering.... 😰

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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1 minute ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Packing slip contains two line items btw. Image is too low res to get the item names though.

And hopefully for the leaker too low res to give away thier identity.

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2 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Packing slip contains two line items btw. Image is too low res to get the item names though.

GW might have corporate spies here. Let's not do too much of the dirty work for them.

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Just now, michu said:

That would make them the first non-mercenary unit available to multiple GAs


*Edit: nevermind you said GAs and not factions! But it'd work the same I guess

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

A unit cross grand alliance? I don't see it.

They are cross grand alliance. Hobgrots and Chaos Dwarfs are pure pragmatism, the first ones pick better weapons without effort and the second ones obtain cannon fodder

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